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Left Field Jeans


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those sweats look exactly like an idea i pitched to @mfarmtown earlier in the year right after we got our contest sweats. feels pretty cool seeing it for real! Seriously, y'all gotta stop coming out with all of my favorite things. Work hat, black maria jacket, these new sweats...come on. My wallet can only take so much!

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Lovin the new sweat style for this year, might have to scoop those while still finishing out the original sweat contest. Speaking of the contest sorry I have been so MIA recently just been real busy with work and recently moving again. Sweats haven't really been getting much action since the beginning of June but its actually pretty rainy and chilly here today and I've got the day off so I'm gonna be hopefully starting to get some more wear out of them! I'll post some update pics soon. Also did my 3rd wash at the beginning of july but not much changed and far as color when I washed them. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!

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Looking to pick up a pair of left field ducks. Does anyone have these?



Description says unwashed, does this mean unsanforized? How much shrinkage on these, if any? Description doesn't say.

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Gate City might be going by Hudson's Hill now. Googling both will bring you to the same address in Greensboro. I stopped by his shop a few weekends ago and Evan showed me some of the new clothes he's releasing under the name Hudson's Hill. I'm pretty sure I saw some of the Duck chino in the shop as well as some Green Weft and Indigo Duck jeans. 

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Its a bummer but Left Field's cuts dont jive with me.  The thighs are disproportionately slim compared to the waist.  

Example: a size 32 miner cut has  a true waist of about 34", which is good but the thigh is 12.5"..

Edited by garden gnomes in space
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  On 9/11/2014 at 9:56 AM, spork141 said:

Thinking about nabbing a pair of Kuroki chelsea jeans. Wondering if sizing "down" one is smart. Will it have some stretch after some wear? I don't mind putting in the effort. 


Why size down? The chelsea cut is pretty slim as it is.

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  On 9/11/2014 at 3:25 PM, altoclefchris said:

Why size down? The chelsea cut is pretty slim as it is.

A few reasons. I usually get between a 32 - 33 anyway (depends on brand)...so getting a 32 might not see "Sizing down" per say, but since these are slim I assume i would normally be a 33. THe store I want them only has them at 32, so there's no real choice. Im going to try them on first. Well see. THanks for all your input though.

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the kurokis shrink too! they can stretch but i'd get them true to size and still make sure to put them on damp the first few times you wash'm.

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  On 9/10/2014 at 5:10 PM, MileHighEvertonian said:

No doubt some sweet deals on the few remaining cone duck chinos @leftfieldnyc.com. But damn, I always find myself a little haunted by the picture of the long-ago sold out olive jp duck miners. What's the likelihood of another dark green/olive canvas returning to the line-up in the future?   


what size do you need?

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@conquerer it was in the works but cut the miner first and like I said since the Cone duck was so narrow it ended up running 4 yards instead of 2.8 so there was barely enough to cut. Also my minimums per color just got pushed up to 150 per style, one unfortunate downside of the resurgence of made in America. 

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  On 9/12/2014 at 6:06 AM, satchelbmoore said:

what size do you need?


To be honest, I'm currently in the red as far as the denim budget goes. But I'm either a 34 or 35  miner (I gather the cone mills were cut a little different than non-cone). If there's no stretch I really need a 35 waist (Denver's a tough place to avoid craft beer). If you've got some olive jps in-stock at a good price, I'm open to being tempted. Feel free to pm if you've got something in stock. Thanks. 


By the way, you might appreciate this. My first two cars: 1982 2dr 900S & 1983 4dr 900 turbo.  :)

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  On 9/12/2014 at 3:49 PM, Left Field said:

@conquerer it was in the works but cut the miner first and like I said since the Cone duck was so narrow it ended up running 4 yards instead of 2.8 so there was barely enough to cut. Also my minimums per color just got pushed up to 150 per style, one unfortunate downside of the resurgence of made in America. 


so does that mean its not going to happen? might have to wait for a navy re-up then.

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Sorry, been playing this summer without my sweats--- too hot.  But, now GAME IS ON!  Here is a pic of 2 of my favorite things in the gym locker!  Cheers!  #leftfieldsweats  #LV 


15063700319_1d1bf88294.jpgimage by happybabyyoga, on Flickr

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