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you can get them for not that much money in italy, and I think it's also the case for european countries. I actually loooove the taste of truffles.

if you're ever in the boot-shaped country, try to have white truffle risotto. culinary orgasm.

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Im skivving out of the sweat shop today to go skiing. My cat is totally freaked out by the swooosh, swoosh sound of ski pants....I am chasing her around like the astronaut guys on E.T. muttering...immmmm goooooing toooo geeeet yooooou caaaaat.

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the hell you talking about

totally make a good asberger'd ginger

agh I totally forgot about that, and when I read it I almost died choking on my drink!

I always say Diamonds is autistic cause when at some point when I first met him he described himself as 'artistic' but sort of slurred it, and I heard 'autistic,' and thought, 'oh, that totally makes sense,' and then several weeks later my beliefs were dashed.

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i have an autistic cousin. I first met her when I was 12. She was 12. It was in philippines. I heard artistic, not autistic. Good job having a shit filipino accent mom.

She started ripping through my bags. I told her to stop. She bit herself when I came close. Then she took my book and bit herself while standing at the end of the balcony.

I said she could have the book, I finished it anyway.

the book? Raptor Red.

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