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IMO Less DOF = The need to get more creative. 


I can say that when I first started shooting models I would only shoot wide open, but once I started experimenting with stopping down and using less DOF, I found myself improving way quicker.


Considering you don't shoot a lot, R, I would also recommend considering a x100s. I know it's a fixed lens, but if I recall correctly you only have a 35 and 50? You also have to be realistic with yourself and although you can interchange lenses with the X-Pro 1, do you really think you'll be buying tons of lenses as well as how often you'll be shooting? 


Also some food for thought... what about film? Consider going all film? If I was doing photography for myself I'd be all film, but I need digital for what I shoot. 

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Yes it forces you to be more creative because you have to work within the limitations of the sensor. It's always nice to have the option when you need it. I did love the shit out of my OM-D but i found it needed a little more DoF in the fashion spread than it was giving me. Plus I can rent lenses cheap, where as my shops dont carry anything but canon and nikon rentals. 

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  On 9/29/2013 at 5:20 AM, OkayOkay said:









This shot is great, While I am a huge film advocate seeing as its all I shoot for stills - I think there is an argument that film has reached its pinnacle - Digital still has room to advance, as a culture we are used to film its what we think is normal its nostalgic, and I think thats why we think its better, but I am convinced that digital is going to do some spectacular things in the next 10 years. 

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while it is true that film has reached it's potential and digital imaging is open to expand as much as it can, but there is something magical about film photography/videography. the whole chemical reaction of silver hallide to ultra violet light and so forth. the physicality that film photography brings is not the same as uploading your card into photoshop. digital imaging can try as hard as it can, but there is something about the tactility of film that is incomparable to terabytes worth of files on stacks and stacks of hard drives. and, let's not forget about color film grain--come on!


i will say though, that film is "obsolete" in our age of technology and ease of use. people just want to click, click, click away at the shutter. it's so much simpler than having to compose, meter, shoot, process, scan/print...

also, kodak is ending their production of film come october or november so that's another sad thought.

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the only thing digital has going for it is the price. sure it looks great and its easy and there is a potential for what it can do, but for me, the only reason i use digital this or that is because it is cost effective. id trade its simplicity and speed of outcome for the slow physical effort involved in old forms. the chemical smells, the manual labor, the greater(for me better) potential for error. i remember when i first started cutting video on the computer (as opposed to flatbed), the possibilities of outcome were endless. it used to be that if errors were made id have to embrace it or live with it. now, i could literally sit there for months and tweak away. digital really makes you change the way you approach it. its like you have to remember to purposely inject the beauty of human error into it.

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I shoot for fun, don't know much about it really, but I agree with the above. I really enjoy the idea of not knowing exactly what I got, it anything, until I develop. I love the surprise and the discovery of film. It forces me to be patient also, and really try to shoot something I find appealing, rather than just fire away. I completely understand the function of digital, I couldn't imagine trying to work in a commercial environment with film, but as a hobby I think film is really beautiful. I appreciate the difficulty and variability involved.

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I love to shoot both, I just can never afford proper processing of the film...it's 11 dollars a roll then another 10 for the disk. For a handful of good shots it's not cost effective for me. I do use it when I have something really special to shoot. Then I will get prints to keep, which is another 3-7 dollars depending on how many I get.

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  On 9/30/2013 at 12:47 PM, TheCreativeD00m said:

I love to shoot both, I just can never afford proper processing of the film...it's 11 dollars a roll then another 10 for the disk. For a handful of good shots it's not cost effective for me. I do use it when I have something really special to shoot. Then I will get prints to keep, which is another 3-7 dollars depending on how many I get.

Wow, really? It costs me about $4-$5/roll to develop, but investing in a scanner is definitely worth it imo.

I am slowly becoming more in favor of film especially since it has a look that can't be reproduced by digital. Luckily when I do photo-shoots I have free artistic reign, so if I choose to use film then no one will say no, it's only when I shoot events or more commercial stuff that I can't use film.

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I feel like you all thought I was saying I am abandoning film? I am one of the biggest film advocates out there. 

Film to me is more like art, truly bleeding light onto a negative etc. I couldn't agree more with some of the things mentioned about film above, and is one of the reasons I love it as a medium.

I was just saying that I am moving forward professionally with an open mind - I am a film maker so the digital revolution is very prominent, and I feel a lot of people that are into film and the perseverance of film, are quick to judge digitial, like I said I am one films biggest fans - but I am just keeping an open mind to what the future holds. 

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Not sure where to post this but here it goes


I was looking to purchase a dslr to upgrade from the rebel XSi I purchased a few years ago that I gave to my bro. I really haven't shot digital for a while but have been using an old 35mm just for fun. I was looking at the Canon 70D or the Nikon D7100 with the 35 1.8 or 28 1.8. I was thinking the 17-40 for the 70D but the 70D isn't full frame :/ I was most likely going to purchase from B&H. I Lense recommendations that are good for general use would be helpful, too.


I am mostly gonna be shooting in the dark for the next few months, shooting the Northern Lights, and nothing else too specific. I wanted the video option and have a hard time deciding between the 70D's video which I've been reading was better than the D7100's video, but at the same time the D7100 seems to better for photography and such. I also was looking to get a tripod that would work well for camping and hiking so lightweight, sturdy gear is a plus. I still have to acquire Lightroom and some sort of bag. Recommendations for all the equipment would be appreciated. I'm really looking to spend as least as possible but would like the best bang for my buck.


Thank you and sorry for this long ass post. Here are some random shots from no clue when










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No. Go on the internet (either POTN or fredmiranda) and pick up a used one for $200-$300 less and get a lens with the saved money ;)


Also with a 5DII you have the option from MagicLantern to shoot video in RAW. 


Edit: or save $500..... 




Koven: Sick shots man. Btw for that AB800 (or 1600 or 400?) get a BD for it!! It will make ALL the difference in your photos, also could get an Elinchrom deep octa... with one of those you get orgasmicly perfect light. 

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  On 10/2/2013 at 3:25 PM, laxlife1234 said:

No. Go on the internet (either POTN or fredmiranda) and pick up a used one for $200-$300 less and get a lens with the saved money ;)


Also with a 5DII you have the option from MagicLantern to shoot video in RAW. 


Edit: or save $500..... 




Koven: Sick shots man. Btw for that AB800 (or 1600 or 400?) get a BD for it!! It will make ALL the difference in your photos, also could get an Elinchrom deep octa... with one of those you get orgasmicly perfect light. 



Thanks yeah im building a photo studio in my space...its pretty much done. I'm probably gonna buy another background, most likely blue. I need to start making more cash to recoup the cost I paid for this since everything i purchased was new.


One of my friends landed a gig shooting shoes for this up and coming label, were gonna use my studio space and lights...he'll do the shooting and editing and well split the profits...sounds pretty legit.  I want to getting more gigs like that where I actually have to do any work haha.  


I need  a new camera too...most likely gonna cop a 5D mk2 for studio stuff. Im also going to be doing some more travelling with vice so the x100 will be perfect for that. 

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bear with me - a collection of my shots i get really nostalgic looking at.


very basic set up, shooting on a t50







































these were my first few rolls ever. still working on composition - i have a bunch of rolls from a recent trip to la and one from local hardcore show that i haven't developed yet. 


as you can see all of the shots are skewed slightly to the left. it's this t50. i recently picked up a yashica electro that i'm looking forward to playing with. 


anyone else have experience with one of those? the electro?

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