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apology in advance

i know there's other threads that are better suited. but i figured the knowledgeable folk stayed around this thread.

my birthday is august 1 and i'm finally making the jump to dslr.

i'm trying to stay on the lower costing side so the canon rebel xt looked like my choice. but before i purchased i wanted to see if anyone knew of a better option or had advice.


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yeah those are really fucking good man. i've always been curious what this project is you've been working on, considering you've posted quite a few from it in the past and what not.

The project is an essay on a specific family and the kinship roles played out within that family.

I met them about a year and a half ago when i was in the Appalachias for a photo workshop. By chance i happened down the holler they lived in and saw two of the men playing basketball. I introduced myself and asked them if i could take their picture. Ive been going back ever since.

It is something i plan to work on for the rest of my life. I consider the family very close friends of mine.

The two seen here;


...are getting married in December and, although im going to be in Florida at the time, I plan to fly out and shoot the wedding.

I could go into greater detail but i'd ramble on for paragraphs and paragraphs...

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Please do, I'm kinda interested hah ..

Are you just limiting it to an essay or do you plan on publishing the photos at some point?

My ultimate goal is to publish a book on it. But that could be 10-25 years from now.

Ive had the pictures published in small student based photo journals. A few magazines have contacted me about getting some of the photos published, European photo mags though, so whether or not something actually pans out is completely up in the air.

Being there is both physically and mentally exausting. The hardships these people have to go through (both self imposed and by product of their enviroment) are unimanginable. Ive witnessed an incredible range of situations, from the love of a mother for her newly born child to that womens husband roughing her up in front of me.

Its a mental battle for me. On one hand i want to scream and yell at these people and tell them that they're really fucking up and that there are some very simple things they could do to lead a better life. But on the other hand who am i to judge this family? They are my friends and also my subjects, so a line has to be drawn. Also, the social constraints placed on these people due to the area where they were born and the histories and stigmas attachted to that are mind boggling. The school system is an utter joke. The only, and i mean only jobs available are in the coal mines. And when i am actually able to have peace and quiet enough to have a deep one on one conversation with one of the family members they always come back to the same thing...this is how my parents lived their life and all the generations before me so this is how i am going to lead my life.

After spending time with them I find myself coming back to Bowling Green and shooting lots of pictures of kids playing at water parks and happy shit like that, haha.

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hmm but wouldn't the monitor's color profiling affect everything, not just a differently saved/compressed image? the unsaved image looks normal but the jpg ends up different. would this mean that the problem is in photoshop or the compression..?

I have no idea cause I dont know too much about these so I'm just throwing guesses :o

It actually does change things quite a bit, because adobe programs work their damndest to look good under whatever monitor profile you're using, but web browsers do not. many mac users suffer from this problem until they change their monitors to 2.2 gamma.

You can help assist the problem by including the ICC profile inside the Jpeg, but in my experience this doesn't change anything except in Safari.

The method that works best for me is, use a pro-calibrated monitor profile with display color settings (for apples this is really easy to get ahold of because so many pro design firms have expensive color calibration equipment and 99% of apple displays are exactly the same among manufacturers and models), have default color profile in Photoshop to ProPhoto RGB (by far the widest range of colors for editing photos, but Adobe RGB would be my second choice), and then switch to sRGB before uploading.

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My ultimate goal is to publish a book on it. But that could be 10-25 years from now.

Ive had the pictures published in small student based photo journals. A few magazines have contacted me about getting some of the photos published, European photo mags though, so whether or not something actually pans out is completely up in the air.

Being there is both physically and mentally exausting. The hardships these people have to go through (both self imposed and by product of their enviroment) are unimanginable. Ive witnessed an incredible range of situations, from the love of a mother for her newly born child to that womens husband roughing her up in front of me.

Its a mental battle for me. On one hand i want to scream and yell at these people and tell them that they're really fucking up and that there are some very simple things they could do to lead a better life. But on the other hand who am i to judge this family? They are my friends and also my subjects, so a line has to be drawn. Also, the social constraints placed on these people due to the area where they were born and the histories and stigmas attachted to that are mind boggling. The school system is an utter joke. The only, and i mean only jobs available are in the coal mines. And when i am actually able to have peace and quiet enough to have a deep one on one conversation with one of the family members they always come back to the same thing...this is how my parents lived their life and all the generations before me so this is how i am going to lead my life.

After spending time with them I find myself coming back to Bowling Green and shooting lots of pictures of kids playing at water parks and happy shit like that, haha.

i love seeing/hearing updates on this story, utterly fascinating, some of the pics are chilling, whilst some are utterly moving, great work so far carl, great work

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I've been really interested in photography for a while now. I go to lots of expositions of mainly modern art and photography.

Now I really want to get a camera. But I have absolutely no clue which one to get. I've been messing around with my girlfriends digital camera for a while (just some cheap camera she got for free with her laptop). After a girl showed me the pictures she made, using a SLR camera, I've been hooked ever since. But I have no clue what (SLR) camera to get. I'm looking for a camera that's really good to start out with, but doesn't need to get replacement as soon as I get better at it. Now I've been looking around and Nikon and Canon seem to make the better one's. Though I'm really looking for some recommendations from you people.

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A rare quiet moment while waiting for the bus.


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My ultimate goal is to publish a book on it. But that could be 10-25 years from now.

Ive had the pictures published in small student based photo journals. A few magazines have contacted me about getting some of the photos published, European photo mags though, so whether or not something actually pans out is completely up in the air.

Being there is both physically and mentally exausting. The hardships these people have to go through (both self imposed and by product of their enviroment) are unimanginable. Ive witnessed an incredible range of situations, from the love of a mother for her newly born child to that womens husband roughing her up in front of me.

Its a mental battle for me. On one hand i want to scream and yell at these people and tell them that they're really fucking up and that there are some very simple things they could do to lead a better life. But on the other hand who am i to judge this family? They are my friends and also my subjects, so a line has to be drawn. Also, the social constraints placed on these people due to the area where they were born and the histories and stigmas attachted to that are mind boggling. The school system is an utter joke. The only, and i mean only jobs available are in the coal mines. And when i am actually able to have peace and quiet enough to have a deep one on one conversation with one of the family members they always come back to the same thing...this is how my parents lived their life and all the generations before me so this is how i am going to lead my life.

After spending time with them I find myself coming back to Bowling Green and shooting lots of pictures of kids playing at water parks and happy shit like that, haha.

Thanks for going into detail, I thought you might plan on publishing a book in the future, I was also really curious what kind of interaction you had with these people, it's amazing that you've come to be such close friends, as you are (I'm assuming so if I;m wrong forgive me) very different from them.

Anyways it's really cool and good luck man.

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