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I also need a job but I'm avoiding work-study because I have this idea it will be shit. I hope I'm wrong though because that's the only option I'm going to have soon I think.

Also, getting older is really shitty, at least before the good parts start

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i just squashed beef with my old best friend (dude i got a diamond tattooed on my ring finger with) after a one year hiatus and we went to the beach. he had been up since the day before doing yayo and smashing xanax and i joined the party at 11 in the a.m. once at the beach an equal number of guys with 8 ugly girls proceeded to call us faggots. we proceeded to drop knowledge and the only hit i took was by my wasted old best friends stray hook straight to the brow which led me to bleed.

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i love waking up from a huge party night and figure i've got as much change in my pocket than before going. in another hand i don't know how i managed to wake up at my friend's place with my clothes on... hum.

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  tg76 said:

my neighbours wife has taken there 3 year old away with her while she takes care of her dying mother and last night he came over asking for sex, straight up no pretence of can i borrow a cup of sugar.. fuck you, fuck off. i fuckin hate cheaters. not only would i never cheat but i would never be involved with anyone that was hooked up, and shes one of my drinking buddies, and even if i wasnt firmly sitting on my moral high horse the bitch would stab me if she found out

You have good morals lady. can't say that alot nowadays

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on the other hand, I found a new lady to hang out with. She just moved here from NY like 3 weeks ago and she has a ton of freckles but isnt a gingy... thank my luck stars... and she has some damn pretty eyes

i guess we'll see where this goes.

also i cant stop listening to this


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  ProfMonnitoff said:
^ wow thats a terrible situation

i wouldnt snitch though

I would, fuck this guy. His wife is taking care of both her dieing mother and their 3 year old kid and this guy tried to (and probably previously has) cheat on his wife. Plus she's a drinking buddy/friend. Why would you not snitch?

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  stayhandsome said:
an equal number of guys with 8 ugly girls proceeded to call us faggots. we proceeded to drop knowledge and the only hit i took was by my wasted old best friends stray hook straight to the brow which led me to bleed.
  tg76 said:

Superconfessional just turned fucking awesome.

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met such a cute girl tonight

she's convince she met me before once

lives right near one of my favorite greek places in NY up in hell's kitchen

totally gonna be like "yo, let's get some greek" and game hard

bonus: is a redhead, but not in the super ginger way. like auburn w/ all those cute little freckles. great body on her as well.

and the chase beginzzzzzzz

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  ProfMonnitoff said:
lol u were only out for like 2 hours

about 3 hours, but there ain't shit to do when you're just goin to hang and play wii and drink coors in bottles (wtffff) at some dudes house. Also, there's a crazy lightning storm goin on right now so I peaced when everyone else did cause I had to find my way back to the main road to get home.

anyways, 3 hours is enough time to meet a cute girl, get said girls number, and lay the foundation.

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shit, I got time I should pick up Dexter again. stopped like 1/2 way through season 2.

I have a bad habit of not finishing series that I watch and enjoy. Didn't even bother past like episode 6 of 24 this season. So lazy.

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Ate a poutine with spicy Italian sausage, pulled pork, and bacon on it. Easily the worst thing health-wise I've ever ate in one sitting, but also one of the best tasting. My bowels are hating me for it now.

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  jeepster said:
shit, I got time I should pick up Dexter again. stopped like 1/2 way through season 2.

I have a bad habit of not finishing series that I watch and enjoy. Didn't even bother past like episode 6 of 24 this season. So lazy.

dexter season 2 was my least favorite. season 3 was money. soo good

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sam speaks hot truth. season 2 was weak... though i keep wondering how well 4 will turn out.

confession: i have tried to return-rep you for seemingly months sam :(.

yet another night of drinking, though this was the only time all week I got a buzz. Best part is drinking after work usually means I end up making money by sticking around. Can't complain. The 3 red bulls means it's almost 8am and I'm still wide awake though.

Heard back... the game continues... :D

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not good is a understatement, it is trash, a 13 year old girl who thinks she is in film school cause she is in a after school program could and would do a better job. it was honestly such artsy trash with no point, no heart, i could win a war showing this movie to the enemy.


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i spent a large portion of last night with a nice lady friend and spooned while listening to


it's my new favorite song, and i was totally happy about it. I feel so scott.m-ish

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