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Denim Repair


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  • 2 weeks later...

Started wearing my Sugar Canes again recently; but they're now on the verge of death.

Need a denim doctor based in the UK, the patchwork won't be able to save them.

Basically, the crotch hole has now reached a tear on my left cheek and it's going to get to the point where my whole leg will be able to go through the hole and that's saying something seeing as I have 26" thighs.

My Canes have been with my for 5 years now, I don't want them to die just yet.





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  Tabris said:
the patchwork won't be able to save them.

i could get those going again with patches

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IMG_0849.jpg<a href="http://s843.photobucket.com/albums/zz352/hartforddenim/repair/?action=view&current=IMG_0849.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i843.photobucket.com/albums/zz352/hartforddenim/repair/IMG_0849.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>IMG_0851.jpgIMG_0856.jpgIMG_0853.jpgIMG_0861.jpg
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  • 3 weeks later...

Preformed a small repair on my SExDBxSxS12's. Hole was about the size of an X-Box controller's button. All hand stitched, thread color matched the best I could. Used the double-thick part of the hickory pocketbags I cut off as the backing...





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  cLavin said:
I work at Holy Stitch as an apprentice, Julian Dashhttp://www.juliandash.com/ the owner does all the repairs and hemming for Self Edge SF. On occasion he lets me do some of the easier repairs, gotta start somewhere right?

what darner are you using? I just picked up two of them a Singer 47WSV14 and a 12W something... both need some TLC, but should be working soon...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Maynard Friedman said:

+rep on those.

Have you tried Dale at 71 Endell St (Covent Garden) for repairs - 020 7845 7760. He's pretty good.

Gave my Canes to him today.

Only getting the largest rip/hole repaired proper and going to get them back in 2 weeks IIRC.

I can live with the other holes.

Apparently his hand had been infected from some du's jeans before?

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  Tabris said:
Gave my Canes to him today.

Only getting the largest rip/hole repaired proper and going to get them back in 2 weeks IIRC.

I can live with the other holes.

Apparently his hand had been infected from some du's jeans before?

That's what I heard - from a crotch repair on some dirty jeans apparently, although I'm not sure how that's possible. I assume his hand was cut already.

They weren't mine - honest!

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I posted pics down the thread a while back.

Edit: my bad. Posted pics in the London jeans alt threak.

  sybaritical said:

This is Dale.

I went to see him yesterday to get a quick repair done & he had this dressing on his hand. I asked him what happened & he told me he caught an infection off a pair of unwashed jeans he repaired for someone ... His hand blew up 5x normal size & he had to go to hospital and have it drained.


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Yeah can do it for you, no trouble.

While we're on the subject, I should also say that I got him to him to repro a Helmut Lang drop pouch for me earlier in the year & he did a pretty good job on it all things considered, Trick is to let him do it at his own pace rather than try & rush things, I think.

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my attempt at repairing a back pocket hole using a sample of OOE's #39 denim they sent me

used blue thread mainly because it was already on the sewing machine and can blend in to the current color close enough.









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it looks like this is mainly DIY repairs, but unfortunately i'm not as talented as you guys and am sartorially challenged.

i just moved out to denver and for the life of me couldnt even find a "Denver" thread. what a shame. anyways i'm wondering if anyone knows where i could get a small repair? looking to prevent a crotch blowout-- its not a big deal but not worth sending it to denim doctor or anything extreme just yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

had a day off today, so while i stayed in to read i decided to shore them up around the crotch area. the denim there seems to be wearing down pretty quickly. took me quite a while at this since i dont have a serger at home nor a sewing machine, so everything had to be handstitched. the serging for the scrap fabric to prevent fraying, took me a couple of hours while watching tv at the same time.

repairs are fun and rewarding.






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