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  julzkind said:
Thanks eddy...and everyone!!!

I don't know Ed, everytime he stuck it in me I was asleep with a sleeping mask over my eyes...but there would b this white goo on my toes in the morning! Weirddddd

I watched Crooklyn today and balled like a bitch. Fuckn hormones.

all of that... for the 72 virgins, you won't even have!

what a scam :mad:

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when looking in my freezer this morning i found two bag of mcdonald's muffins bread. then i remembered i stole them when the warehouseman was transfering them into the restaurant yesterday night haha.

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from random thoughs thread

  a2b489 said:
i wrote a self-criticising poem call "hipster" today
  Hang the DJ said:
Take directly to "Superconfessional." Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

"you see those kids in the tight jeans, they just bought a six-pack of heineken & some grass & they're getting fucked up"

yeah, i'm one of those kids

with the chemicals, brooding & boiling chemicals

perhaps i am a walking stereotype of myself

but i'm like louis, i have my madame du berrys to keep the bourbon at bay.

i sleep in my socks,

in black sheets & eat comté cheese, it's just how i was


back in the days, my white dog ran away

& back in the days, freigning boredom, i found drugs

drugs from a sink or a brainchild.

that chemical madness, the swimming pool, after school, sodas & blond girls way out of my league—

adolescence wrapped in a bow, sans wrapping.

i started writing about my life

when i knew my life was fucked up, but

jim stark,

he had my back, & never was too much concern given to these black black sheets or the sharp cheese.

older now,

i'm only mildly attractive & angelheaded, but i dress well, dior parfum to

hide the smell,

& when it comes to those regrets, the ones i no longer regret,

i just forget & forget.

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In the same way leeeeroy wears his perfecto, I'm getting to the point where I don't like varying what I wear. I'll wear something different every now and then, and I can't stop buying shit for those times, but I like having the comfort of the uniform. What I wear is simple yet different and, to me, is the best expression of my attitude and place in relation to where I live. I carry that attitude, I wear it, people often recognize me by clothing alone, and in effect validate that attitude.

Despite what it sounds like clothes aren't hugely important to me besides a hobby, but right now they're helping define my identity more than usual, which is weird..

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me and my friends pieced together one of our druken nights and i realized that i met/danced with my brothers girlfriend at a party before i even thought i met her. The thing is we didn't remember until now...she prolly thinks we remembered that night all this time but we never did.


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  Hang the DJ said:
In the same way leeeeroy wears his perfecto, I'm getting to the point where I don't like varying what I wear. I'll wear something different every now and then, and I can't stop buying shit for those times, but I like having the comfort of the uniform. What I wear is simple yet different and, to me, is the best expression of my attitude and place in relation to where I live. I carry that attitude, I wear it, people often recognize me by clothing alone, and in effect validate that attitude.

Despite what it sounds like clothes aren't hugely important to me besides a hobby, but right now they're helping define my identity more than usual, which is weird..

I feel weird when i don't wear a white tee with the collar chopped off, a black cardigan, black jeans and the same few shoes.

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i'm feeling this uniforme thing. i used to have a lot of shoes and now only wear my beaten up cp achilles or raf velcro hi. black jeans, black tee, black hoodie and either perfecto or geller trench. i don't want to wear anything else.

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  Hang the DJ said:
In the same way leeeeroy wears his perfecto, I'm getting to the point where I don't like varying what I wear. I'll wear something different every now and then, and I can't stop buying shit for those times, but I like having the comfort of the uniform. What I wear is simple yet different and, to me, is the best expression of my attitude and place in relation to where I live. I carry that attitude, I wear it, people often recognize me by clothing alone, and in effect validate that attitude.

Despite what it sounds like clothes aren't hugely important to me besides a hobby, but right now they're helping define my identity more than usual, which is weird..

this. i wear the same thing everyday. i kind of like having little choice in the morning. basically choose between muji or hanes or uniqlo white tee and what cardigan and what color socks.

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