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tate + yoko - the official thread


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I think the practice in these parts is to let your happy customers themselves post about how cool the little random things you sent them are and how great your customer service is...kind of weird to be posting this yourself...


One of our loyal customer asked for a Dinausor to be sent with his order today. We drew Denver and sent the order out !




Edited by ironheartfan123
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Why is it such a big deal for a brand/store/company to give examples of their customer service? Isn't that a normal business practice? If a store prides themselves in serving customers, I think they have all the right in the world to let us know.

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Why is it such a big deal for a brand/store/company to give examples of their customer service? Isn't that a normal business practice? If a store prides themselves in serving customers, I think they have all the right in the world to let us know.

link to references to it being a big deal? 


normal business practice is to have garments massed produced in places like china or bangladesh.  please apply your logic with regard to this point to other posts on this board (i.e. those stating that japan- or american-made is preferable).


link to references to the store's rights?



my point was simple: i think that stopping to take a picture of your awesome gesture before sending a package, uploading it to a post in this thread (which, more than the SE thread, is turning out to be a lame ad-space) with commentary about how "this is just what we do for our customers!" was douchey, in poor taste, and not in line with the conduct of other retailers and artisans on these forums (e.g.. self edge, iron heart uk) who are more established and, by my estimation, more respected in the community.

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Dude, these stores pay for these threads. In essence, it is in fact an ad space. It is absolutely normal for brands/stores to provide examples of their service. It is to make sales. That is how they make livings. Ever seen a commercial? Are those in poor taste?

Seems like something else in this thread is douchey...

But, we should probably stop shitting up T+Y's thread.

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what difference does it make that they pay for this thread? does SE pay for theirs too?


i haven't seen commercials from the only entities i compared t&y with, no.  i imagine they would be in poor taste if they were made.


if t&y's interaction with customers on this forum is for the sole purpose of making sales, as you imply, then this further highlights my original and only point.

Edited by ironheartfan123
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then the fact that t&y pays is irrelevant as to my comparison to SE (and i don't understand yet how it's relevant to the other comparisons)


why am i a dick? i just posted my thoughts on the pic, and that continues to elicit questions, arguments, etc.. including from you

Edited by ironheartfan123
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You called them douchey and implied that they were "lesser" than Self Edge, Iron Heart, etc. when they're clearly just aiming at a somewhat different demographic.  All for posting a picture of a dinosaur drawing....


Anyway, I like the look of those jeans. I'm guessing those are just the pioneer denim in a NF cut ?

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then the fact that t&y pays is irrelevant as to my comparison to SE (and i don't understand yet how it's relevant to the other comparisons)


why am i a dick? i just posted my thoughts on the pic, and that continues to elicit questions, arguments, etc.. including from you


you asked if Self Edge also pays and I just answered your question :)

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what difference does it make that they pay for this thread? does SE pay for theirs too?

i haven't seen commercials from the only entities i compared t&y with, no. i imagine they would be in poor taste if they were made.

if t&y's interaction with customers on this forum is for the sole purpose of making sales, as you imply, then this further highlights my original and only point.

And do You honestly believe these stores post on here for the fun of it ? I'm sure they have more important things to do like find different ways to sell non mainstream highly expensive shit. If drawing a damn dinosaur is one of those ways then good for them. At least they are personalizing their experience with the customer. You make it sound like they are selling out for doing something nice and unique for their customers.... I have a feeling you suck to be around. Someone that likes to bitch just to get a reaction. If you do not like this thread take your ass to the SE thread Edited by CJ23
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not sure where you get all of that, was just trying to make what i still think is a very valid point that hasn't been addressed by any of the posts that came responding to my original post (to be clear, b_f's post was both on point and highly constructive)


i'm done posting on this issue.

Edited by ironheartfan123
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Anyway, I like the look of those jeans. I'm guessing those are just the pioneer denim in a NF cut ?


Yes, the pattern is N&F but Flat Head did all the manufacturing.


I had no idea retailers had to pay for threads on SuFu.

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Yep retailers have to pay, which is fair when you consider the size of the specialised audience.

Brands do not so long as they do not start their own thread, or use a thread started in their name to advertise/ sell products.

That is my understanding at least.

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Yep retailers have to pay, which is fair when you consider the size of the specialised audience.

Brands do not so long as they do not start their own thread, or use a thread started in their name to advertise/ sell products.

That is my understanding at least.


I see, that would explain why I've never heard anything about it (since I mostly use the TFH thread for customer support-related things or special features like the Okayama trip, not product advertisements.)

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