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Full Count 2009 Contest Redux

Denim Phenom

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As LL said, Gordon hemmed mine, and they're within 1/2" of where I want them, and I Imagine that'll happen during the next wash.

Here's my 2 cents on soaking, hot vs. cold water, tumble drying, etc...

Hot or cold doesn't make a difference in shrinkage amounts. It's my understanding, and experience, that water is the chief catalyst for shrinking, not drying. I think hot water probably gets rid of starch/sizing better than cold water. having written that, my pair got a cold wash in a washer without a spin cycle. They shrank like they should've and there is a lot of leg twist, which is another indicator that shrinkage happened. Of course, they hung up pretty wet, so that adds a lot of time to soak time.

I really like how these are fitting. I am wearing them slightly damp until they dry. Here are some still damp fit pics and a shot of the twist. These were worth the wait!



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I think they did shrink to pretty damn close to 36.

I don't understand why EVERY size is 3" bigger than tagged, since denim shrinks on a percentage basis. Say it shrinks 10%, then a 36" should be 40" presoak, a 30 should be 33.3, etc.

Also, I lost my tag at work, what a dumbass!

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I just pulled 'em out of the washer, they're still a bit damp. They definitely shrank. See below for pre-wash clown fit shots, I'll try to get some legit post-wash fit pics up tomorrow.




I think I decided on black thread arcs, so I think I'm going to grab some tomorrow after work and go to town. I just love how the Sammies with black arcs look.

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I think I decided on black thread arcs, so I think I'm going to grab some tomorrow after work and go to town. I just love how the Sammies with black arcs look.

I'm thinking about black myself, mostly because it's going to be difficult to find thread that matches whatever yellow they are using. You planning on documenting this process?

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