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i haven't seen this dvd in a while, but me and my old roommate are in the scene filmed at the safari lounge.

i miss the old lightning bolt, before all you brooklyn and hipster people ruined them


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i haven't seen this dvd in a while, but me and my old roommate are in the scene filmed at the safari lounge.

i miss the old lightning bolt, before all you brooklyn and hipster people ruined them

So you were around for the whole Fort Thunder, etc...? That must have been a pretty cool time to have been in Providence. Someone was belating the death of that whole thing recently, might've been you? Either way, I was there this summer (as you know) and it was really cool running into some of the people still around who were a part of that.

My friend has a copy of Power of Salad, I think, if you want me to run a copy of it for you Poly (although I imagine you already have it).


I laughed.

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So you were around for the whole Fort Thunder, etc...? That must have been a pretty cool time to have been in Providence. Someone was belating the death of that whole thing recently, might've been you? Either way, I was there this summer (as you know) and it was really cool running into some of the people still around who were a part of that.

I laughed.

the whole scene is still around, it's just really different. It's the same but more spread out now. Ft. Thunder was something I'll never see again in my life. That place was just fucking nuts in every way. You can't even rent warehouse spaces in providence anymore, or they set up ridiculous clauses in the leases that legally don't allow more than like 3 people for a stupid amount of space. I think if you're young and you want the hunt for amazingly cool thing, providence is your town. I remember going to school with the kid that became #1 hardcore scenester and he'd never tell us where anything was happening except shows at his house...

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the whole scene is still around, it's just really different. It's the same but more spread out now. Ft. Thunder was something I'll never see again in my life. That place was just fucking nuts in every way. You can't even rent warehouse spaces in providence anymore, or they set up ridiculous clauses in the leases that legally don't allow more than like 3 people for a stupid amount of space. I think if you're young and you want the hunt for amazingly cool thing, providence is your town. I remember going to school with the kid that became #1 hardcore scenester and he'd never tell us where anything was happening except shows at his house...

fort thunder was crazy. the first time i was there was for an orchid show freshman year of college. the infamous converge/as the sun sets/catharsis show was supposed to be there, but the police wouldn't allow it. supposedly there's a new place where those guys are squatting.

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I'm trying to do the 'ol "no-shave-November" thing, but my face is itching me like crazy. I also am unable to grow the full beard, so I'll probably shave in a few days to avoid looking like white trash.

I was convincing myself that I should buy some 19cm-MII Dior jeans from Diabro.net, but I just can't do it. My other denimz need more wearz, and I've just come to the conclusion that Diors are so beasted over that I would rather just have some beat-ass APCs.

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facebook-related confession:

there's a girl who sits in front of me in my poli sci class... corny white girl, but I digress... anyway long story short I still have weird anxiety about introducing myself, can't figure out how to break the ice w/o talking about class, the weather, etc. so INSTEAD I'm pretty sure (90%) I found her profile on facebook, so I messaged her something vague, just saying how I thought she sat in front of me and if she was the girl with brown hair who loves uggs and drinking water (she brings a HUGE bottle of water every class and chugs that shit). no response yet, I'm crossing my fingers this doesn't blow up in my face and make things maddddddddddd awkward next tuesday. if she read it and didn't bother to respond, she probably thinks i'm creeeepy. or maybe she hasn't read it yet. either way, i'm biting my nails in suspense and my self esteem is dwindling


i know where ur coming from, but this is stupid.. unless u look like a badass on ur facebook profile, ur just gonna seem mad unconfident

shoulda just manned up and said something lame about class, and if she dug u the convo woulda naturally developed elsewhere

good luck anyhow

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I wish I had a a scar on my face so I would look bad ass, like those GI Joe's with facial scars. Preferably some type of minor laceration.



Well Michael K. William's might be a little too much...



Glasgow Smile

And looking up scars I found these, both associated with German dueling fraternities...2nd picture is awesome.



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My band played at Ft. Thunder once. The people that were supposed to put us up for the night flaked so we slept on the stage and got super drunk with the residents. They gave us all copies of the Lightning Bolt/Force Field 7" as presents in the AM because they had just finished screening the covers. I could probably sell that record for more than my band got paid for the show now. Good times...

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Just remembered.

Last night I woke up 4 times with the same bizarre dream/nightmare in my head: Somehow JJ emptied my bank account then spent £200,000 on weird fetish shoes and I got stuck with the bill.

yeah sorry about that. but remember for every £ I spend I give you a +rep... so win-win situation!!!:D

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im in a really good mood

i also just found out my friend that has been going to military school for the last year and a half is gonna come back to tucson for the rest of the semester, and maybe even stay here for the rest of highschool. he gets here tonight like at 12am. :)

also, architecture in helsinki is coming this weekend

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