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Looking for pics of African rebels

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I'm looking for pics of African rebels, guerrillas, freedom fighters, gangs, warlords, specifically their clothing (not military uniforms). not sure if anyone knows what i'm talking about, think lots of greens and yellows, mesh shirts, mesh gloves, camo pants, red berets, sleeveless leather trenchcoats etc...i haven't been able to find much. the closest i could come was finding clips of "lord of war" and "lost" on youtube, but they're not that great...

any help would be greatly appreciated...


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There was a mens magazine (i want to say maxim) which ran an article about the guys that keep hyenas and baboons on chains. Theyre like pikeys but with real animals instead of 12 year old chavs. Anyways, they had some pretty cool pictures. One guy had a meshy shirt, was more like a loosely woven quit blanket thing around his chest, which has me looking for one everywere, but to no avail. Other than that piece though, alot of the guys looked like homeless dudes.

Hope you find more pics of these guys, just remember that hollywood has a tendency to make everything alot more attractive than it really is.

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African rebels, guerrillas, freedom fighters, gangs, warlords, specifically their clothing

How about rapists, disgustingly murderous pigs, etc., etc.

Watch Hotel Rwanda, Constant Gardener, or Shooting Dogs on your PC and press "Print Screen" to take screenshots of certain frames. Otherwise just use google images. You will find thousands.

Search for lovely things such as "Rwandan Genocide," "Sierra Leone," "Somalia," "Zaire," "Angola," "Sudan," "Darfur" "Murder in Africa," etc, etc.

I don't think you should be doing a report on the subject if you can't even figure out how to search for pictures that are so readily available it is disgusting.

Just out of curiosity, why do you need this?

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I hope its a preplan for halloween.

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i saw something on tv about them. interesting stuff.

interesting wouldn't be the word i would choose to describe genocide, terrorism and ethnic cleansing...mass graves, losing homes, fleeing violence, the lot.

not sure if anyone knows what i'm talking about, think lots of greens and yellows, mesh shirts, mesh gloves, camo pants, red berets, sleeveless leather trenchcoats etc...i haven't been able to find much. the closest i could come was finding clips of "lord of war" and "lost" on youtube, but they're not that great...

what the fuck, mate? are these "african rebel" people you refer to your playthings to dress up or down?

since you're so keen, i'll help you out:



but if you want to see more than LOST or LORD OF WAR, try these:


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There is nothing wrong with researching an aesthetic.

I personally am intrigued by the style as well and always have been. It's, in essence, a forshadowing of a dark future. A place where everything is scavenged. It's a very post-apocalyptic aesthetic while being very flamboyant, and in essence, the most otherworldy form of dress I've ever seen.

Of course these places are hell on Earth, but that makes it forbidden to research the fashion of warlords?

Stop crying online and donate money if you care so much. You are picking fights for no reason.

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Ok, everyone needs to stop jumping to conclusions. I said I was looking for pictures of clothes, and then everyone started turning this into a socio-political argument. I did many searches but didn't find that much and was hoping someone could help. FYI, I'm don't want to put pictures on a tshirt, I'm not dressing up for halloween, I'm just interested in seeing pictures of the clothes that's all. That does not mean I support genocide, or civil war, or blood diamonds or whatever you're trying to insinuate. But while we're on the subject, I am curious if you guys get just as vocal when people wear military style clothes (M65 jackets, camoflauge shorts, dog tags, etc…) The United States, England and Japan have been some of the most violent states throughout history, causing numerous civilian casualties all over the world. If someone were to ask for pictures of a US Navy peacoat, would you have the same reaction? I highly doubt it, in fact you guys probaly own pieces of military inspired clothing and don't think twice about how many innocent civilians the US have killed. Are you offended that many Japanese streetwear labels are military inspired as well? Did you know that W) taps refers to "double taps" a term for shooting someone in the head twice to make sure they're dead. Are you guys freaking out about that? I don't think so. Have you guys protested the fact that people are wearing shemaghs as a fashion statement when hamas and other palestinean groups are known to target civilians? I didn't think so, so stop being so self-righteous and hypocritical.

Furthermore, many governments in Africa are some of the most ruthless, corrupt and violent in the world and many of the militia groups oppose them and are trying to overthrow them. So I don't know where you get off saying I may as well be looking for pictures of rapists and murderers or dead bodies, since you know that was clearly not my intention. I said I wanted pictures of the clothes, don't twist it as if I were asking for anything else. Maybe everytime someone wears aviator shades you should show them pictures of napalm victims.

Lastly, there is a time and a place for political debates, and a fashion forum is the LAST place for it. It's like one minute you'll be commenting how nice someone looks in their $500 jeans and then the next you turn around trying to condemn someone with your holier than thou opinions on the state of the world. It's like trying to discuss religion in a porno forum, what's the point? This is why the world doesn't work, someone asks an innocuous question like looking for clothes, and instead of helping, people feel the need to voice their opinion, go off topic and try to prove a point that they're better than everyone. If you gots pics, post 'em, if not then don't. What do you hope to accomplish by insulting others besides stroking your own ego. This is the mentality that starts wars in the first place.

You want to help? Stop fukkin buying clothes and spending your day posting on a fashion forum and go to Africa. At least I'm man enough to admit this whole site is trivial and materialistic, instead of frontin like some political activist.

And yes…those hyenas are ridiculous.

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When i first read the topic titel i immediatly thought of those nigerian people with pet hyena's. I am not really sure whether the African warlords have an specific style or aesthetic but even if they have, are you going to find out on the internet? or in movies? even if you did, would the information be relieable? and even if it was would anyone buy it? i mean, assuming you are no Ann Demeulemeester. Even if you were wouldnt it ruin you to make such 'USE' of something that is actually really really Terrible?

anyway about those pics, i found the ones i had seen and i just love these pictures;




I wonder what Beckham was doing there..


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Ok, everyone needs to stop jumping to conclusions. I said I was looking for pictures of clothes, and then everyone started turning this into a socio-political argument. I did many searches but didn't find that much and was hoping someone could help. FYI, I'm don't want to put pictures on a tshirt, I'm not dressing up for halloween, I'm just interested in seeing pictures of the clothes that's all. That does not mean I support genocide, or civil war, or blood diamonds or whatever you're trying to insinuate. But while we're on the subject, I am curious if you guys get just as vocal when people wear military style clothes (M65 jackets, camoflauge shorts, dog tags, etc…) The United States, England and Japan have been some of the most violent states throughout history, causing numerous civilian casualties all over the world. If someone were to ask for pictures of a US Navy peacoat, would you have the same reaction? I highly doubt it, in fact you guys probaly own pieces of military inspired clothing and don't think twice about how many innocent civilians the US have killed. Are you offended that many Japanese streetwear labels are military inspired as well? Did you know that W) taps refers to "double taps" a term for shooting someone in the head twice to make sure they're dead. Are you guys freaking out about that? I don't think so. Have you guys protested the fact that people are wearing shemaghs as a fashion statement when hamas and other palestinean groups are known to target civilians? I didn't think so, so stop being so self-righteous and hypocritical.

Furthermore, many governments in Africa are some of the most ruthless, corrupt and violent in the world and many of the militia groups oppose them and are trying to overthrow them. So I don't know where you get off saying I may as well be looking for pictures of rapists and murderers or dead bodies, since you know that was clearly not my intention. I said I wanted pictures of the clothes, don't twist it as if I were asking for anything else. Maybe everytime someone wears aviator shades you should show them pictures of napalm victims.

Lastly, there is a time and a place for political debates, and a fashion forum is the LAST place for it. It's like one minute you'll be commenting how nice someone looks in their $500 jeans and then the next you turn around trying to condemn someone with your holier than thou opinions on the state of the world. It's like trying to discuss religion in a porno forum, what's the point? This is why the world doesn't work, someone asks an innocuous question like looking for clothes, and instead of helping, people feel the need to voice their opinion, go off topic and try to prove a point that they're better than everyone. If you gots pics, post 'em, if not then don't. What do you hope to accomplish by insulting others besides stroking your own ego. This is the mentality that starts wars in the first place.

You want to help? Stop fukkin buying clothes and spending your day posting on a fashion forum and go to Africa. At least I'm man enough to admit this whole site is trivial and materialistic, instead of frontin like some political activist.

And yes…those hyenas are ridiculous.

whoa, settle down there turbo.

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straight cash homey -

There wasn't really any need for such a lengthy defensive rant, especially when you didn't even answer the basic question: what do you want these pictures for?

If it is for a logical reason then I am sure no one would have had any beef. In regards to military imagery/uniforms being offensive, I think you are missing the point. What you asked for is not along the lines of military uniforms but rather making a post asking us to "post serial killer's haircuts." You see what I mean? It is illogical and crude unless you state your intentions for asking so. No, you don't need to have to defend yourself when you ask for a simple request, but when you ask for something that is widely available and requires little to no research you are asking for someone to make a provoking comment.

Yes, there are possibly positively grounded African militias, etc. with peace and protection in mind, but you asked for outfits of "warlords, rebels, gangs and guerrilas" did you not? So don't front like you want some nice African dudes posted so you can see their outfits. If you want to do dirty work do it yourself. As I said before it is seen as crude because it is as illogical as asking us to post dead people wearing cool outfits, it is just stupid.

I said I wanted pictures of the clothes, don't twist it as if I were asking for anything else.

If you want pictures of clothes search by brand or category smartass. You DID ask for something else, you asked for pictures of clothes on murderers, that is why people gave you shit.


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englandmj7 -

tweedlesinpink posted pictures of dead babies knowing full well that is not what i was asking. i was only being as defensive as people were being accusatory.

as for why i'm interested in the pictures, it is for no reason in particular, i was just curious about the aesthetic. i think it's because i must have seen a picture or something on TV that piqued my interest awhile ago, and i've been unable to find anything since. believe me, if i found enough stuff on my own, i wouldn't be posting on a forum saying "any help would be greatly appreciated".

bottom line is i was looking for clothes from a very specific group of people. not traditional African tribal clothes, not dashikis, not military uniforms. I tried to be as specific as possible so people could understand.

and despite you thinking "i'm missing the point", i believe there was a post made recently asking for pics of kim jong-il's sunglasses and i don't think anyone made even the slightest fuss about him being one of the world's most notorious dictators and basically a serial killer. where were all the comments then? instead there were comments made that he's the most stylish despot in history and people referring to him as kim jong "ill". so for someone to say to me "get a fucking clue" is kinda hypocritical.

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When i first read the topic titel i immediatly thought of those nigerian people with pet hyena's. I am not really sure whether the African warlords have an specific style or aesthetic but even if they have, are you going to find out on the internet? or in movies? even if you did, would the information be relieable? and even if it was would anyone buy it? i mean, assuming you are no Ann Demeulemeester. Even if you were wouldnt it ruin you to make such 'USE' of something that is actually really really Terrible?

anyway about those pics, i found the ones i had seen and i just love these pictures;




I wonder what Beckham was doing there..


these are some of best pictures i have ever seen, i had no clue about hyenas. thanks!

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alright i'll take a quick step back and say i jumped to conclusions. but that whole lost/lords of war remark just seemed so offhand to me it pissed me off. i'm sorry i leaped when i did.

at the same time reading your post in reply i'm glad at least we're not all half-assed 13 year olds on the boards because that's who i thought posted the thread in the first place. and yes, i have donated cash. i've also gone to cambodia (admittedly that's half a world away from africa) to help in mobile clinics and shit. so that we're clear, i'm not just sitting on my butt posting pictures and being provocative. i'd like to go to africa someday when the money permits as well. people here in singapore, they don't care about places like that. nevermind africa, even places in the southeastasia region don't get enough help from those who can do something.

chad was right to put a no-politics-or-something OB marker on supertrash. ;)

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