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Shoes that look better with age...


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looks like the new Engineer Sandals line from MF...

did your dog actually eat the entire top of that boot?

not sure what I'd do in a situation like that....

I feel you pain.

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Yes. He ate everything you do not see, including the top strap buckle. He hasn't passed too much of the leather yet, so we will see. We might be going to the vet tomorrow. Labs are well known for eating crazy things and then passing them. I hope he finishes passing it all tomorrow.

I was and still am beyond angry and sad. I was freaking out so bad Saturday night. I had to go into my basement, take out a hammer, and beat the hell out of a 2x8 until it shattered apart. It didn't help. My eyes were filled with tears all night.

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damn, attackwithstones, I feel your dilemma; I have a dog myself and luckily he has never chewed on any of my boots (only the heels of my wifes wedding shoes!) I would go insane if my dog chewed up my road champs...

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Does anyone have any experience with James Taylor and Sons of London? That is where I am sending my Whites to be rebuilt.

Also, damn AWS, thats a horrible thing to happen. I used to have a Siberian Husky who ate a pair of Yohiji Yamamoto Adidas that I had...looking back she probably did me a favour.

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My dog ate my school trousers and football boots when I was younger, but sadly not my homework!

It was a yellow Labrador and chewed carpets, bricks, table legs, you name it. It started as a pup and just continued throughout its adult life.

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  On 2/27/2012 at 6:04 PM, Megatron1505 said:

Does anyone have any experience with James Taylor and Sons of London? That is where I am sending my Whites to be rebuilt.

Also, damn AWS, thats a horrible thing to happen. I used to have a Siberian Husky who ate a pair of Yohiji Yamamoto Adidas that I had...looking back she probably did me a favour.

Looked in the window several times, never bothered going in though. It's a nice shop, I'm sure they do good work. Let us know how it goes and if they can manage it all.

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Will do, I'll post pics upon their return. I've been really clear on what I require, sent images, specified the sole, even spoke to them regarding your comment on the unusual "stitch down" construction of Whites, their response was that they will "make them look as good as new", and do eveything I specified. We shall see I guess.

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Americana work boots, rebuilt by a traditional english shoe maker, now owned and operated by germans, to a style now popular in asia. What could be more Superfuture than that?

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  On 2/27/2012 at 8:22 PM, Megatron1505 said:

Americana work boots, rebuilt by a traditional english shoe maker, now owned and operated by germans, to a style now popular in asia. What could be more Superfuture than that?

all you need to do now is wear jeans sized down three sizes and lose all sense of personal hygiene for the next six months whilst wearing them non-stop.

superfuture bingo, full house!

Edited by CrashTestBrummie
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I knew I was doing something wrong, I like my jeans comfortably loose, I wash them when they're dirty, and my wife encourages personal hygiene as she is a massive clean freak......I'll never be a king of sufu :(

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  On 2/27/2012 at 8:09 PM, CrashTestBrummie said:


i'm following in your footsteps...just pre-ordered the c&j skye...

That was a wise choice.

How much are they now? ie: How much will I have to pay for conistons when I finally bite the bullet?

I think I paid £310 a few years(?) ago

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  On 2/27/2012 at 9:36 PM, fre-co said:

That was a wise choice.

How much are they now? ie: How much will I have to pay for conistons when I finally bite the bullet?

I think I paid £310 a few years(?) ago

£385 at the moment, assuming that they're the same as the islay, with the conistons being £350 at the moment. i know that they will be putting up their prices in the next few weeks from the horse's mouth, due to the increasing price of hides, apparently.

i actually picked up the islay on saturday afternoon in birmingham, on the way back from northampton. beautiful boots, but not sure if i need another pair of dark brown boots in my life...

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  On 2/27/2012 at 6:02 AM, attackwithstones said:
evo of my mister freedom road champs. thanks to the best dog ever, who did the worst thing ever. Hank, my four year old chocolate lab has recently decided he likes leather. Edit: I've tried resizing this picture 4 times. I can't figure out, too tired. I'll try again tomorrow. DSCN3111.jpgDSCN3113.jpg

A little spit and polish, they'll be fine. Any cobbler can take care of that for you.

Maybe send a picture to Julian, and he'll take pity on you and make up a replacement for you. If not, you now have a nice cross-section model so everyone can see how they're made.

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Anyone familiar with Brooklyn Bootworks?

More specifically, is this"]http://www.brooklynb..._Boot.html]this bad boy really shell cordovan[/url]?


I'm suspicious. But if it is, $300 is a hell of a steal: [shamelessness alert] my referral code for a(nother) limited-time deal site at which the boot is available: http://huckberry.com...dJ1bz0wujVeRRLE [/shamelessness alert]. Seriously though... too good to be true?

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wow, this thread tickles the prostate. I have concluded that I need a pair of White's in my life, and that needs to be soon. Ill post up pics of my meager boot collection that consists of RW 3141's that I just got resoled with beige Vibram 2060 (escalators + crepe sole = fuck my life), some Danner's and a pair of boots made by Al's Attire in SF.





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  On 2/29/2012 at 1:35 PM, baldy said:

dkatz, I believe they are referring to corodvan as the type of color/dyeing process only and does not mean it is made from horse butt

I don't think that is the case, otherwise they wouldn't call them chestnut cordovan and the price is more for those than the suede.

I don't know if it is the angle but the white stitching on those Al's Attire boots looks terrible.

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