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did she do it or just dreams about it ? if she dreams about it maybe you should visit a costume shop. don't tell her you read that hun.

i'm not an expert in female fantasy though, but it's far from being uncommon i guess.

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no, she knows that i have it, so she probably assumes that i read it, and this shit actually happened (happens).

the thing is that saying nothing will probably make things super awkward between us because we both know, and i really dont want that to happen because she's a good friend.

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if you and her were totally wasted, maybe she dusn't remember ?

well, that's anyway awkward. what i'd do, would be to act like you never read it, see if she wants to talk about it with you, or if there are signs that shows it's okay to talk about it. talk with her about it if you only think it's necessary, that would be too bad to create tensions between you for a page of diary.

edit: or just do what salaryman said :D , but drunk reactions aren't always the most rationnal :s

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a female friend recently gave me, while we were both utterly drunk, a page from her diary. i just read it, and it talks, among other things, of sex with firemen.

what's a suitable way of saying that i'm not at all judgmental?

edit: im serious btw

... are you a fireman?

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i felt really stupid today.

i talked mad shit about this guy b/c i thought he was annoying (he really is sometimes) and then i felt bad when after hearing me saying i want a red bull went and bought me one... :-/ foot was placed in mouth.

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anyone who has driven with me on a country road at night can attest to my ridiculous phobia of hitting a deer with my car and dying.

Today, while driving home from my cottage (at 3:30 pm, wtf) IT FINALLY HAPPENED!! except I didnt hit it, I just braked so hard I felt my ABS come on. fucking deer just wandered casually off.

ANNNNNYWAY confession is I feel so awesome now, its like an enormous weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

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The reason im the most happy about being back in america is burgers. i cant tolerate mexican burgers.

ah, nothing like deep fried ground beef with watered down ketchup.

i dont know what it is but street vendor tacos stands are fucking awesome in mexico. just sitting on the curb, eating on the street. good times

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i felt really stupid today.

i talked mad shit about this guy b/c i thought he was annoying (he really is sometimes) and then i felt bad when after hearing me saying i want a red bull went and bought me one... :-/ foot was placed in mouth.

he wants to hit it

Man burritos are wack. If youre in mexico its def about tacos, hotdogs and seafood.

why not eat that:confused::confused:

i like burritos more than tacos

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anyone who has driven with me on a country road at night can attest to my ridiculous phobia of hitting a deer with my car and dying.

Today, while driving home from my cottage (at 3:30 pm, wtf) IT FINALLY HAPPENED!! except I didnt hit it, I just braked so hard I felt my ABS come on. fucking deer just wandered casually off.

ANNNNNYWAY confession is I feel so awesome now, its like an enormous weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

Where I'm from in the North hitting deer is unavoidably common. Once I drove for two hours with a relative after one went through the windshield. It was still pinned to the hood with its head dangling into the passenger side seat.

Congrats on the quick reflexes and saving your car!

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ah, nothing like deep fried ground beef with watered down ketchup.

i dont know what it is but street vendor tacos stands are fucking awesome in mexico. just sitting on the curb, eating on the street. good times

i really miss mexico

with its fucked up tasting vanilla ice cream and wild horses wandering into the resort and shit

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he wants to hit it

you are correct. i was being super obnoxious too... :)


i had a dream about Lord of the Rings ACTION FIGURES last night.

in my dream i was putting the fellowship all together and i couldnt find legolas so i started screaming "WHERE IS LEGLOAS!?!?"

i should cross post in dream thread, but i dont feel like looking for it.

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