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Shoes that look better with age...


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Agreed, i think the toe on all of those boots look too square and upturned.

I can't imagine these being comfortable to wear.

Viberg didn't use to shape their boots this way, the older models seem to look much better.

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  halberdklown said:
would anyone have an advice on how to fix the appearance of these scratches? its kangaroo leather if that makes any difference


I use a Meltonian cream polish...this looks like "English Tan" would cover up nicely (brown might be a little dark). I have the same issue with my RW Iron Rangers.

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  demonito said:
you just said its 300 on the link you posted how ol dare you 75?

17. i said werent 300 right?

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Hey Crownzip. How did you size these? Do they run true? Comparison to 405s or anything else?

  crownzip said:
They're WWII Impressions USMC roughouts. Compared to the Army roughouts they have more of a narrower toe and no rivets. Here's a photo of one of mine. I decided not to sno seal em.


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  Mich said:
Agreed, i think the toe on all of those boots look too square and upturned.

I can't imagine these being comfortable to wear.

Viberg didn't use to shape their boots this way, the older models seem to look much better.

just for your information:

according to viberg, this turned up to box was used on old shoes prior to the 1930s, since they were mostly nailed down construction welted shoes. actually bringing comfort in this stiff boots, because of the rocker in the sole.

i personally would still buy one of those lovely classic (customizable) engineer boots they are making!

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  marineabilly said:
Where can you order those Viberg's?

well, probably once released directly from viberg. but, there will also be some stores - e.g. stronghold LA, as far as i heard!

customized ones, i think always directly from viberg or a partner store.

burg & schild currently has a customized pair of engineer boots in stock. same one that brett (viberg) was wearing for the last year. i will try to get some pics!

i think they are pretty big on the japanese market too.

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On the topic of fixing scratches in your boots. What tips do you guys have for just giving fucked up, salty, snow worn, dirty ass boots a good cleaning? My black GT's are looking pretty drab and scrubby these days not in a good way. I have meltonian mink oil but it doesn't seem to be doing the trick. Should I polish them with kiwi? Obenauf's?

Is the fact that they're pretty dirty going to make a difference if I polish them?

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  JackCrank said:
On the topic of fixing scratches in your boots. What tips do you guys have for just giving fucked up, salty, snow worn, dirty ass boots a good cleaning? My black GT's are looking pretty drab and scrubby these days not in a good way. I have meltonian mink oil but it doesn't seem to be doing the trick. Should I polish them with kiwi? Obenauf's?

Is the fact that they're pretty dirty going to make a difference if I polish them?

You can get clean salt stains off leather with white vinegar and a rag. Make sure you do it before you polish or treat the boots. I would use a Meltonian cream polish and some Pecard's leather dressing.

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  almostnice said:
great to see those again,cole.always love the mods you did to them.

Thank you!

  JackCrank said:
Damn dude those look awesome. +rep. What's the order you clean em in? Damp sponge, let dry, brush, saddle soap?

Actually damp sponge with saddle soap, buff with dry cloth, dry, then brush. Finally condition and polish.

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digged out some old flics of my 9011s.usually too lazy to care too much.

i remember these where quiet dirty.gave them a quick cleaning with a sponge and washing up liquid,than added Kiwi neutral.



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  almostnice said:
oi roy,youve been quite since last night.youre allright,bud?

I'm a'ight.

I meant to say, allegedlynice, you clean up pretty well (wywt pic). I would make one of those written out wolf-whistles, but I don't wanna make you nervous.

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there's some GT-porn going on on the last two pages...awesome guys!

How much was it to put some cats paws under the 9014s coleslawyum?

did you wear those at first with the normal gt-sole and then resoled them with these or did you resoled these from the beginning on?

thx in advance

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  coleslawyum said:
It's worth it to polish up your GT's. It takes a great shine not matter how beat up it gets. You can always bring it back to life. Always make sure you clean the boots throughly with a damp sponge or cloth before you polish them. I use a combination wet old t-shirt, brush and saddle soap. I do this like once a month. Here's some older pics:




Who's responsible for the re-sole?

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I think it is some Japanese dude. Costs a pretty penny... like possibly more than the cost of the boots.

Am I right coleslaw?

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