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Do you browse 4chan/7chan?

There is some pretty fucked up shit there.

meh...the imageboards are relatively tame...a lot of the "good" stuff is on the paysites and obscure, untouched corners of the internet.
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I should be writing an article for a magazine that has to be in by saturday, yet I'm on here again, have no clue where or how to start and also just really don't feel like it.


Anyone has some motivation for sale?

$30 a pop...call me doktor feelgud.
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wow. this sucks, i have a good smoke sesh at a friends house, kinda ripped, im walking out the door to head home, and i do the stupidest thing ever - i stub my toe. thinking about it, it couldn't have been so bad, but about 3 minutes later... my toe started to feel very very warm.

i look down and theres the motherfucker covered in blood. big toe, right foot. and im like shit. so i back back inside, get a papertowel and peace. but fuck, i never do stupid accidental stuff when im high, and the simplest of things.. how it topples giants.

so now im home, icing my toe and cleaning the blood out, waiting for my mother to get home and check it.

the toenail probably won't be salvaged.

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Today's complaint:

A gifreakingnormous water main exploded in front of my apartment building today. Giants chunks of concrete everywhere. Ass loads of money in damage. City of Pittsburgh decides to close off every street in a mile and a half radius. All of Oakland comes to a stand still. How the fuck am I supposed to go anywhere?!

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Today's complaint:

A gifreakingnormous water main exploded in front of my apartment building today. Giants chunks of concrete everywhere. Ass loads of money in damage. City of Pittsburgh decides to close off every street in a mile and a half radius. All of Oakland comes to a stand still. How the fuck am I supposed to go anywhere?!

pix plz this sounds cool

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ok my toe's not so bad anymore.. looked like i might lose the nail before, but after cleaning up all the blood, it looks much better. just cracked.

i confess: i blasted "waters of nazareth" as i left the parking lot at school today. it was pretty good.

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too bad for your toe jeepnig.

i just landed one of the leads in the first play of the year (benedick in much ado about nothing)

i wish i wasnt so emotionless because i have many possible companions i gander:

/theres this one girl who looks like a female version of thom yorke, and shes mad cute

/the girl from my first summer relationship, which i ended early because it got messed up, also mad cute, and one of the few people who understands me the most without knowing all of my secrets/lifestoryzzz

/my ex girlfriend, also mad cute, and passionate, and god id love to dive back into all that, but i dont think i could have another full on relationship with her.

/wait for older girl to return from college sometime in september, no longer pinned down by tragedy and death and whatnot. but probably only a weekend or 2 if im lucky

/this one girl, very popular, more so than i am, but ive partied with her a few times and shes one of the most chill people i know which is saying alot for her party chick crowd, and people are always saying, man you two would be great...blahblah. also one of the best dressed females in the school

/some girl who was in my first period only for a day, fucking most gorgeous, and i dont know her name

last two would require some serious work.

i hope i get fucking throwed this weekend, at least enough so make me stop thinking about school, and have some emotions. im in robomode.

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The fact that it takes so extremely long to get your 'real' license has always put me off. If I get my license tomorrow I think I'll be twenty three before I have full driving ability. lame!

It'll be so much fun though, driving around. Road trips...I'll go on road trips....

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Guest jmatsu
I fucking hate driving.

I'm moving so that I'll be within a five minute drive of most everything I need to get to, and I'm using it as an opportunity to bike for half an hour to get there instead.

get a chauffer.

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driving is most besterest.

i moved to chicago without a car.. and i dont think i've even been so unhappy.

to make up for the time lost, soon as i get back to minnesota im on the hunt for a built 302. oh yess.

confession: i dont give two shits about the enviroment.

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no feeling is more satisfying than rolling up to a party in your mothers minivan, because your dads car which is a normal sedan is taken for the night.

i think if i get a job for a semseter or so, i might be able to arrange some sort of vehicular transport automobile for myself.

inresponse to the environment: i only pretend to care infront of my greened out friends, but in truth i know it is important and all and global warming is real and all that. but i just really dont care, this si gonna be the downfall of green everything is that myself and others just understand that it is going on, we just dont care. and i dont feel bad about not caring either.

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the fact is, caring about the environment at this point is foolish.

in my opinion, we're too far gone. there will be no ice caps by 2020, and

everything will change on this planet.

that is, however, if the mayans were wrong about 2012...

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