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i went to the doctor;s earlier today, they said they will test it, and im on antibiotics now.

Doctor said only go to the ER if it gets bigger, and it's still the same size so, hopefully i dont have to go

edit: no hypochondria lol, i just dont think it's only a simple bacterial infection

i think i got it from wrestling, fucking blows

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iralex posted tits (non nude tho) so its ok i guess

ma i fuckin hate myself

a certtain girl is dominating my life

four times now we[vve hooked up and afterwards pretended nothing happended

but as awlays i fucknign have feeligs

i thing tomorrow ill call her

and clrear it up once and for all

i think id rather not hook up with her again (shes good though) just to prevent her from fuckin me up completely mentally

man i wish i was some balla who was immune to bitch-related feelings

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i'm reading 4 days of superfuture with a big Häagen Dazs cup of Pralines and Cream (not my favorite tho)... i think i'll fall alseep while doin it but still feels good.

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Pralines and cream haggin daz? dude. Step your ice cream game up

You ever have this shit?


Actually, all those haggen daz reserve ice cream flavors are legit as hell. So so so good. I wish my freezer was full of the different varieties.

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fucking stressed.

sucks to be called selfish when youve been nothing but selfless...

invest time and especially your heart just to be more and more hurt.

i dont fucking go into a relationship unless i feel its real and has potential to go somewhere...

mass def dropped knowledge...but fuck it sucks when you pour your heart out and its met with skepticism, taken the wrong way, and just generally met with negativity.



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iralex posted tits (non nude tho) so its ok i guess

ma i fuckin hate myself

a certtain girl is dominating my life

four times now we[vve hooked up and afterwards pretended nothing happended

but as awlays i fucknign have feeligs

i thing tomorrow ill call her

and clrear it up once and for all

i think id rather not hook up with her again (shes good though) just to prevent her from fuckin me up completely mentally

man i wish i was some balla who was immune to bitch-related feelings

yo where those tits at???? i have her some perv rep already , need some tits to justify now

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i like reading kanye west's blog, dude is completely out of his mind, i got my money that he will be the next michael jackson when it comes to insanity

apparently his blog is mostly handled by ghostbloggers, but there's a few gems on there that I think are Kan-man himself typing.

The Mike Jack thing...that's if he's around as long as MJ. I got a bad feeling he's slippinnnn like DMX. Heard a story the other night about how someone spotted him at a rooftop party in NYC not long ago and he was just crouching by the pool staring into space. Somebody give that guy an intervention.

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yo where those tits at???? i have her some perv rep already , need some tits to justify now
jmat and julz- yes I'm still in high school, yes I'm a girl, yes I'm adderall- 50mg XR, and here are three pictures


this was in france over the summer, I wore that shirt once. It was really bright/windy.


This was a few weeks ago I think. I'm actually wearing that sweater now.


and this was last night

edit: three picture

there you go!

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Pralines and cream haggin daz? dude. Step your ice cream game up

You ever have this shit?


Actually, all those haggen daz reserve ice cream flavors are legit as hell. So so so good. I wish my freezer was full of the different varieties.

you know your shit. i know those (not sure they have it in france tho) but i'm more into caramel ones. my local grocery store only has pralines and cream and some other ones that i don't like. i'll check the other grocery stores in the neighbourhood to see which ones they have. also it's so expensive here like 5€ for 500ml. but i don't really care about this.

confession: each time i'm in the toilet i bring my phone so i can call my family. i confessed to a group of friend and they said they also do it... i guess it's alright then.

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what breed you got

man I'm itchin for dogs like I'm experiencing fleas vicariously through my 4 legged brethren all over the globe.

Mickey Rourke's recent public endorsement for dogs being 'great if you're down and out' have pretty much jacked up my desire for canine companionship about tenfold. That thermometer bout to blow, baby!

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Cliche statement: I'm really glad to see Rourke's career take off again. Fine actor.

My family rescues Old English Sheepdogs but we've had dogs of many breeds and mixes. We have two OES and a Shetland. What Rourke said was true. Things have been very, very down before and without the honest loyalty and love I received from my dogs it would have been a much more difficult, lonely experience than it was.

We don't hold dogs in high enough esteem.

Dogs are a sacred animal, especially to westerners. I feel that I stand alone when I support Senator Byrd's pro-capital punishment stance in regard to dog fighters. I support such measures 100%. All too often we only measure and quarrel over the value of life when it applies to human life.

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Dogs > People?

Why do people always ask this question?

This isn't aimed at you, but... A lot of people who "oppose" animal rights like to state that "people like you don't care when a human is killed, but when an animal is killed blah blah blah."

That's a very relative question. I'd rather see a human I do not know die than one of my own dogs. Does that answer your question?

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when I'm in mexico, I feel much worse for the stray dogs on the street than for the poor children begging/ wiping windshields at intersections.


that happens to me too. i always have dogs following me around. these two were around me in costa rica for like a week.


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Why do people always ask this question?

This isn't aimed at you, but... A lot of people who "oppose" animal rights like to state that "people like you don't care when a human is killed, but when an animal is killed blah blah blah."

That's a very relative question. I'd rather see a human I do not know die than one of my own dogs. Does that answer your question?

no because thats a stupid answer. of course anybody would care more about their own dog.

the whole debate is for the morons out there who feel more sorry for a dog they dont know than for a human they dont know.

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