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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!



You: hey what are you wearing right now

Stranger: sweat pants and a tshirt

You: is your mom home

Stranger: nope

You: ok can i come over

Stranger: sure

You: don't tell anyone I'm coming over

You: I have a record

Stranger: ok

Stranger: i like surprises

You: do you liek surprises up the butt

Stranger: no id rather be prepared

You: ive got weapons

Stranger: k

You: do you wanna just fucking go shoot some people

You: like old people

Stranger: not particularly

You: and children

You: that sucks

Stranger: yeah

You: wanna play pokemon?

Stranger: FUCK YES

You: im not sure how to play

You: what is this game about

Stranger: idk

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Hahahaha! This was me on the other end. Weird... I guess with only 3000 users it was bound to happen.

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aha, someone sent me this one

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Stranger: are you by any chance a nigger


You: No.

You: i am not a nigger.

Stranger: prove it

Stranger: i can not continue this conversation until you prove you are not black

Stranger: i do not feel safe

You: are you by chance a white supremacist ?

Stranger: I very much am

Stranger: ...

Stranger: april fools

Stranger: im a dirty mexican

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Alright so I lied a little

Stranger: uaaaaah

You: Hows it?

Stranger: heello u

Stranger: from?

You: a/s/l?

Stranger: Hii ;) Asl? I`m 17, male, brasil!

Stranger: and u

You: You gotta be shitting me

You: are you also in japan?

Stranger: brasil

Stranger: are u japanese?

You: Im a j girl

Stranger: uunh

Stranger: cool

Stranger: i never know a j girl

Stranger: its a first rs

Stranger: and my engliish is soooo poor

You: First time for everything

You: nah its fine

Stranger: age?

You: You ever watch j porn?

You: 20

Stranger: 17

Stranger: are u a japan porn star? kkkk

You: Ive been in one or two

You: who is your favorite japanese pron star?

Stranger: i dont have

Stranger: i dont know no one j porn star

You: We make the best porn

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hello my child

Stranger: hello

You: This is God, what questions do you have for me?

Stranger: hello father mcneill

You: He's but a servant, this IS God.

Stranger: why did prioest frank touch me in my special place

You: Because you didn't finish your vegetables.

You: What else?

Stranger: but he said it was ok

You: I'm dealing with the Catholic church now. This is all you have to ask of the Almighty?

Stranger: i sometimes look at dirty pictures, will i burn?

You: Not if you refrain from fapping to them.

Stranger: chicken or the egg god

You: The egg.

Stranger: really

You: Really. Don't question God.

Stranger: are u a virgin god

You: The complexity of why is above your comprehension.

You: "Virginity" is speculative.

Stranger: why did you kill your only begotten son

You: You killed him. Sinner.

Stranger: noooooo

Stranger: you helped the jews

You: and we're gonna hash that shit out inthe afterlife.

Stranger: god can i burrow you powers for a day

You: April Fools, this really isn't God.

Stranger: borrow^

Stranger: bastard, not funny man

You: April Fools, it really is.

Stranger: u joker u

Stranger: are u black or white god

You: I am Japanese.

Stranger: now we are fucked

You: Yes my child, you are.

You: because I am smart at math and dress better than you do.

Stranger: but you drive like shit

You: That would be Mrs. God.

Stranger: sorry its the yes i get mistaken

Stranger: eyes^

You: Hold on, prayer coming through.

Stranger: on hold to god, how good is that

Stranger: you got call waiting god

You: Ok, I'm back.

Stranger: will the world end in 2012

Stranger: i heard about a big rock

You: No, in 2013. Get ready.

Stranger: plague? famine?

You: Plague.

Stranger: america?

You: You're fucked.

Stranger: can you not save us

You: I don't want to. Just like Gommorah.

You: Save yourself, move to Canada.

Stranger: but i will find you some good men

Stranger: righteous men

Stranger: canada is too cold, oh wait i come from scotland

Stranger: it seems you have forsaken me

You: I have.

You: Farewell.

You have disconnected.

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You: hi can you write my lab report

You: its 5 pages

Stranger: hmm

Stranger: okay

You: yey

Stranger: in a minute i pass for you

You: what kind of payment do u accept

Stranger: hmm

Stranger: potatos

You: ya i can do that

You: thx

You: i gotta go get the potatoes

You: i will ttyl thx

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Hahahaha! This was me on the other end. Weird... I guess with only 3000 users it was bound to happen.

Hah I was expecting to end up talking to atleast one person from here.

Good show.

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You: rick owens?

Stranger: why yes

You: raf simons?

Stranger: diddy?

You: takahiro miyashita?

Stranger: hayao miyasaki?

You: junya watanabe?

You: ann demeulemeester?

Stranger: sea of shoes is that you?

Stranger: your toes are bulbous and weird

You: hahahahaha

You: no i'm not jane aldridge

You: good one though

Stranger: her mom dresses way better

You: ZING!

You: man

You: this is going up on sufuuuu

You: thanks for that.

Stranger: wtf is sufu

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:( who is anon?:(

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: oh hai

Stranger: anon is that u?

You: wut

Stranger: _/_____\_____________\____________/____









_______\___.__C____)_.you just_(_(____>__|__/












You: noooooooooooooes

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Sup son?

Stranger: sup

You: Blood or Crip?

Stranger: hells angels

You: Pagan

Stranger: protestant

You: Hells Angels don't believe in God.

Stranger: hahaha

Stranger: guess i fucked up thetn

You: you're not really HA.

You: I am though.

Stranger: as if a hells angels member would use omegle

Stranger: that would be so shameful

You: April fools.

Stranger: cutting it close on the april fools jokes

Stranger: got 30 min left

Stranger: sufu?

Stranger: do you have stairs in your house?

Who was this!!!

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Stranger: hi

You: hi

Stranger: hows it going

You: everything irie

You: u?

Stranger: pretty shitty

Stranger: age, gender, location ?

You: 24 m ny

Stranger: 25, male, Los angeles

Stranger: this is gay

Stranger: ever met any women, girls on this?

You: yes

Stranger: run any game on them?

You: sure

You: met them, too..

Stranger: yea right

You: i promise you

Stranger: add em on facebook or whatever?

Stranger: this thing has only been up for 2 days

You: add them to my graveyard

Stranger: hehe

Stranger: everyone on this is the same

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You: is mary there?

Stranger: negative

You: who's mary??

Stranger: mary?

You: why are people asking me if i'm mary?

You: fuck a mary

You: sometimes

Stranger: definitely, fuck a mary

Stranger: all the time

You: sometimes joseph too

Stranger: well...maybe

You: hey it's ok!

Stranger: no...no it's not

Stranger: there's nothing ok about fucking a joseph...not even sometimes


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