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ROY X CONE contest, 1.1.11 - 2.1.12

Paul T

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had a shoot scheduled this morning, but called it off due to lousy, foggy weather. But still a good morning for rambling thru the park and into the old maritime museum.

Stopped in to say hi to THe Clerk. We argued for four or five minutes about who looked more like a baboon's arse in our joint photo. I maintain he's wrong and it was definitely me. I shot him blurred to avoid more complaints.

his Ts are the best ones in greenwich market by far, by the way. Shoulda taken a photo of them really, not his ugly mug.


The maritime museum has a collection of amazing toy boats - clockwork, battery, steam powered. THis is a toy battleship they found when they dredged a boating pond, all corroded and distorted.


this huge french toy boat comes complete with crew.


ROund the corner, figureheads; and the propller from a type 22 destroyer.



Later on the mist started to clear.


We liked this beast - an Irish miniature greyhound, we were told.


Hmmm, I see I need to rearrange my cuffs for symmetry. RXC with Belstaff, tootal and tricker's.


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allright,will pop in tomorrow afternoon for an oil change and coffee.

Peacoat and Denim for skiing,Doc? taking the term "fashionvictim" to another level.

peacoat was really wearable on an everyday basis, under sun and snow time.

i only wore jeans on one sunny day and as i said it was freezing .....

morality : i am an excellent skier. second : peacoat is a very good windbreaker provided u have a decent wool garment underneath (and you follow rule #1 of course)

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actually i remember us all skiing in jeans in the 80s. but not with rossignol.

ususllay not my style to post things like that but i could no pass, talking about freezing my ass off for us doc (swiss capaign 2003)


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actually i remember us all skiing in jeans in the 80s. but not with rossignol.

ususllay not my style to post things like that but i could no pass, talking about freezing my ass off for us doc (swiss capaign 2003)


i cant believe swiss pudibondry allowed this :)

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Some denim on denim action. I haven't pulled out my LVC 507 in some time. I forgot how much I like it.


Took an extra pic of my black panther Huey. He's fiercely growling in this pic.


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Nice 507 jacket. How old is it? You've inspired me to dig mine out of storage.

It is about 5 or 6 yrs old. I used to wear it on a drill rig, but it has since only been worn occasionally.

I did something really lame and had my hard pack cigarette's in the chest pocket and now there is a really lame cigarette pack imprint on the left pocket. I think with a couple of washes it should look fine and even out.

edit: BTW the denim on this one is almost identical to a 60s Type 3 jacket I owned some time ago. i am speaking in terms of color and fading properties.

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Much of my weekend was spent taking care of a very sick kid, and not getting much sleep. But, while she was napping, I snuck away and got some things done, like making a bunch of blanks for keychains.


And doing a little hand washing


Aaaand a little shoveling. (+Key bib overalls)


Up until a couple days ago, I was convinced we'd have to go without building a snow cave this year. That pile is larger than my VW.


I also got some plumbing work done, finally replacing this ghetto faucet I made for my old claw foot tub.


Nothing fancy at all (didn't want to spend $150 on a faucet), but it works.


Since I'm on my own today, I've been reinstalling a lot of the original trim that I saved and from which I stripped countless layers of paint. Here's the 'trim library' for three rooms in my house.


Because the wood is 115 years old, it sometimes breaks when I remove the trim. Amazingly, I had all of the little pieces I needed.


Got all of the door and window trim back up in two rooms, along with the baseboard trim (12" wide) in one room. I'll get the baseboard up in the other room this afternoon...


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feb is the hottest month of the year here so ive mostly been wearing my ROY boxers

the other week up the mountain at a mountain bike thing, kev looking oh so sexy with his cyclist tan


there were shuttles running everyone up the mountain all day, i dont like down hill so i rode up and shuttled down(8)


talked this boy into trying the seesaw, now hes hooked on it


my friends 3 year old even came out to play in the gorse (my ROYs helped me chop lots of gorse the week before)


my ROYs went to watch my brother race... waiting


hes out in front


and we ate cheesecake and drank wine for the hour and a bit that we couldnt see the race ... not a spectator sport


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Hmm... sounds like there's a lotta interesting photos on this page, but the damn Africainterwebs won't let me see them. Irritating. Maybe it'll be less moody tomorrow?

The rest of election weekend was much less eventful, mostly spent like this:


By Sunday, Homegirl and I were getting a bit stir crazy, so we instead got epicurially crazy and delved into cooking Doro Wat. Anyone here a fan of Ethiopian food? I love the shit, and it's some of the best (well, only actually good - along with Indian) food in Uganda. First time trying to cook it.

Did some shopping at the market in Naguru Go Down (the "Go Down" is the "official" name of this slum area - hah!)


Fuck ton of onions cooking in a smidge of water, toasting a fatty mix of spices to make Berbere - the spice mixture ubiquitous to Ethiopian cuisine - and making Ethiopian spiced ghee.


Combining all the aforementioned ingredients to stew for a long damn time, and poaching 6 chicken legs and 6 chicken thighs.


By the time it was ready, FOUR DAMN HOURS LATER, the friends that came over and I were too hungry to remember to take pictures. The flavor was terrific, but INSANELY spicy. I like me some spicy food, but I learned something: 1.5 cups of cayenne pepper is a lot of fucking cayenne pepper, even across 12 servings. The vicious red below (when I took the leftovers out of the fridge the next day to dive in for round two) gives a pretty good idea


Next time I'd probably halve the cayenne content and throw in a bit of honey to sweeten the deal (heh). And if I can find the right type of flower, I want to try to make Injera!

Aaanyway - election weekend wound up much, MUCH calmer than anybody anticipated.... for better or for worse.

Yoweri Kaguta Museveni is, once again, "president" of Uganda, amid loud allegations of massive vote-buying, ballot-stuffing and myriad varieties of vote-rigging, misappropriation of state funds for campaigning and massive intimidation (just passed a few dozen fully-kitted soldiers marching along a main road on my drive home this evening). The man who will by the end of this term have been ruling Uganda for 30 years said in his 1986 inaugural speech "the problems of Africa, and Uganda in particular, are caused by leaders who overstay in power". Someone needs to sit ol' M7 down and read that speech back to him.

Monday was back to the grind. Somehow, the clean clothing I wound up left with on Monday had a somewhat unfortunate theme, given the generally over-militarized state of Kampala at the moment


US military surplus American Optical sunglasses

NATO military uniform shirt

[zissou belt]


Chinese military bootsneakers.

last night I finally got to take the next step with the amazing birthday gift Homegirl brought back for me from the States: I bottled my beer! It's been brewing for about 5 weeks, and I'll probably give it 2-3 weeks to carbonate in the bottle, then see how much I messed up my first batch of beer: a pale ale


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This morning I spontaneously decided it was time to boil-soak my jeans to lift a layer of Uganda-dirtsweat off of them and see if I could shrink them a bit more.

Before (heavily contrasty from morning light)



My favorite bit of fading so far: the yoke is wrinkling from the tension of the cinch


A whole bunch of freshly boiled water, 10 minutes of agitation and an hour of soaking reduced the waist from 32 to about 30.75 inches. I'm a bit concerned that the creased are now all going to be in different places, but we'll see!

And that's some damn blue water that came out...


Looking forward to tomorrow's fit pic!

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My favorite bit of fading so far: the yoke is wrinkling from the tension of the cinch


My favorite fading area as well.

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