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Cliffnotes: I took a shit in the women's bathroom and flooded it

Story: So I'm interning at a nice building in Taipei city and I was just doing some work in the library floor of the building today. Suddenly, whilst working I felt like taking a fatass shit. There's no men's bathroom on the library floor so I decided to use the women's bathroom since the library floor is usually pretty empty anyway. I get in, take my shit, and then flush.....fuck! I ended using too much tp and the toilet started flooding. Trying to avoid being seen, I quickly washed my hands and ninja'd the fuck outta there and went swiftly back to my workstation. 5 min later, the female librarian announces that the women's bathroom got flooded and said not to flush tp down the toilet. At this point I was a little disgusted at myself and felt a bit guilty but quietly chucked to myself at the same time. Hhahahahah. That wasn't it though. The cleaning lady came in and started chatting with the librarian and mentioned that she might check the surveillance tapes to find out who did it. FUCK. Now I'm back from work and embarassed as fuck. I hope those fuckin tapes don't get checked.....


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anyone who has driven with me on a country road at night can attest to my ridiculous phobia of hitting a deer with my car and dying.

Today, while driving home from my cottage (at 3:30 pm, wtf) IT FINALLY HAPPENED!! except I didnt hit it, I just braked so hard I felt my ABS come on. fucking deer just wandered casually off.

ANNNNNYWAY confession is I feel so awesome now, its like an enormous weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

Hit a deer, you don't die, it die.

Hit a moose, everybody die.

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deer are some crazy ass suicidal motherfuckers, and you know that if you see one of those sons of bitches that 8 more are getting ready to jump in front of your car.

Real talk from someone whos hit a good 2-3 deer in his lifetime, they don't die when you hit them, just their head goes through your windshield and they keep moving around and fucking you up until you get out of the car.

You call 911, they call the po po, po's come and shoot the thing in the head and you get to bring 80 pounds of venicin (deer meat) home with you to eat.

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you feel awesome your phobia came to life?

Sort of, it's just like I've had my experience, so Im done now and I dont need to worry about hitting any more. (clearly this is bs but whatever. its the same idea for why Im not really scared of death because I almost died when I was 5 weeks old so I had my near-death moment already)

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Guest Phrost

I just got back from the homerun derby at yankee stadium. I had box seats but ended up staying in the club house enjoying lots of free boooozzze and food.

P.S. - Josh Hamilton is f-ing untouchable.

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deer are some crazy ass suicidal motherfuckers, and you know that if you see one of those sons of bitches that 8 more are getting ready to jump in front of your car.

Real talk from someone whos hit a good 2-3 deer in his lifetime, they don't die when you hit them, just their head goes through your windshield and they keep moving around and fucking you up until you get out of the car.

You call 911, they call the po po, po's come and shoot the thing in the head and you get to bring 80 pounds of venicin (deer meat) home with you to eat.

this girl i work with hit a deer in her audi that she had just bought and it's head went through her windsheid and she was all contorted i guess and started kicking the thing for wrekcing her new car

i laffed

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I am living a life of quiet, crawling desperation Some day soon I will have a more than decent job as a young professional with a nice girl. The job will not interest me in the least and I will hate every moment of it. The girl will interest me only in the basest manner and it will be massively selfish of me to allow the relationship to go past "hello."

Every day that goes by this summer makes me want to quit my chosen path more. But I've compromised and accepted that I need a "practical" life since 8th grade so I'm not prepared for a visual/aural/creative field in the least, mentally or skillfully.

Jesus Christ.

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I am living a life of quiet, crawling desperation Some day soon I will have a more than decent job as a young professional with a nice girl. The job will not interest me in the least and I will hate every moment of it. The girl will interest me only in the basest manner and it will be massively selfish of me to allow the relationship to go past "hello."

Every day that goes by this summer makes me want to quit my chosen path more. But I've compromised and accepted that I need a "practical" life since 8th grade so I'm not prepared for a visual/aural/creative field in the least, mentally or skillfully.

Jesus Christ.


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