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video games ruined my life


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anyone pick up drakes deception yet?

played campaign for a few hours yesterday and am also really liking the mutiplayer. anyone want to play sometime im djang87

I thought the campaign was alright but I just reached the boat part last night and it seems like it's really picking up from here. Too many random walking sequences before that...

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Still gotta finish up Uncharted 2, may have to do that this weekend if I can find time to. Also, fuck the GTA trailer, I did not take a god damn thing away from it. Storyline sounds like it could be interesting, I just honestly prefer the NYC and Miami based iterations more, though San Andreas has an amazing story. Guess we'll just have to see. also I gott buy MW3 too, huh? fuck.

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how so? it looks amazing to me...i don't really care about the stories anymore, just the features that GTAIV were lacking, looks like the graphics (character/ped models, cars, environments) are MUCH improved, also they brought back jets and parachutes, NYC is a nice environment but everything tends to look the same, not much variation in scenery

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agreed that graphics look great, but for me video games are supposed to be escapism, especially if it is going to be a primarily campaign based game. I love GTA for the stories, and personally I felt like GTA IV had a great storyline. This one looks interesting and sounds good, just the trailer was very anti-climactic despite being beautiful. I honestly just want Bioshock and MW3 to drop already, impatient as fuck.

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how far off is a ps4/xbox 720 (?) - at least another 2-3yrs right? unsure whether to save for a new pc next year or just buy a used ps3 or something. the last game i 'properly' played was san andreas before i sold my ps2.

Sony has been firm on saying that the PS3 is a ten-year console. It dropped in 2006, so it's still at only half it's expected life.

Can't chime in on xbox tho.

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Sony has been firm on saying that the PS3 is a ten-year console. It dropped in 2006, so it's still at only half it's expected life.

Can't chime in on xbox tho.

I think they were thinking along the lines of the ps2 when they said that. They still supported it for years after they launched the ps3. They'll probably end up releasing a ps40000 within a few years.

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