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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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that's pretty genius...but why do people think it's suited for wearing with boots? the majority of actual "authentic" denim and boot wearers prefer taper or occasionally straight.

yes i now see that data was trying to be a smartass and completely missing the point...

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^hes always being a smartass. cowboy boots, yeah, id say its about 50/50 for whether or not they prefer tuck or no tuck, but other boots, big biker boots/workwear type boots i hardly ever see tucked in. like someone else said, the "boot cut" of today seems to be much more exagerated than those of yesteryear, and i suppose overall its more for aesthetics, but even so, when just for looks, im still for it when pulled off properly.

exhibit a: (keep in mind the sufu standard isnt the only standard) donovan frankenreiter. big boot cut, but he looks like a dirty ass hippy. thats the look hes obviously going for and it works


^(guy in the middle with the hat)

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a lot of dudes in Asia have some kinda of Asian mullet hairstyle..

he just needs to use some gatsby moving rubber.

fashion mullets? or good old fashioned made in the us of a budweiser mullets?

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hahaha its all good. what atually happened was, i wantd to thin out my hair so i took a pair of thinning sheers was goin at it and realized i took out too many odd chunks, thus, shaved down the sides and put the steps in to make it even more like a joke since it looked dumb as hell. but excuses aside, ill admit, ive grown to like my new haircut lol

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Guest jmatsu
yeah. actually, the layers are fine, but I just took a nap and it poofed up.

some of you guys are full of shit. there are way worse fits than mine

you're right, your shit wasn't the rankest. why do people pick on you so much?

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Guest jmatsu
because you have way too many followers? im not sure

fuck you bitch. i've never stuck one pic in this thread. not to mention, i've never specifically went out of my way to put your ass under the guillotine.

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Guest jmatsu

i agree with you this time. some of your fits suck ass, but can't be as bad as....let's see....

maybe soho addict, jhey, aziz, etc. ...you tell me...

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