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  On 3/17/2013 at 6:08 PM, ADH92 said:

Obviously that's not the point - but when I used to shoot Leica Minilux, Mamiya 7, and Mamiya RB67 they would all serve different purposes (autofocus 35mm, wide super sharp medium format 43mm / 6x7 format, and high quality 6x6 with 3-4 different lenses and added versatility. When I would fly I would either have to keep all of my cameras and film in a rolling carry on or I would have them all in different places which is less than ideal.

do you even take photos?

I cringe everytime you post in here,

"Oh look at me im pro i have a 7, a mk2, contax. Ken Rockwell said all my cameras are the best"

u posing bro?

got all the nice gear but no photos

i see you

Edited by Krackrox
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^^^ really? Why is that? I honestly hate taking about gear, it's like dick waving, and half the guys tht do it can't take a good photo to save their lives, or pay the bills lol ( im not saying this is you btw.)

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  On 4/5/2013 at 7:55 PM, TheCreativeD00m said:

^^^ really? Why is that? I honestly hate taking about gear, it's like dick waving, and half the guys tht do it can't take a good photo to save their lives, or pay the bills lol ( im not saying this is you btw.)

I guess I'm just not at a place where I want to share the photos I take with the world. I posted 10 or so for a college application portfolio, but even in the 8 months since then I feel like my work has progressed significantly. So much of photography is filtering. Anyone can take a strong photo, but in my opinion it takes a lot of care to create a series where each image compliments the others in an appropriate way. I'm honestly a little embarrassed by some of my old stuff, and would rather not have things I might regret on the internet defining the work I produce.

On a forum where almost every post is in some way related to consumerism I didn't really expect discussing gear to be an issue. Krackrox, I've never seen you post anything of substance so I don't know why you take issue with me, but on a related note I purchased a Rollei 6003 Professional a few days ago so hate all you want.

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  On 4/5/2013 at 9:43 PM, ADH92 said:

I guess I'm just not at a place where I want to share the photos I take with the world. I posted 10 or so for a college application portfolio, but even in the 8 months since then I feel like my work has progressed significantly. So much of photography is filtering. Anyone can take a strong photo, but in my opinion it takes a lot of care to create a series where each image compliments the others in an appropriate way. I'm honestly a little embarrassed by some of my old stuff, and would rather not have things I might regret on the internet defining the work I produce.

On a forum where almost every post is in some way related to consumerism I didn't really expect discussing gear to be an issue. Krackrox, I've never seen you post anything of substance so I don't know why you take issue with me, but on a related note I purchased a Rollei 6003 Professional a few days ago so hate all you want.

No hate coming from me man! If you're not comfortable sharing your photos, don't. Who cares if you spend a lot on gear? It's a hobby, just like cars. You don't see people who own 3 ferrari's racing in nascar... I for one love discussing gear, but I didn't think this thread was for the gear discussion?

Personally I know a lot of my photos suck, hell, I still have yet to have a top 10. It's nice to post to forums to see what people think though, as well as so others can see your progression. I remember a few years back when I first got a T3i a couple of people basically shut me down, but I didn't listen to them as it's more of a hobby which has turned into something I can hopefully one day call a job. I still have a lot to learn though and I know I will regret what I've put out earlier, but at least it's a way for people to see the process as well as it takes a lot of time to really perfect the art.

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I love posting on here, my photos are hit or miss and I like that it's like feeling out what works, but it's cool to see how everyone evolves. I mean I look at it like art, if you are afraid to experiment then you're not going anywhere. I look at photos I took and there are handfuls I hate, and others I still love. This is especially true as I get burnt out easily on a subject and move to something else, even the way I process is always changing so I can't say that I'm evolving or devolving lol just changing it up a lot. I mean it's up to you, but to just sit around and stockpile equipment and never share anything with "the world" seems like a waste. If you look at artists like Donald Judd for instance, he was painting but said fuck this painting is dead and moved to 3d objects...his work is still out there but doesn't define him in his later years. It's whatever, but if no one sees your work how do you know what the viewer perceives? It's almost pointless to me.

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This thread and the daily snapps thread on Hypebeast really defined my style in a lot of ways, the casual nature of the pictures and subtle emphasis on style. Here and HB is where I started posting and I think most of the cool things that happened to me photography wise happened because of those posts. I get what adh92 is saying though, even though the quality of pics are great this still is pretty much an amateur photography thread and it wont make any difference posting here or not, it would probably go over most peoples heads.

I post here because its second nature. As soon as I take a pic I like the first instinct is to post it on here and on tumblr and hope for positive feedback. With the little experience i have in the art world, I'm starting to realize that actually not the right way to do things if you're trying to make an impact. I stopped considering myself an amateur so now its on to the next level. Even though photography still feels like fun and games to me, its not fun and games anymore, its my life.

Right now im trying to look for forums where professional photographers post. I've found some posts on Photography on the net where they talk about the business aspect but I'm trying to look for somewhere where people discuss style, art, the nature of contemporary photography in this day and age, and how the lines have blurred between commercial and fine art photography. I've learned a lot of information on forums but that's kinda the easy way.....gotta start cracking the books.

Edited by koven
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Loving the new work since you made the push to working with agency broads. If Ill say anything, watch your colors, you can lose detail in them. Also figure out how you can make your locations work to your benefit, the 2nd image with her leaning back looks awkward, starts to go back to that "lifestyle" look youre trying to avoid.

Last thing, DONT watermark your photos. It looks very un-professional. It draws attention and has no real use. No one is going to make a profit off your image, aside from you, the model, and agency.

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I think he did that because a paper used his photo without his consent or accreditation to him.

I'll agree, it would have been cool to have her facing front or 3/4 in the chair versus side view. I do like the hair though.

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Thanks to both of you guys :)

Well I gotta say the second one isn't my favorite, I just like the overall atmosphere of the image. I have many others to post, but am still picking out the ones I really want to post vs. the ones I don't.

Tsxer - man I'm terribly sorry I never came through for the shoot! Next time your up here let me know and for sure I'll be there to help out :). When you say lose detail in the colors, are you talking about her jeans? Or is it because they are too dark? I see the lifestyle in the second image though, a lot of the ones that I'm having a hard time choosing between are definitely fashion oriented images. I really only tend to put watermarks up on FB though, I try not to and if I do I try to make it fit in at least, but I have a love/hate relationship with watermarks cause one day I'll wanna and the next I'll be like why the hell did I watermark that photo?

Sometimes I see fashion photographers watermark their photos, othertimes I just don't, I'd definitely say a majority of the time I don't see that happening though.

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I'm in the city almost on a weekly basis now so I'm pretty much up for whenever I have nothing to do. Always loved your street shots as well (I have your tumblr bookmarked, lol). I'll actually be in tomorrow in the afternoon.

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  On 4/11/2013 at 8:18 PM, laxlife1234 said:

Thanks to both of you guys :)

Well I gotta say the second one isn't my favorite, I just like the overall atmosphere of the image. I have many others to post, but am still picking out the ones I really want to post vs. the ones I don't.

Tsxer - man I'm terribly sorry I never came through for the shoot! Next time your up here let me know and for sure I'll be there to help out :). When you say lose detail in the colors, are you talking about her jeans? Or is it because they are too dark? I see the lifestyle in the second image though, a lot of the ones that I'm having a hard time choosing between are definitely fashion oriented images. I really only tend to put watermarks up on FB though, I try not to and if I do I try to make it fit in at least, but I have a love/hate relationship with watermarks cause one day I'll wanna and the next I'll be like why the hell did I watermark that photo?

Sometimes I see fashion photographers watermark their photos, othertimes I just don't, I'd definitely say a majority of the time I don't see that happening though.

No problem brotha, Ill be out there in May for like 2-3weeks.

Yeah you lose detail in her jeans.

Watermarking is always a debate between photographers, but in the end, it does you no good. If someone steals your image,. more power to them. Reason I say that, is it should be seen as a form of flattery. The person who stole the image is not going to make any profit on it unless they try to slap it on a t-shirt or some BS, but it doesnt happen that often, If you shot like alt-models with their tits out and shit, then yeah I can see the possibility of someone trying to print that, more.

Only other thing I will say, DONT POST PREVIEWS!!! Dont post any images until the whole set is done. Ive made that mistake so many times, and its always biting me in the ass. I say this because when you finally finish the set, and youve processed the very same image you posted a preview of-differently, that old "preview" image is still floating on the net.

Either way, you're definitely progressing, just keep at it man. I see you working new angles and pushing yourself, DO IT TO IT! I tend to blurt out advice only because I really didnt have anyone to offer the same for me. My way isnt necessarily the best approach, but take it with a grain of salt.

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I haven't really posted in this thread before. I'm a 25 year old photography student from Oslo, Norway.

My stuff probably won't be for everyone, but I'll post som of my recent personal stuff. Always open for constructive critic.











Hope the post wasn't too pic heavy. Almost all these pics are from different series.

Edited by Marw
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