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What are your jeans doing today?


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me, my IH666Sod and my girl went to a nice place to eat today...

...a Buffalo Steakhouse :-)


view from my seat...




this was the quiet before the storm :-)


ordered this!


300gramm Rumpsteak with bacon + fries and bbq-sauce + salat!

ma girl (on the right o/c!) getting some salat for us!



to cont.! ...

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xpost from ROY x Cone contest thread.

My ROYs walked down Valencia street today:


Beignets at Straw.


Went to Four Barrel Coffee. This stretch of Valencia st. used to be one of the seediest runs in San Francisco, but over the last decade its gentrified almost out of recognition. This space used to be a shystie garage, across the street was Valencia Gardens, one of the worst housing projects in the city, famous for stolen dog fights. Now the projects have been torn down and rebuilt as shiny new mixed residence/retail space, and the garage is now the most hipster cafe it's possible to imagine. In fact, the name slipped my mind and I googled "Hipster coffee San Francisco" and it popped right up. Like a little bit of Brooklyn broke off and floated over. The place is run by twenty year old dudes with Edwardian beards or pompadours and young girls who are "borrowing nostalgia for the unremembered '80s", as J. Murphy would say.


Barista spinning vinyl in between making espresso drinks.


At the drip coffee bar you select inconveniently sourced beans and they grind them and offer you the grounds to sniff and approve in an overly-serious, self-important manner.


A stuffed unicorn head down the street at Paxton Gate,


The window display (about scurvy) at 826 Valencia, a combo pirate supply shop and writing workshop.



Inside, the storefront has pirate apparel, chests, nautical relics, etc.


In the rear a writing workshop for elementary school kids was going on.


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jigsaw - yeah, the pic is to blurry for me ^^ but food looks nice!

tv - it's the bay bridge right? thanks for the vid, it reminds me of one of my vacations i've spend there, going sea angling with my dad,grandpa and brother! maybe we can meet up at the end of 2011?! ;)

ah long - lord oh lord :D you've just took back the great things all of us germans love. and you've had no problems to get all of that through customs ? from what i known of, it's not allowed to bring food and the likes in other countries !?...

Z - great pics as always!

Chocolate in my experience is fine.. just no meat for Canada... just be honest of what you're bringing, worst that can happen is that u get ur stuff confiscated... the last thing u wanna do is to smuggle and get black listed

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spent most of my morning busy listing stuff here , needed a break

DSCN8251.jpgdecided to go for a walk to the corner store, got my kittenge scarf I'm ready for whatever comes my way!

DSCN8249.jpgStarting out, this is perpetually the view from my front door. I swear that PT cruiser never moves.

DSCN8242.jpga small portion of the husker shit in my nextdoor neighbors yard, :barf:

DSCN8243.jpgour town is pretty AG centered, you can see the grain tower there, and the viaduct so the trains don't back traffic up.

DSCN8244.jpg another reason i am walking, even though its snowing out. dunno how high this is in comparison to the coasts, but 48 or 49 cents of it is TAX... boo Nebraska!

DSCN8245.jpgdecisions decisions, i am on a no-pop diet thesedays... I miss coke.

DSCN8246.jpgfit pic [generic mets cap,levis/woolrich,CxR,sorel,kittenge scarf]

DSCN8248.jpg left with some green tea for myself, vitamin water for the wifey

now to trudge home...

DSCN8250.jpgI must be home...one of my wifes many wreaths,

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This weekend, my jeans, my family and myself went to Munich.

We saw confused graffiti artists..


Eat a Royale with cheese in honour of Pulp Fiction...


Went to the zoo...


Felt uncomfortable around a crocodile...


Laughed at monkeys with big, red butts...


Watched some kangaroo boxing....


Photographed a sign that my juvenile, english mind found funny...


Saw a 25 feet tall gold man, with his gold pecker on display...


Wore slight variations of this all weekend...


Was very impressed by some of the buildings...


Met some great people, and the only negative experience of the weekend was caused by some drunk, english salesmen attending a conference and singing loud Eng - ger - lund football songs at the airport as soon as we arrived. It made me embarrassed to show my passport (not for the first time).

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Because it's a ridiculous question. In the real world people (like me) have responsibilities, families, mortgages, bills and attachments that cannot simply be left because I find nothing to be proud of in modern Britain. Unless you have a particular skills set, or some serious financial backing, and absolutely no ties then leaving this dying nation isn't as simple as you might think....believe me I have looked into it, and discussed it at length with my family.

If you want to debate my reasons for not liking england further, please feel free to PM me.

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To be fair, some good points in your response.

I must say though, I'm not one of the proud brits who defends our country's name to the last. Our country has tons of problems I agree, I suppose it's the fact I'm more proud of myself to have been able to take opportunities and make them work for me and my family whilst still living here.

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