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i'm really excited because i've got an interview at my school for a summer position, which means that i can fast track and do summer school as well and get more ahead than i already am; but i'm distraught at the fact that i should probably shave my beard that i've had since november.

i went to my two interviews last week with a full beard

just clean it

shave your cheeks / neck

and shape it

and you'll be fine





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So about a year ago i was at a party of someone i know who i dont really like or dislike, but there were drugs and other people to talk to, so i was there.

He just got this chick preggers, and she was having more fun than anyone. She was sniffing, smoking, drinking... after we went out to a bar, which she tagged along to preggers as hell and hiding it under some loose clothing we got back to the pad and some dude had a K tank of Whippits, like a fucking tank. First thing she does is fucking pass out on it, laying there, seeing that, i took off. New form of hell concept. So i take it on myself, to tell dude, who i dont even like, to get a fucking test to see if its his kid, evidently i was the only head who said this to him, everyone else was just looking the other way on her and him cause she knows all his dirty business and could blow certain people up with the law. I have not talked to any of these people since then.

Until the other night my friends band came to town, and low and behold, his bitch shows up, they had the kid, old news, fuck her. i am talking to a friend backstage on a couch and i see her walk in, but what the fuck am i going to say to her? nothing, but she keeps grilling me, i see her crazy fucking eyes, it was nuts. but i just keep smoking and ignoring her as she is basically across the room.

sooner or later its time for me to go meet my boys on the tour bus and i pass her, and she is STILL grilling me like she wants to fight, small bitch with big balls concept. as i pass her i just give her a huge smile, as big as i can just to say fuck you. and what do i feel?! she fucking kicks me in the back of my leg, mostly a miss, but still the intention was there. so i turn to look at her, and really give her the hate look, like what the fuck bitch... i say "you are such a civilized little flower, i really admire you." she starts screaming that she is not civilized, and i am wrong, wow, big news. so i walk out and chill on the bus and end up at the after party, where she continues to grill me.

So i am walking to the bathroom to do a bump, and she gets in my way and starts DEMANDING that i say sorry to her. She starts yelling at me, that everyone that is nice to me really hates me, and talks mad shit behind my back and is only nice to my face. Now first off, this coming from her is a joke, and all the people she knows i dont talk to anyway, so fuck it, it means nothing to me. so i tell her, " Coming from you, what your saying means almost zero to me. Think whatever you want about me, just get the fuck out my way and stay away from me and never talk to me. I could care less what you think, just get the fuck away from me."

So i go upstairs, do my c, and am walking down the stairs laughing with my friend in front of me, when out of nowhere she tries and throw a drink at me, but it misses me almost completely and hits my friend, who is actually a much nicer person than i am, but knows her and her dude, so she totally failed on it. He tells me that i should get a bucket of water and douse her, but fuck that, she is pathetic and lame, i dust off what did get on me and went to the back to chill next to her BF's boss to just chill and smoke.

About five minutes later she is sitting next to her BF next to us, and grilling me more, then she gets the nerve up to stand up and start to yell and try and rush me, so i calmly put up my size 13 and push it in her chest. not hard, not aggressive, i just put my foot on her chest and keep her away, telling her BF to take care of his bitch and chill her out.

Out of nowhere like a lion she leaps around my sneaker blockade and jumps between me and the dude i was sitting with, starting to yell at me, i am rolling, coked, high and drunk, but totally clear, no emotions, it was amazing.

the first thing i notice is, shit, this bitch has a bottle in her hand, and she is known to hit people, she hits her BF all the time, bitch is totally bi polar. So i see the bottle, grab her wrists, and pin them behind her back and tell her to fuck off and get away from me. She is totally restrained, but i also keep my distance so she dont bite me... her BF is sitting there doing nothing, just watching. So after i see he is too much of a pussy to care to get involved i tell her :if you touch me i will fucking destroy you." stand up, grab my beer, go do another line with a friend, come back downstairs, some random chick starts to hit on me, chat it up with her... realize that all my friends that i care about are gone, standing with the host about to leave... chick who was talking to me comes over across the room, grabs me in front of everyone, kisses me, grabs my ass and tells me to call her.

I looked around, saw it was my time to leave, and took the fuck off to leave the fools to do what they wanted.

overall, great night.

Bitch is just mad cause i told him to get a paternity test... he did so much drugs when they met that i cant imagine he could be the dad, his sperm were fucking dead... shes also a crazy slut ho, but, whatever, i dont care, i just got involved, cause out of all the most depressing things i have ever seen was some stupid english trick ho sniffin with a baby in her.

Mad high school movie concept. totally madness.

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So Astrowolf, in short order

You fucking pwnd this girl who is a skank ho bitch, she attempts to invoke emotion/a response from you, she fails and looks like a twat

And in the end you get to drink, do lines, and make out with a chick in front of everyone

All in all, great story/night, worth the fucking constant scrolling

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off all the odd timing, i was out boozing late last night, and that same psycho chick ran in to me... asked to talk to me... said sorry for the other night, said she was a cunt. apologized for doing drugs while pregnant, and said she understood that the reason i told the dude to get a paternity test was cause i was looking out for him.

totally bi polar bitch. haha.

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So Astrowolf, in short order

You fucking pwnd this girl who is a skank ho bitch, she attempts to invoke emotion/a response from you, she fails and looks like a twat

And in the end you get to drink, do lines, and make out with a chick in front of everyone

All in all, great story/night, worth the fucking constant scrolling

LOL Cutup, thats funny shit

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i have come to accept that when i drink, i usually shoot my mouth and say shit i regret the next day. No biggie, its usually forgotten within a while.

I however feel that perhaps my actions last night may have overstepped the boundaries of shit that can be easily forgotten.

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got my ass kicked saturday night. i don't remember much of it but i know i started it and sort of missed. my face feels weird and i got some more bruised on my legs and arms, nothing serious... that was actually fun.

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chris and geekbonchic?
semper in pvc pants?

Anyone else get laid off sufu? Or THIS laid?

Rep for truth.

Why they were GIANT CHOCOLATY DELICIOUS MEN of course. Would I have it any other way? It all happened much like the plot of the movie Romancing the Stone (Staring Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner, and Danny DeVito). You would of course be calling it Bromancing the Stone in my case.

... It was two FEMALE Superfuturians. I can't share the details but I can suggest we start a "Superfuture Members You've Banged" thread in the Trash.

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1 of them had to be persephone

whoever it is...it is a kinda lame confession...he starts with saying two or more members and then it is two female members...without really confessing anything...

anyone remember when t-money highstreet claimed to have cuckolded another member...and stated it was not a n00b but said he couldn't say....maybe we should start a thread called superbragging [all talk edition]...

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1 of them had to be persephone
whoever it is...it is a kinda lame confession...he starts with saying two or more members and then it is two female members...without really confessing anything...

anyone remember when t-money highstreet claimed to have cuckolded another member...and stated it was not a n00b but said he couldn't say....maybe we should start a thread called superbragging [all talk edition]...

agreed .

It was femelle and Vanilla Wafer. Just a small confession that I had only just noticed.. then everyone started asking.

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