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people are so disappointing.

i have learned at a young age not to expect anything from others. even simple kindness. trust no one and don't put your hopes onto anyone. make your own path. doesn't mean to isolate others..but just know that in the end

everyone looks out for themselves. no exceptions..its just a matter of how long and to what degree can they maintain a sense of integrity and their morals

whatever that may be

totally random thought too.


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my trip to nyc was so good

made me so depressed


i don't even wanna look at sufu anymore

klub haus, hit me up

NYC is my fav. So sad I couldn't go there more this summer..

My girlfriend just broke up with me cause of college. I really thought that maybe we had it, she could've been the one..

Crazy talk for a boy of 18?

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I cant believe I'm giving this person I second chance. I hope I'm not setting myself for failure again. Also, I hate college faculty; they are the most asnine and incompetent group of people. I'm trying to bridge a gap and help them understand my situation but they just dont get it. All I want is a grade change.

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i have learned at a young age not to expect anything from others. even simple kindness. trust no one and don't put your hopes onto anyone. make your own path. doesn't mean to isolate others..but just know that in the end

everyone looks out for themselves. no exceptions..its just a matter of how long and to what degree can they maintain a sense of integrity and their morals

whatever that may be

totally random thought too.


i guess i'm the same way... it sucks having to second guess people all the time so i don't really expect anything more than what people are. i'm too lazy for expectations, so if someone tells me something i'll believe them. if it ends up not being true then it's not true, i don't care. yaknowwwwww.

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yah me too

but what pisses me off is when i hear pple telling me how they got robbed and there were people around them and no one did anything.


also, little girls telling other little girls to rob stores..not just a tiny little thing but literally dump loads and loads into big shopping bags


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but what pisses me off is when i hear pple telling me how they got robbed and there were people around them and no one did anything.


Last year I saw some guy basically bleeding to death in a subway station, and everyone here pretended like they didn't see it. When I stopped and was staring and went to help him, some people came up to me and said they were so ashamed for Japan that I had to see this and that it was such a disgrace.

I looked at them like they were crazy and said,

"This guy is dying right in front of your eyes."

They all looked at him and then me,

"Yes, I am so sorry."

People are fucked. Especially here.

Looking back on it now though I think it was probably Yakuza related...

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poor security guard. On a more subtle but similar note, it's like how people get used to seeing homeless people and learn to ignore them. It's just easier to ignore something than do something. Not saying I'm innocent of it, but still.

Anywhoo, superconfessionalz: I've been holding out all day on posting since it's my 1000thzz, and it seems all special and shit. But whatevz. I r 2 lazy now. Then again, I suppose it's all moot since no one will ever top Ordos 1000th. Time to post again.

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Sort of learned about this in a high school sociology class. Known as the Bystander Effect, people are less likely to act when there are other people around because everyone thinks someone else will take responsibility and do something.

I remember reading a case study about a woman getting sexually assaulted near an apartment building, and absolutely shrieking for help. When the police were canvassing the area afterwards, they found that almost all the residents were able to hear the woman, but no one dialed 911 until several minutes after it had happened. It's all quite depressing really.

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I remember reading a case study about a woman getting sexually assaulted near an apartment building, and absolutely shrieking for help. When the police were canvassing the area afterwards, they found that almost all the residents were able to hear the woman, but no one dialed 911 until several minutes after it had happened. It's all quite depressing really.

Kitty Genovese. Basically THE case that everyone uses for such examples.


but what pisses me off is when i hear pple telling me how they got robbed and there were people around them and no one did anything.

Without hostility, what do you expect people to do? The person had the means to rob one person, what's to say he wouldn't just fucking stab you if you yelled or tried to interfere? I wouldn't expect help from someone.

Really people are terrible but dwelling on it can't bring any good unless it inspires you to better things.

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first day of classes is good so far, but I've already got an assignment for the college paper and I've got to set up a interview with some administrator thats supposed to be impossible to wrangle. Shit, imma have to jewflex him.

sup lab.

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