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What are your jeans doing today?


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Typical working day. Starts with the school run. The nipper wears worn jeans and white t-shirt in tribute to beatle. But he's ruined it all by wearing a coat, just 'cos it's raining. Sorry beatle.


A quick coffee before I get back home Fortunately, back in 1805, some architect solved the where-to-drink-yer-espressoo-when-it's-raining-problem with this place. It's actually called the Smoking Collonade.


So we sipped our coffees watching the boats meander across in front of Canary Wharf. New buildings were sprouting here every few months; it's gone a big quieter lately, but that hasn't stopped all the local developers trying to pimp where I live to all the bankers. I like the new buildings but I don't want my area to end up like that.


Turn around from that view, and you get this view. THis place was built as a hospital and retirement home for sailors; now it's a university and music college. Oh yes, with the bar I've previously posted.


They've just returned two old carvings to this set of buildings. They're of two 16C English characters, named beer (on the left) and gin.


They perfectly express both sides of my character. OK, maybe it would be eve more perfect if they were cllaed Beer and dry martini,,,

Now, back at work. almostnice thinks I sit on my ass all day, not doing any real work. It's a dirty lie.


Happy white t and jeans day!

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I had a few people ask what I used to shoot these photos, so I thought I'd quote. It was.... an iPhone 3G with the Tilt Shift Generator app. Anyone with an iPhone should buy it. It's way fun.

p.s.- thanks for the +reps.

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10:30AM=end of last final, official start of summer vacation

my jeans drank cheep booze


Took part in homoerotic male bonding


threw our bottles in the trash, keep our parks clean


Said goodbye to the seniors before they left for college (if Florian had shown up this pic would have had much more contrast)


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I still have more stories/photos from the field when I get around to uploading/writing, but back in Kampala now:

Went to the Bahai temple (only one on the continent) for a little while today to relax


Sat inside and "prayed"/"meditated" for a little while, by drawing. I don't think I've actually "drawn" in three years. Discovered? Remembered? that I'm actually halfway decent with a pencil and paper when I allow myself the time and the relaxation


Laid about outside. Doodled the landscape


I've been blowing through books lately. Half-started a new book, half stared past the book at the trees and sky


Was rudely interrupted after not long enough by work. Enumerator teams are still out in the field and constantly fucking calling me to put out fires. Had to rush home to plant my ass in front of the computer. Ugh.

All out of sorts 'til I got myself to do a bit of a core workout, then my roommate put together the fixings for pita pizzas




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a.khan - nice stuff - keep on posting!

Dkatz, good shit -as always, And yeah - you should keep up with the drawing!

OK, a bunch of shots from the last few days....


One of the companies I'm working with decided to fly us & a couple of their execs to their Puerto Rico offices for the finalization of a large contract we've been working on. The trip was not originally planned, but who were we to object? We left Wednesday morning...

Random snap of as I was packing...


Groggy 5 AM EDC:


I wore my "dress" jeans, and the Aldens did double duty with suits & denim...


One of the nice things about working with profitable and/or big corporations is that they all have corporate jets :)

You basically arrive a few minutes before departure, hop on & away you go. No security, no line ups, no fuss. It really spoils you for "commercial" travel. ;)

These guys had a smaller jet, a Falcon - seats about nine, and it had all the comforts of home: wine bar, expresso machine, fridge stocked with food, beer, whatever.



We flew to New Jersey, where we landed, were cleared by US Customs, and then flew on to Puerto Rico.

Denimz hibernated for the next couple days, because most of the trip was spent in a boardroom, reviewing/signing contracts, and going out to a few really nice dinners. Unfortunately, not functions where cameras were welcome :(

Meetings, bloody meetings:


My non-denim dark side...



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Part 2

I really didn't think it would take too long to finalize everything, and sure enough, we wrapped stuff up around lunchtime on Friday.

So I had a few hours of free time before the celebration dinner, and hooked up with an old buddy, who's been living here the past five years as the chief legal counsel for a pharma company. We got quite silly. This is me in a tree (WTWJ) after quite a number of beers...


The view from my hotel room was quite stunning.




We got up super early on Saturday, and our hosts took us for a round of golf. The course was stunning, and we saw some interesting wildlife!




Great way to end a hardworking trip! Then back onto the Falcon for the flight home.

Cheers guys!

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Spent the last couple days hanging in SF. Been a blast so far. I love how unique each of the neighborhoods are. Got all the touristy stuff in, went to the golden gate bridge, explored the science museum, saw the seals at fisherman's wharf, Muir woods, went to Haight Ashbury. All of them were pretty awesome.

All the food we got was awesome, decent beer at every bar. Had a really good time.

Flying down to San Diego tomorrow to crash for a bit with some friends.

Here are some phone shots from the last couple days.

Got fries and muscles at Frjtz.


Saw a Unicorn


Got some needed pirate supplies


Saw some monsters


Got coffee from the future


Got in-n-out, which was half my reason for coming to California


Breakfast at the Pork Store


Window shopped for dogs


Saw a lot of bitching muscle cars.


And of course wore my white shirt and jeans for WTWJ


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Holy crap, Riff, looks like you live the kind of life I thought only existed in movies... movies like The Devil's Advocate. Hah!

Seriously though, fuckin' rad! You should put up a WAYWT of your "non-denim dark side" at some point - based on that jacket label I imagine you're wearing some pretty sharp shit.

Thanks for letting us accompany you a bit! Private jet and all....

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this thread makes me so excited to graduate college and live life! haha sorry for the random post; i just had to say it.

I just finished undergrad in May. So glad to have school be over. Currently on the last half of a month long west coast tour. Having a blast so far. Hopefully I can get a job when I get back.

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haven't posted in a while.

first day of term break today, went out to meet a friend to hang at his workplace. haven't seen him in a while.

this is where i live. contrary to what Maynard Freidman thinks, i don't live in a prison. in singapore, our houses are compartmentalised into what you call blocks and usually each "block" has four units. if you come from a wealthier background, you probably live in a bigger house with a yard and all, but im from a lower middle background so this is where i live. been a homeboy here for 23 years and counting, my dad comes from a huge family with lots of siblings, so life was always hard when they were young. he never believed in buying more than what you needed.

so this is where i live.


bloody hot day it was, went to the convenience store to get a drink. this is one of the best around, orange flavoured with nata de coco cubes in them.


got down to the place he worked at, hung around for a bit. they sold freitag bags which were apparently made out of tarp and from what i heard was pretty popular in europe. over here its one of those bags the "designer" people carried. not my kind of steez.


the same brand made wallets in all sorts of different colours as well. they had this weird rubbery smell to it though. i like leather wallets more. : /


bummed around a bit more and saw some KMWs. i remember buying a pair almost a year back but didnt go around to wearing them and now they're up on supermarket.




hung around a bit more beore deciding it was time to head home.


obligatory fit pic.


see you sufu fam.

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So nice to just chill in the back yard with family after a biz trip!




And as always, thanks for the rep & nice words, guys :)

Holy crap, Riff, looks like you live the kind of life I thought only existed in movies... movies like The Devil's Advocate. Hah!

Seriously though, fuckin' rad! You should put up a WAYWT of your "non-denim dark side" at some point - based on that jacket label I imagine you're wearing some pretty sharp shit.

Thanks for letting us accompany you a bit! Private jet and all....

Thanks D! Most of what I do would seem totally boring to you, but I thought y'all would enjoy stuff like this!

I probably have around 6-7 trips like this a year, but on most of them, we basically see the inside of a hotel, or company boardroom, and never get out anywhere.

2 of my regular clients are great - based in Barbados & Grand Cayman, respectively - for the obvious reasons! ;). They always insist we stay for the weekend :)

But typically, it's all work & no play.

I'm sure folks can Lowrider can testify that traveling for biz ain't glamorous!

And my biz wardrobe is ultra conservative. Maxwell Tailors travel thru most big cities in NA, and it costs about $400 to get a MTM suit, and $175 for 2 MTM shirts. So every 4-5 years, I refresh my suits - charcoal, charcoal, black & charcoal. So exciting :P

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