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Djrajio Dating Thread/Advice Column

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how do i get girls to not start liking me and want to be bf? it's not even 2 weeks into freshman year and bitches already wanna be my gf. i just wanna have fun

sounds like you don't have a problem. read the earlier posts and play dem gurlz. fuck em all. (0)

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that LV bag is pricey

most self effacing middle class white girls may know what LV is but have no qualms about carrying the fake version. This doesn't apply to middle class Japanese girls with the same level of self-worth/interest/introspection: they will just not eat lunches that cost more than 500Y per day and then buy the LV after 3 months, and then take it to all their dates with other female friends.

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hey i've been in a serious relationship with this chick for about 2~ months now and its pretty nice EXCEPT AT TIMES she just decides to be a bitch and we end up quarreling over small shit we disagree on and this leads to me getting no sex/love

i need to show her who's boss, because being angry/losing my temper wont work on this chick! tbh never had a girl like this before, with my previous experiences ali had to do was be pissed and stop calling for a day or something like that before they'd come crawling back to me.


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how often is this bitchyness happening? once a month? every 28 days to be precise?

but seriously my advice would be to hold your ground a little longer and dont go crawling back to her

nahhh its no pms, shit happens every other week.

ive done that, she comes back apologetic yeah, but thats not a short term solution cause quarrels still come up its likea fucking cycle.

i just want her to be a good little bitch, no quarrels at all.

gilead: hahaha doubt that would work!

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That's Dimitri The Lover


"Dimitri referred to the complainants as “bitter, moustached, man-hating, femi-nazi cunts from socially regressive, evolutionarily non-sequitur organizations.”

- I like this guy.

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Fine I'll give some actual advice, if the girl you're after is at all arty/hipsterish, a good date idea is to make friends with the local gallery owners and take her out to an exhibition opening, you look 'high status' as fuck when you can just wonder in to an opening and get introduced to the artist by the owner, plus there's usually free booze and food and you don't have to pay shit.

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What's up DJRajio. Need some advice.

I'm in a bit of a predicament. A while ago, while on a business trip in Vegas, I encountered some girl on the dance floor. Went back to her room, she gives me head, and then tried to get me to have sex with her without a condom (NOPE!). I slept over and left for work the next morning.

It turns out she is actually in the same industry as me, which is a relatively small circle. I figured this was fine, as I didn't really play her out or call her a skank, I just treated it as what it was, a drunk hook-up.

Now I'm starting to encounter this girl more often. And I guess she is embarrassed, or mad at me, or something, because now she gives me the evil eye and I see her talking shit about me to friends when I walk into a party/gathering. This is really throwing salt in my game. I still acknowledge her presence and try and be a decent human being, but it's getting more and more difficult and would like to put a stop to this.

What the fuck should I do?

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What's up DJRajio. Need some advice.

I'm in a bit of a predicament. A while ago, while on a business trip in Vegas, I encountered some girl on the dance floor. Went back to her room, she gives me head, and then tried to get me to have sex with her without a condom (NOPE!). I slept over and left for work the next morning.

It turns out she is actually in the same industry as me, which is a relatively small circle. I figured this was fine, as I didn't really play her out or call her a skank, I just treated it as what it was, a drunk hook-up.

Now I'm starting to encounter this girl more often. And I guess she is embarrassed, or mad at me, or something, because now she gives me the evil eye and I see her talking shit about me to friends when I walk into a party/gathering. This is really throwing salt in my game. I still acknowledge her presence and try and be a decent human being, but it's getting more and more difficult and would like to put a stop to this.

What the fuck should I do?

This kind of shit dude, I just make it known the girl has tasted the knob at an opportune moment, get her stock down, control the situation. Who is gonna look down on you if you let it be known you got a blowjob man?

Fuck being a gentleman, circa 2009 gentlemen go on styleforum and wear mismatched tailored and casual from bargain sales and live in the suburbs.

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Fine I'll give some actual advice, if the girl you're after is at all arty/hipsterish, a good date idea is to make friends with the local gallery owners and take her out to an exhibition opening, you look 'high status' as fuck when you can just wonder in to an opening and get introduced to the artist by the owner, plus there's usually free booze and food and you don't have to pay shit.

Thanks for telling us the obvious.

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What's up DJRajio. Need some advice.

I'm in a bit of a predicament. A while ago, while on a business trip in Vegas, I encountered some girl on the dance floor. Went back to her room, she gives me head, and then tried to get me to have sex with her without a condom (NOPE!). I slept over and left for work the next morning.

It turns out she is actually in the same industry as me, which is a relatively small circle. I figured this was fine, as I didn't really play her out or call her a skank, I just treated it as what it was, a drunk hook-up.

Now I'm starting to encounter this girl more often. And I guess she is embarrassed, or mad at me, or something, because now she gives me the evil eye and I see her talking shit about me to friends when I walk into a party/gathering. This is really throwing salt in my game. I still acknowledge her presence and try and be a decent human being, but it's getting more and more difficult and would like to put a stop to this.

What the fuck should I do?

First off good job with not allowing her to fuck w/o a condom. Recently a friend of mine did some Singaporian girl that was visiting Tokyo to cover a rock event. They met at a club, things happened and the next day she was on a flight back home. Well a week later my friend starts having side pains and it hurts when he pees; turns out the bitch gave him Chlamydia!

Remember guys between half and three-quarters of all women who have a chlamydia infection have no symptoms and do not know that they are infected!!!!!

Wrap that shit.

As for your current problem with a bitch pissing in your neck of the woods, have you heard of buyers remorse? Seems like this bitch has a serious case of it and wants to tell the whole world.

If this girl has high social status and lots of guys want to get into her pants than yes i agree with Dismal's advice but I have a strong suspicion she'll tell everyone you were lousy in bed.

I tend to take the path of least resistance w/ jealous bitches and treat them like everyone else. You personal character w/ trump her gossip talking and people will take your actions at face value.

Remember the one who cares least has the power and living well is the best revenge.

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First off good job with not allowing her to fuck w/o a condom. Recently a friend of mine did some Singaporian girl that was visiting Tokyo to cover a rock event. They met at a club, things happened and the next day she was on a flight back home. Well a week later my friend starts having side pains and it hurts when he pees; turns out the bitch gave him Chlamydia!

Remember guys between half and three-quarters of all women who have a chlamydia infection have no symptoms and do not know that they are infected!!!!!

my friend once got crabs from a singaporean lady as well.

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This past week has been particularly killer for me regarding work and I haven't had an opportunity to post the events that happened last Friday. Last Friday I had a date with a hot Nagoya girl that works for Hitachi. Beautiful 23 year old, worked in Shanghai for two years, speaks fluent Chinese, and relatively good English. I had met her at a Hanabi (Fireworks) party hosted by a friend of mine but didn't really hit it off well with her in my opinion. In fact, I had to ask my friend for her contact details, and even when I went to ask for the date, she pushed me off for two weeks later, so I figured that she had low buying temperature.

Needless to say, she eventually suggested for a Friday, which surprised me, since Friday's and Saturday are usually prime nights for hot bitches, so this threw me off. I meet her at Roppongi Hills and she was smokin'. We head to a nearby Vietnamese restaurant and the vibe is good and I'm quite surprised at her interest in me (although she probably plays this angle well to get a free dinner; i.e. she didn't suggest to pay when the check came...)

I figure we'd venue change to a bar near my neighborhood but my logistics get TOTALLY FUCKED UP cuz a summer festival (Matsuri) is in my neighborhood and its literally PACKED WITH PEOPLE and all the bars we go to are FULL. I literally try 3 bars that I know well and all of them are full. She gets a call from some Chinese dude that asks her to come to his home-party in Shinjuku; they talk in Chinese and for all I know she could be fucking the dude. I play it cool. Finally we find a bar and we chill and I'm trying to vibe with her and try to get her back in focus. Suddenly I get a text on my cell.

A971 Girl: I saw you.

Shit. A971girl is a girl I met at a famous bar in Tokyo called A971. I've been trying to get serious w/ since I met her in January. Smoking hot but has personal issues because her mother died when she was in high-school. Heavily flakes and thinks with her emotions more than normal girls do. I'm supposed to see her on Sunday but apparently she is in my neighborhood for the festival and just saw me with this Nagoya bitch.

I ignore the text.

I try to plow ahead and order more drinks for the Nagoya bitch but this is where she drops a bomb.

Nagoya bitch: Listen I need to go to a party in Shibuya. How do I get to the station from here? (Translation: This date sucks, I'm going to meet up with my friends before my Friday night is totally ruined).

This girl is a princess and probably has guys always fawning after her so I definitely know I fucked up the logistics and she wasn't happy about it. I play it cool; cut my losses and take her to the train station.

Call A971 girl. Apparently she went to another neighborhood w/ her friend. Suggest we meet up for drinks but later decide against it.

Call my bros and head to Shibuya and meet up with them at Elephant Cafe. Shoot the shit and my half-Japanese/half-Chinese banker-bro tells me his hot friend (Short skirt girl) is coming w/ her girls for more drinks. I vaguely remember the girl but instantly remember we met at a pool party in Odaiba a few weeks ago. 23 years old. Went to international school in Osaka and used to work for Juicy Couture but recently quit. A smoker (I hate girls that smoke). Comes alone.

She comes in wearing a ridiculously short red-plaid mini-shirt and tight -black corset w/ white top. Smoking hot. We bounce venue's to a English pub nearby and order a round. My russian banker-bro friend immediately gets akward and asks to switch tables.

Me: Yo, what wrong?

Russian bb: That Korean girl from across the room keeps staring at me.

Me: Haha, you know her?

Russian bb: I met her here a couple weeks ago and she came back to my place and gave me a BJ. Never contacted her since.

Me: Haha, man she's so average you can do better.

She was really. Kinda disappointed my friend doesn't aim higher in terms of quality.

We suddenly recognize that short skirt girl is getting bored and keeps checking her i-phone. Doesn't surprise me since its a Friday night and she's stuck w/ 4 single-bankers. Haha. My half-Japanese/half-Chinese keeps asking her when her friends are coming and she tells us her "hot" friends are "still at work," and don't get out of work until 3am. We prod further and get it out of her that all her friends work as hostesses in Roppongi; thus why they work til late at night.

My genius half-Japanese/half-Chinese friend suggests we go to the hostess club and try to get discount. She calls her friends and asks if its ok if we come. She keeps on insisting that her friends are very hot. My bros are interested but I'm suspcious.

We take a taxi to Roppongi but Russian friend calls it a night and head home. So just 3 bros and a hot bitch now.

We arrive in Roppongi and immediately we head to the club but just as we enter I immediately spot Waseda-Chinese girl, a girl that used to work as a bartender at a club I used to frequent and I occasionally fucked, waiting w/ a group of friends on the sidewalk. I've since completely ignored her calls/txts.

Me: (While hiding my face w/ my hand) Fuck fuck fuck fuckkkkkk....

Bros: Yo, what's wrong?

Me: It's Waseda-Chinese girl over there!

Bros: Hahahaha...

My bros give me lots of shit cuz I try to ignore her presence.

We get to the club and get a table. Lots of young college girls in sparkly one-pieces talking w/ 40-50 year old men while pouring drinks and trying to laugh at their lame jokes. It's actually quite classy. I head to the bathroom to pee while my bros get comfortable. We order a bottle of wine. 4 bitches come for the 3 of us and one for our lady friend. We make small talk. After a while I get a tap on my shoulder and turn around to a strangely recognizable voice.

British-Jap Girl: Hisashiburi! *Long time no see!

It's British-Japanese girl! A 25 year old Japanese girl who grew up in the UK but after college came to Japan. Apparently SHE was the HOT friend short skirt girl was talking about! Thing is, I had occassionally dated her late last year and had the SINGLE WORST DATE OF MY LIFE w/ this girl!

Back in November I took her to a Lithium Homme fashion show in Ebisu and drank w/ her afterwards. Since she's from the UK, her alcohol tolerance is extremely high and I tried to out drink her at a bar. After dozens of shots, martinis, wines, and beers, I got so shit faced I puked all over her while making out. Proceeded to puke my guts out in the bathroom, fall asleep on the toilet while she called her friends complaining how she was on the SINGLE WORST DATE OF HER LIFE, and how she had to pay for everything, leaving me alone at the bar til the very morning.


Me: .....

Bros: Hahahahahahaha

My bros knew of the story but couldn't believe that short-skirt girl and british-jap girl have been best friends since 8th grade. Turns out they went to the same international school in Osaka and are still best friends. SMALL FUCKING WORLD. British-Jap girl recently quit her job in marketing and started working as a hostess two months ago.

Truth is really stranger than fiction isn't it?

The rest of the night proceeds w/ short-skirt girl and british-jap girl egging and making fun of me while the rest of my bros talk to other hostesses. The whole experience is really surreal but I can't help but notice that despite our relations, British-Jap girl flirts with me heavily.

Eventually closing time comes around and we get the bill. Half-Jap/Half-Chinese bro and I figure its around $200-$300 total so probably $100 each right?

I glance at the bill.

154,000 yen.

Wha? Take another glance.

154,000 yen.

Approx $1,540 for the three of us.


We just got played.

My third bro proceeds to pay the bill via credit-card and we high-tail out of there with short-skirt girl and British-Jap girl in hand. Logistics wise we figured we take them back to my third bro's place near Roppongi and we proceed to buy liqour and try to get them back to his place to close.

As we walk, my third bro holds hands w/ short-skirt girl so I know its on between the two of them. I immediately back off and walk slower with half-jap/half-chinese bro, british-jap girl, and myself. Half-Jap and I try to figure out logistics of who would take British-jap girl home and I give him the opportunity since I hate competiting w/ friends for women. There are plenty of fish in the sea.

But in our bout of correspondance, British-Japn girl is suddenly gone and I get a phone call from her.

British-Jap Girl: Look, I'm really tired. I'm going to a bar back in Roppongi. So sorry.

Me: Look, let me keep you company. I'll be over in a minute.

Looks like British-Jap girl make the decision for us. :)

I head back and meet up with her and suggest we go to a bar nearby my apartment. She agrees and we grab a taxi and head over.

Head to a bar where I know the owner and he hooks us up with drinks. We proceed to drink and we vibe well despite the past. I suggest we head back to my place to relax. She agrees and we get back to my place and makeout and I feel up on her G-cup breasts. Yes, G-cups. Pretty rare for a japanese girl but I wasn't complaining. Try to go for the fuck but get heavy resistance. Try for another hour but become too exhausted and we fall asleep on my bed. The rest of the night is a bit blurry and we fooled around and she eventually leaves 8am in the morning.

I wake up around 1pm and see I have 4 missed calls from my bros.

Apparently short-skirt girl didn't fuck my friend. And half-Jap/half-Chinese bro eventually went home alone.

But fuck me what a crazy Friday night.

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Cheat sheet on what I learned last weekend:

1) Always have your logistics figured out. Have a plan A, B, C.

2) Be indifferent w/ the outcome, be willing to cut your losses, and don't indicate any sign of disappointment if the outcome doesn't go your way (this is where I fucked up w/ Nagoya girl)

3) Even if you puke on a girl and she tells her friends that you were the worst date she's ever had, there is still a possibility to recover :)

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so did u end up payin 1/3 of the bill then?

thats some bomb check, for a bottle of wine.

I paid my friend back later the next day.

We drank two bottles of wine but the girls kept ordering drinks and rotate, so the number of drinks quickly added up. We didn't think about this during our drunkin stupor.

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yo I have a non-dating related question brethren

if you were coming up right now what field would you major in considering economic climate and shit, trynna make that b.a.l.l.a. salary

based on what i've read engineering is the way to go

The most important thing is to get yourself into a field where you aren't so expendable, anything that can be automated eventually will be.

Engineering is pretty good though, you're thinking in the right direction (less hands on, more problem solving).

Obvious I know, but whatever.

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yo I have a non-dating related question brethren

if you were coming up right now what field would you major in considering economic climate and shit, trynna make that b.a.l.l.a. salary

based on what i've read engineering is the way to go

any major is what you make of it. The people I know who graduated from engineering at my school (UCSD), ranged the gamut from balla to jobless.

Roommate of mine graduated with a 3.4 and an MS in mechanical engineering, hasn't been able to find a job since February of this year. Other guy who graduated from Comp Sci and pulled a 3.89 got jacked into a 6figure salary up in Silicon Valley, while a Philosophy major I know learned programming on the side and is now working at UCSD making 90k or so a year.

Do co-ops, internships and work opportunities while keeping your GPA high and you should be good to go. (But don't major in English Lit or French History, you're just asking for pain.)

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