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i have actually been mugged before...

My girlfriend at the time and I were mugged in a parking lot in st. louis. Were about to get into my car and a guy comes up and says "give it up", and i just kind of had a perplexed look because i didnt realize right away what was happening. so he says "give me your money" as he pulls out a gun. So we gave him what cash we had, which was like $25 combined and then he watched us get in the car and drive off.

I was damn scared as this was happening, and considering the guy had a gun im pretty sure giving up what little cash we had and staying safe was the best option.

my confession: i was born and raised in Saint Louis, MO.

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I've attempted to delete those i dont talk to. but it was too taxing so i gave up .

I deleted 30 or so people off my facebook a couple of months ago, went through last week to delete the people I don't talk to but I realised I'd end up with about 5-10 friends so I changed my mind!

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Had four wisdom teeth out on monday. feels like the dentist took a cricket bat to my face.

Apparently wisdom teeth removal doesn't always cause pain. I had all mine out this winter cause they were impacted. I was completely fine, no drugs or anything. I stopped bleeding in like an hour and then went out that night.

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Apparently wisdom teeth removal doesn't always cause pain. I had all mine out this winter cause they were impacted. I was completely fine, no drugs or anything. I stopped bleeding in like an hour and then went out that night.

ive been dreading this for a year now, i think i'll finally have it done this summer.

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Apparently wisdom teeth removal doesn't always cause pain. I had all mine out this winter cause they were impacted. I was completely fine, no drugs or anything. I stopped bleeding in like an hour and then went out that night.

Oh dude, you're so lucky. Hope it gets better soon. I didn't get any knock out drugs, seeing and hearing what to guy was doing with the pliers was fairly grim.

Sup sufuzers.

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thanks for the neg-rep. i was half serious though. what the fuck is up? explain or tuck your labia back in... or do you need a spoon to scrape the sand out of your vagina?

it's superconfessional... not supercomplainwithoutreason. are you british or something?

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thanks for the neg-rep. i was half serious though. what the fuck is up? explain or tuck your vag back in.

it's superconfessional... not supercomplainwithoutreason. are you british or something?

get ready, i was with this girl for 11 monthes, her and i spent literally every moment together and fell very much in love, but college was approaching and i went to community college. things started getting a little tense and i broke up with her fearing that she'd abandone (childhood trauma concept) so i broke up with her, downed if memory serves shy of 30 shots of rum, and hooked up with a person she said she didn't want me talking to when we were dating. well the day after that i regretted it, continued drinking and went to the halloween party she was at to try and talk to her, piss drunk again. however the cops came, i got arrested and had to go to court. that led to me getting in a huge fight with my grandmother that i lived with and i ended up leaving her residence on top of having to pay $200 in alcohol education classes and a 50 dollar fine. well i started speaking to her again recently and apologized for everything i did, and she and i have been treading lightly but everything hit the fan today. she told her father that we were talking again and i really respect and admire her father and kinda wish he was mine, but i ended up destroying his and my relationship along with my girlfriends. her and i are back together now and like i said he knows that we're talking. it turns out he loathes me and forbids her and thought she was better than to let me back into her life, so i'm in a bad boat there. she's heart broken by me and damaged by it and i was the cause of all of it even though she won't admit it. well it turns out she told me tonight in a laying everything out on the table about heartbreak and what i've done that she was gonna bring me with her to college, now i know it sounds like i'm extremely whipped but fuck it i don't care, its the internet, not that serious, i just need to vent. anyway, i would've been invited with her to go to chicago and i'd have taken it up in a heartbeat but i pussied out the day before she was gonna tell me. so now i'm a wreck living with knowing that the one thing i'd been working towards and wanted was destroyed in front of my own eyes by myself. we're still talking as i type this so we will see where it goes but i'm scared.

always a shitty rant concept (noobie).

edit: i forgot to mention that i was going to propose to her on her birthday/ graduation, whichever seemed more fitting. i don't care bring on the neg rep.

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