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How did you guys ever end up finding your hobbies (deep and meaningful topic here)


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Yeah, my bad for calling beer pong a hobby. It's more of a way to interact with people and meet new people and unwind. I play a once or twice a month, but really it's more about hanging out with people and social interaction. It's just one of my group of friends that started out as a smash bros/video game group in college, and after interest in those were lost, we moved on to beer pong. It's led to things like cottage trips and basketball games and shit. But seriously, what's not to like about beer pong, lol?

I guess it really is a hobby for a lot of people though, because there are national beer pong tournaments and shit...

I guess another actual hobby of mine is web design. Started learning html in grade 8, and then went to college for it, and now it's my profession.

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ooh i love food & wine!

its kind of weird to pin-point what exactly constitutes a hobby, but i guess they kind of just fall in your lap.

I'm really into cooking and baking, mostly because my family is way into food, oh and learning new cocktails because we're all boozehounds. Antiquing because I'm an old woman at heart

Thrift store shopping because I'm damn good at it

Travel for obvious reasons

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I have to say that dismal is right and this is a depressing thing for a person to admit. If your saying you have no interests thats kinda odd, if the fact you dont have any interests is because your afraid to be bad at something, that is sad.

we all suck at things when we start out, so, start doing something and keep doing it until your good at it... even if you hate it, just start to dedicate yourself to something and keep going past your point of disinterest.

from there, decide if you want to keep going, but at least you will have a skill that took you time to develop.

To not try, is to fail.

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I don't really understand the OP, tbh. How can you not figure out if you like something or not, or are you that detached and apathetic about life?

i think you misunderstood. he said that he gets interested in stuff but then the interest quickly fades away after a month or two. so he is trying to figure out how to find something that might stick with him for a longer time

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filipino from birth -> innate compulsion to entertain others -> youtube video of cwalking -> initial reaction of "wtf i can do that" -> cwalking as a hobby -> needed shoes to dance in -> ISS forums -> bought raw LRG denims, wtf is raw denims? soak? jawnz? -> sufu -> enjoyment in wasting money on expensive things just for the sake of having them -> flashlight collection


grew up with SFII on genesis + nintendo -> ssb -> melee -> brawl / electroincs/gadgets -> computers -> internet -> pirating music -> mp3 players -> audiophilia and expensive headphones -> random dude from minnesota online suggests rhymesayers entertainment -> "hip hop" -> mpd24 + reason which i will now attempt to learnnnn

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Vectors for the outdoors do it for me. Mountain and road biking (2x bikes), camping (lots of hand-me-down gear) and a camera. Sports also - I play soccer with guys at work and recently joined an indoor league.

Do jawnz count as a hobby?

I've been itching to get into music (banjo) but I don't know any people in that scene.

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Finding a hobby can really depend on the environment you are in (frds, culture, family influence...etc). For me i was lucky enough to meet some frds back in high school to start a band. I started bass and continued doing that for 6 years til now. It also helped change my perspective on music and life as well. Something else i also enjoyed and started very young is basketball. I have a very high competitive spirit so it comes naturally for me to play sports and basketball has been my hobby since i was 6. Other hobbies include manga, clothes/jeans and movies. I think a gd way to start is to hang out wif different people and see what they do in their spare time and i think you 'll find something special that you'll enjoy...gd luck

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When I'm outside – surfing or bicycling crazy-ass long distances.

Every man needs to know the following things – cooking well (even for just one's self, how to do basic auto maintenance (maybe even advanced) and how to manage money. So when I do those, I try to do them well, and occasionally investing, or cooking or working on my car become my hobbies.

But when I'm really nerding out, I play with perl or processing (visual language) on my computer.

I guess I have the opposite problem as you, I have a lot of hobbies I'm pretty good at, but I need to focus on a few.

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