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How did you guys ever end up finding your hobbies (deep and meaningful topic here)


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I am probably just going to be laughed at a ridiculed for this but I dont think I really have anything I am truly interested in or have any real hobbies

How did you ever find what you were passionate about? Most people I know usually find out when they were young whether it be a sport team, cars etc but for some reason I still havent found my 'thing' yet (I dont really like sports for some reason)

I was thinking of having a go at photography but I am afraid I am just going to be wasting my time and effort.......again. I dont really know too much about photography but all I know is that I sure love a lot of 'real-people' type of photos that I find on blogs and such which I have found I have been appreciating for the past few years.

Ive always had a go at a bunch of hobbies but I find that I am super excited about for the first few months then after that things start going downhill and I become apathetic and bored towards it. Like its just a phase

I hear people say all the time to just try new things and eventually people will find where they fit which I dont think I have found yet or even know where to begin since its very rare that something gets me super excited. And sometimes I hate trying new things because I am afraid it might be just another phase where I end up looking like a poser.

So yeah if I ever decide to start having a go at photography where can I learn more, and will a basic 5 megapixel digital camera that people use for birthday photos be a good start so I dont waste money this time if it doesnt work out.

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my hobby that i've had for a while now is magic the gathering, picked it up back when i was around 12 or 13? so around 6-7 years now and it's been a great amount of fun. i feel like the most important thing about the hobby is not so much the activity itself but more so the ties that you make with the other people that partake in it. for example, and landho will agree with me on this, the best part about magic the gathering for us were the ties we made and the stories we've gained and the memories we carry to this moment. just try and find something that you can connect with other people through wether it be a sport, a game, or a whole subculture, fuck it, have fun. good luck with the incoming neg reps.

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I think it's cool to have kind of a geeky hobby that you are into, regardless of what everyone else thinks. For me, I fly fish a ton and tie flies. It's nice 'cause it's a completely different crowd than I'd normally hang out with and I can just enjoy my time either with other people who dig on it or by myself. I'm kind of the same way with things, I get a passing interest and a lot of them don't stick, but I think it's neat to be familiar with a range of things instead of only one. For me, looking for something like a hobby started by wanting to be good at something none of my other friends were good at. Fly Fishing seemed challenging enough and had this whole crazy devoted sub-culture and I found it really appealing. I'd look at doing something that you find yourself reaching outside the norm to do. You'll find it...just don't wait too long 'cause time doesn't tend to become more flexable the older you get.

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This isn't nearly as "out there" as other people, but I genuinely just enjoy books. Reading them is one thing and very enjoyable, but books themselves. Antique books stores, used book stores, libraries; the whole she-bang. Magazines do a similar thing for me, but they're much more about sleekness and message. And books smell good, too.

Also, I expect this entire thread is just going to be "tl;dr" entries.

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hobbies to me shouldn't matter if your good at it or not as long as you find enjoyment in it.

I used to build gundam models but shit got expensive so now i draw, go fishing,play video games and, drink alcohol.

Forgot to add sewing.

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I used to play in a recorder quartet with three other musicians. We got together every month or so to play consort music on plastic yamaha recorders. No one of us was good at it, so it was more about the food and the alcohol.

I also played tribalwars, but that wrecked my life. Glad I stopped.

When you are in your teens, and I am guessing you are, just do as you write: take a course or a workshop here and there to find out what you like. It's not completely independent of what you are good at btw.

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Maybe it has become less obvious to find out what your hobbies are nowadays.. In the era of multimedia, it's not what draws your attention most, but what is marketed/plugged/blurbed most successfully, that you end up doing if you don't watch out.

Good luck.

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i collect pens and notebooks. sometimes i write in them, sometimes i dont.

the pens dont have to be a certain color, just write a certain way and feel good when im holding it in my hand.

im also playing around with photography...dont have to be the best at it. its just supposed to make you happy.

i like doing makeup too. i see the face as my canvas and like trying out new looks and colors on ppl. men can be some of the best makeup artists ever too!

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i collect pics of dogs, war and bitches. thats just online though and not a real hobby.

what your missing is, that any real profession is often based on doing something for the fun of it for a long enough period that you become good enough at it to make money.

your 20, chill out, 20 is the new 10.

EDIT: 1k post!!!!!

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Eventually you will find something that doesn't fade after a few months, or even years. I like Orion's point about going a bit out of your usual crowd to find things, because then I would imagine you'd have a more personal attachment. On the other hand, learn through all of your friends and their various hobbies, or maybe there's something your dad always does that he got off his dad, etc etc.

It will probably sneak up on you when it happens. I've drawn for as long as I can remember, so that's just a childhood thing, but getting more into reading and writing, for pleasure instead of school, was directly because of school (3 english courses in final year of HS). I became really interested in cars because of a video game over a decade ago. Caring more about clothes? A desire to grow up in first year uni. Photography grew out of a desire of seeing things and wanting to record that moment, or share what I saw with someone else.

It's like meeting new people. Either you'll feel that "click", and the hobby will gel, or it will just be a short-term fixation. 20's young.

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I don't really understand the OP, tbh. How can you not figure out if you like something or not, or are you that detached and apathetic about life?

I am pretty uninterested in most things in life, but I beast like hell on like one or two particular things at any given time. Collected baseball cards, drew a lot, played a lot of baseball when I was a kid, got into making music and obsessed over guitars and wasted money on that, got a driver's license and beasted like crazy on cars, always had an interest in nice clothes, and got into cooking food some years back. All shit I've tried to do well at some point in my life.

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Like alot of people already said, don't stress about it, 20 is nothing, not to mention that one's hobbies and passions are a dynamic thing and tend to change as the years go by, for example, I doubt that you like to do the same things now as you did when you were 10...

Just keep trying new stuff, and as cliché as this might sound, something will eventually find you.

For me? It's graphic design, travelling and paintball, although paintball has evolved into a little more than a hobbie and allows me to travel all over to play events and meet people so I guess I was incredibly lucky in that.

But before I got to paintball I went through alot (And still do...) of phases, like photography, magic the gathering (twice), skateboarding, and the fact is that instead of regretting having those phases, they allowed me to learn new shit and to meet new people, so all in all, they were definitely positive experiences.

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Bodybuilding and beer pong (I guess this makes me a bro, lol). Bodybuilding because it takes a lot of discipline and dedication and it greatly increases your self esteem and your health. Beer pong because you need that balance. If you eat healthy and work out constantly, the only way to balance shit out is binge drinking once or twice a month. The social aspect of beer pong is awesome too.

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Not to deviate too much, but it seems like the line between "bro" and "anti-bro" has been blurred quite a bit in the last few years. Just cut out hair gel and Ford Mustangs and I couldn't tell the difference anymore.

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