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ROY X CONE contest, 1.1.11 - 2.1.12

Paul T

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I've always thought that golf would be greatly improved as a game if they put land mines on the courses. Would definitely watch it on TV.

That practice was banned after the last Gulf War

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no problem as there is less than 100 ex in europe imo.

its not a springer as mentionned earlier, its a custom bike.

a samurai zero type 5

By springer I was referring to the front end. Good looking bike you got there. Thanks for the other pics. I'm building a 72 triumph. That exhaust idea might be added to my things to do on my bike. Sucks that muffler looking thing has to be on there. I assume that's the law of France.

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my ROYxCones are sitting on the balcony of the office doing work, as Musveni's brand new fighter jets are whizzing around way too nearby "practicing" for their performance for his inauguration on Thursday. Funny part is he initially tried to buy these jets secretly a few weeks ago.

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But doesn't he look like such a sweetheart?


Oh, America is very aware of him. He's quite the strategic ally. Fortunately these past elections weren't so fraudulent as to make the American mission have to not continue supporting him. On the up-side, the US government has come out twice in the past couple weeks telling Uganda to stop the police and military from being so brutal against demonstrators/protesters. The fighter jet thing was pretty funny though. Dude tried to buy them without anyone finding out... unsurprisingly the news got out and people were none too pleased about the government spending $740,000,000 on new toys when inflation (caused in a significant part by Museveni printing new money during the election to finance his campaign) was resulting in most of those people having difficulty paying for food and soap.

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We get quite a lot on Mesaveni in the UK, perhaps because of the historic links.

Anyone interested in his predecessors should absolutely check out The Last King Of Scotland - it's pretty convincing, while novelized, and a great film.

Yes, pretty interesting read. Also, for a good laugh, look up Museveni's inauguration speech in 1986 in which he describes many of the problems of Africa's nations as stemming from the characteristics of the leaders of those African countries. It reads like a check-list of Museveni's own behaviors and characteristics of the past 15 years.

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Beautiful bike, Doc! I'm looking forward to more photos soon...

I don't have much to report on my end other than that my Roys and I have been working our asses off trying to finish little things on the house. They've gotten pretty dirty and stinky lately, so I decided to wear my KMW 1950 bucklebacks to work this morning. They feel skin tight compared to the Roys! At first, I felt a little guilty (first time out of my Roys this year), but the feel of clean jeans on my legs helped me get over it :) I'll be back at the house work in my Roys this afternoon and evening, though!

The realtor stopped by yesterday in preparation for listing the house on Monday!

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Riffs pictures there are really something. They've got that *pop*. Maybe try it on the ROYs draped over a barbed wire fence or something.

DocBlue, the motorcycle is a mechanism worthy of envy and admiration. Many of its attributes are what I look for. The black painted springer, horizontal exhaust (angled exhausts always bug me for some reason, but most folks seem to use it), and the vintage style matching tire sizes. It has a little bit of the look of an Exile, but with less matte finish.

Ranon, slow wear may make for a subdued contest, but think how many more years you'll get to wear them before having to retire them.

My buddy used to like golf, and worked at the muni for awhile. He and I used to go to the nine hole Pitch 'n Putt wearing backpacks of Ranier in bottles. Most of their water/mud traps were accidental (it was a little swampy in early spring). Of course every swing would jostle the beers, so by the end every pop top was a foam slide. I'm not sure why we didn't take the backpacks off. We shared a rough little house (shack basically), and he would practice his drives in his bedroom. The wall was full of dimply dents when we moved out. Golf can be fun in the correct context...

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Golf can be fun in the correct context...

By which you mean, with alcohol.... by which you mean, a lot of things can be made more fun with alcohol. I prefer bourbon in a flask whilst I golf, or spend too much time with my extended family....

I may have a problem....

....but I won't let that get in the way of my drinking.

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just received news from my company that i will be in a new position and wont be able to wear jeans at work anymore which sucks. :(

in all interest of fairness, i think the plan for this contest was to have someone wear these jeans hard for a year, so with me being unable to wear them now, i think it is best that they go to someone who can commit to them. does anybody have any candidates in mind? hope they go to someone who can promise to put some hard wear into them..

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well in all honesty, i dont want to let them go either since i really like the buckleback and the cut on these since i dont have anything like it. i will be making a few good trips in the coming few months.. i could actually wear them at night when i get home from work but i think you guys have the onus of making the call on weather they should go on to someone else.

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Stay in the competition and just wear them in the evenings and at weekends and perhaps even under your work trousers - you certainly wouldn't be the first on sufu to do that, eh almostnice?

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throwing my voice in with everyone else, ran - stay in it. I mean, pomata isn't wearing his and staying in and aho is doing the salary-man wear already (and where's Fardin these days?). Wear 'em when you can, and congrats on the new position!

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Ranon, this promotion is part of your year in your Roys. I think the only 'rule' was that you commit to chronicling your year and wearing them when possible. I for one have enjoyed your updates, and don't think its too far out of the question to think you could still get a lot of really good wear in them if you continued to wear them nights and weekends.

glad you're still in.

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