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video games ruined my life


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Gave myself a ban on video games till exams finish on Nov. 17th.

Already have Shadows of the Damned, Portal 2, Ico/Shadow of the Colossus, Alan Wake, Link's Awakening bought and waiting for me.

Have Skyward Sword pre-ordered, and will cop Arkham City, Uncharted 3, Skyrim, Dark Souls and some others soon.

Wish games were cheaper in Aus. Paying $100+ for a new release sucks ass.

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I doubt I will buy anything for the rest of the year. I canceled my Dark Souls pre-order and my videocard blew up so no Skyrim.

was only half-serious about that past ten yrs comment

10 is still a great game, but i couldn't take 10-2 seriously at all....

12 got the gameplay and setting down, but the main story and cast of characters were not that memorable let's face it

no comment on 11 or 14 cause i haven't played them

13 is just meh

this whole post is a lie! Well, sort of.

X was horrifically bad. X-2 had a great battle system to make up for the embarrassingly juvenile depiction of a story and its whacking fanbase. I'll just continue to look at Hentai thanks.

XII was a great experience but fell flat when the overall plot lost its focus. The characters are some of my favorites out of all the FF's and I like the sidecast more than the party. For most people that is a mark against the game but people like Larsa and Reddas were so far ahead it was crazy.

XI is the best FF game

XIII paying $14 off of amazon was still too much.

XIV...I still play rarely. It has become so much better though but still nowhere near it should be, i'll watch the Yoshida livecast tomorrow to hear about some of the upcoming updates.

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No, all true. the story and job/classes in XI easily makes it the best mainline FF. Dancer, Samurai, Red Mage are the best they ever been.

Tactics is superior all around but a lot of people rather count it as a Tactics Ogre game.

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question for N64 gamers

has anyone tried these third party joysticks? it's a ball-in-socket joystick, as opposed to the original nintendo stick-on-a-hinge joystick. i'm worried that it would be TOO smooth and affect gameplay. not to mention my friends might give me shit for having a "competitive advantage"


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been wanting a single-player game for a minute so I just copped Dark Souls. I'm tired of beating campaigns in a handful of hours so this'll be dope.

I only have SSFIV and Portal 2 neither of which I've played for quite a while. I should check that Portal DLC though right? This holiday season is gonna fuck me up though. BF3, MW3, looking @ Skyrim lately. fuck.

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I am terrible at Dark Souls' combat system. I can't seem to get dude to consisently kick so sometimes I'll just be in a staredown with a shielded enemy for awhile until I attempt to attack and then he spears me five times in a row.


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I am terrible at Dark Souls' combat system. I can't seem to get dude to consisently kick so sometimes I'll just be in a staredown with a shielded enemy for awhile until I attempt to attack and then he spears me five times in a row.


don't hold L1 if you're trying to kick or backstab :o

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