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what the fuck. okay so, last night i went to this party, i wake up a bit ago but i stand up hella fast to go to the kitchen to get water. my mom is in the kitchen and i'm at the refrigerator and she asks me "what time did you get home last night?" and i tell her, "like four because kim.." i trail off, and black out a second, i'm guessing because i got up too quickly, and i feel myself falling then BOOOM. face into the wall. :(

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I broke my ankle in a slightly similar way. I broke my arm and had to go into hospital to get a plate put in, after the surgery I was fine but that night I was woken to be given some anti-biotics and needed a piss. After pissing I suddenly collapsed and broke my ankle, doctors said it was probably a sudden change in my blood pressure.

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that reminds me of how i twisted my ankle (and fractured my foot). i was in the parking structure going to the hospital to get my arm checked out because i got tendonitis from work, i tell my mom, "we shouldn't be walking over here, we have to walk over there" i'm pointing to some stairs, as i'm pointing, i step funny and twist my ankle. fractured foot + tendonitis. :(

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i think we need video of this chick nailing your wife to REALLY know how to advise you here unk

If I had video of this, do you think I'd have any time for the internet?

I'd be out right now, buying more hand lotion.

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Menagé a trouble.

Things have taken an unexpected turn with my sexual shenanigans. Now it's turned out that this girl was basically nailing my wife to get to me. It was all a show for my benefit.

Flattered? Irritated? Disgusted? Angry? Stoked? I have no idea how to move forward here. Other than delicately.


What do you mean by get to you. As in she digs you and wants to bang you, or she thinks nailing your wife (with you watching I presume from your post) will upset you?

Any ya, how exactly did you nail your wife? Details on the nailage needed before proper advice can be given.

EDIT: You're really into this wife sharing thing I guess?


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so the lady friend had to leave nyc for a family emergency...got off my lazy ass and went out...

met up with dino(cool as always), nf(cool du), jeepster(tall mofo and sorry i left without saying bye), and sistersuzie(hilarious wow)...

outta nowhere girl i was in LOVE with weeeeeeeeeks back practically begs me to come to a party her and her friends are at...so we drink, smoke, dance, etc and shes mad close to me holdin my hand all night and shit...she brings me up to the roof and kisses me...im thinkin ooohhhh fuckkkk why NOW and im all actin like a bitch not really touchin her and shes puttin my hand on her tits and shit...fuck man...and she wanted to stay with me when her friends left but i made her go home...fuck man...fuckkkk...

you know, i'm a dirty dirty man, but i dont like breaking hearts cause it fucking sucks when its done to me.

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I've photographically documented what my chemistry professor has worn for every single lecture as some sort of WAYWT? Prof. Penner Edition! I might post a collage after the year is over lolol

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why be in a relationship if youre not gonna be committed? dont make no sense.

Are you kidding? There are plenty of reasons to be in relationships and not 'committed'. Turns out the world is not nearly so black and white as to be eternal love or none at all. Sometimes you need a friend more than a girlfriend. Life can take some crazy turns.

EDIT: I think I misinterpreted: you meant committed as in 'faithful'. That I can understand.

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yeah.. wtf lib, you ditched me. coulda at least brought me along. I only lingered for about another 20-30 mins cause I felt like a 5th wheel. Got that Tina girls number... wanted the number of the girl that left... fuck having to tell people you know someone from the internet INSTANT GAME KILLER.

dammit lib. where the fuck did nf one go too?

also that pizza looked hella good.

EDIT: I only now realize I bought a pack of reds last night. I managed to smoke/give away more than half. I guess I was drunker than I thought.

EDIT2: Trev lemme get @ that Kate chick. /NOinternetweirdo

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jeep, du, trust me when i tell you this party was wack as fuckkkkkkkkkkk...

and pizza was mad fucking good. and who was kate?

if you get kates number i want the blonde chick with bandana number.

kate was the short one with the sequin dress... she lives near where I used to live. Need digitzzzzz. the other one was Brittney or something. Didn't get her number

Got drunk Tina's number. You did too I bet.

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this morning i woke up with a sore dick, 100usd in my wallet and a wound on my leg that looks like someone attacked me with a potato peeler. i dont remember much of my night and im just glad its a sore dick and not a sore asshole.

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oh the girl who looked peachy clean but had the lip ring and was drinkin a 40...yo that looks like a keeper type chick ri there...

yea tina likes to take/give out numbers. uh...

</internet creepy>

hahah essentially

its cool she works at AA



the one you're talkin about is Britney.. god damn she's a total keeper...

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