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Shoes that look better with age...


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I wore my new semi dress today in the bigger size and have to save what a difference a half size makes... 1000% better. They actually felt good out of the box.

I"ll post some pics soon, but they're just the standard SD.... not my custom pair.

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  demonito said:
really? who can confirm this? pls help

When I ordered my Farmer-Ranchers, I originally tried to get Semi-Dress with a steel toe and when White's rejected my order, the sales rep I was working with changed the order to the Farmer-Rancher and told me that the Semi-Dress was basically the same boot as the Farmer-Rancher.

I no longer have the Farmer-Ranchers, so I can't make a direct comparison, but my Semi-Dress looks and fits the same.

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Snobbery Warning!

More pictures of some of those soft ass Limey shoes. Vintage Cheaney Brecon with veldtschoen construction. I, like a few others on here, had been after a pair of something like these for awhile. They were scarce in my size but thanks to CTB I found these.










Given a scrub with saddle soap, Obenaufed and polished.

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Looks great, devilish.

I got recognised in NYC today - on the basis of my shoes. They always say in the UK you can recognise a gentleman by his footwear, glad to see this works in the US, too.

So - where can I buy Obenauf's in New York? Preferably the East or West village...

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They look fantastic, devilish...How're you finding the fit on those? Now you need a pair of boots to match... :D

  Paul T said:
I got recognised in NYC today - on the basis of my shoes. They always say in the UK you can recognise a gentleman by his footwear, glad to see this works in the US, too.

What were you wearing?

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^ I know, a pair of veldtschoen boots is definitely on the wish list. The ebay seller I got the shoes from is looking for me also.

These fit just fine with my superfeet in, they'd be a hair big without them but I pretty much put them in all my shoes so it's no big deal.

CTB would you have any idea how old they might be?

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  CrashTestBrummie said:
They look fantastic, devilish...How're you finding the fit on those? Now you need a pair of boots to match... :D

What were you wearing?

Lotus shoes.


Boots would have been way too hot. And they're guaranteed waterproof, after all!


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  devilish said:
^ I know, a pair of veldtschoen boots is definitely on the wish list. The ebay seller I got the shoes from is looking for me also.

These fit just fine with my superfeet in, they'd be a hair big without them but I pretty much put them in all my shoes so it's no big deal.

CTB would you have any idea how old they might be?

Drop Cheaney a line via http://www.cheaney.co.uk/Page/contact-us with as much info you can get off the shoe - Found out that my Cardigans are between 20-30 years old.

Plenty of places still have AS veldts in stock in larger sizes, if you're looking for a pair...

  Paul T said:
Lotus shoes.

Boots would have been way too hot. And they're guaranteed waterproof, after all!

Whoah, looks a little like the weather in Ireland the other day! And the waterproofability is still working just fine on my Lotus...!

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I took some pics of my new, new Semi Dress... pretty standard set up here... but they fit.. Leather soles are different than the vibram as I can "feel" what I'm walking on... but I like them.



unnecessary close up...


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Ok, will do that. The print on the inside 'side' piece is still all their. As far as boots are concerned I'm more keen to find a vintage pair first, then maybe a new pair if that doesn't pan out. The Hogg's Rannoch still look to be a superb value.

^ Oh hey, look! A nice pair of 'real' boots again. ;) Those are very nice HH.

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  devilish said:
Ok, will do that. The print on the inside 'side' piece is still all their. As far as boots are concerned I'm more keen to find a vintage pair first, then maybe a new pair if that doesn't pan out. The Hogg's Rannoch still look to be a superb value.

^ Oh hey, look! A nice pair of 'real' boots again. ;) Those are very nice HH.

Seconded, HH! Good to see you've a pair that make your feet happy :D

You could get a pair of Kelso for about £30 more than the Rannoch, devilish, and the difference in quality more than makes up for the slight hike in price, believe me, although the Rannoch are more rugged than the Kelso so depends on what you're looking to get out of the boot...

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