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  walter_is_lame said:
Anyone want to help me devise a bulking diet, or point me in the right direction, or give me a simple calorie/macronutrient breakdown I could follow?

I'm 5'8'' 190lbs....16-20% bf , skinny fat, for reference.

50% protein, 25% fat, 25% carbs

6-8 meals a day (only 6 if you put fat on easily), or eat every 2.5-3 hours that you are awake. make sure your water, fiber and supplement intake is in check. eat relatively clean and have a good cheat meal or "day" at the same time once a week. most of diet tweaking will have to do with your INDIVIDUAL genotype.

lift "heavy" with great form (use the weight to work the muscle, not the muscle to move the weight) 3-5 days a week, get your rest on your off days. get proper sleep (7 hours minimum, for most people) every night if possible. ease off on the cardio (depending on how things go).

do these things and you will grow

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  playdisonlyatnight said:

50% protein, 25% fat, 25% carbs

6-8 meals a day (only 6 if you put fat on easily), or eat every 2.5-3 hours that you are awake. make sure your water, fiber and supplement intake is in check. eat relatively clean and have a good cheat meal or "day" at the same time once a week. most of diet tweaking will have to do with your INDIVIDUAL genotype.

lift "heavy" with great form (use the weight to work the muscle, not the muscle to move the weight) 3-5 days a week, get your rest on your off days. get proper sleep (7 hours minimum, for most people) every night if possible. ease off on the cardio (depending on how things go).

do these things and you will grow

Try to consume high carbs (over 3k) high protein (over 250) moderate fat everyday... have meals 2.5-3 hrs between each meal like he said. Lift heavy. Be discipline, dedicated, and determined. Dont eat any unncessary junk food. Lift Heavy then u will see results QUICK

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  walter_is_lame said:
Anyone want to help me devise a bulking diet, or point me in the right direction, or give me a simple calorie/macronutrient breakdown I could follow?

I'm 5'8'' 190lbs....16-20% bf , skinny fat, for reference.

40/25/35 or something in that range..

don't worry about how many meals you take in a day.. doesn't matter as long as you hit your target macros and calories..

total calories dependent on the individual, so start with 2500/day for a couple weeks and adjust from there..

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hmmm, been reading through a few pages here and there, and though this might be the wrong thread by a bit, i was hoping to get some good advice nonetheless:

i am trying to go through a massive fat burn diet over the span of about...10 weeks. i am starting my third week now, and my goal is to drop as much fat as i can from my body in order to get a lean, tone physique with some DEFINITION. I definitely am looking for defined muscles, which from my research and wanderings on the internet has shown, is mostly reliant on a low fat level, say under 13%. I'm 21 years old, 5'9" at 163 pounds at the start of my diet/exericse. I have done weight training before and have bulked up a little from that, but after resting for too long and gaining a lot of fat around my waist, I am just focusing on leaning out and not losing or gaining muscle mass. my basic regimen includes:

Moderate run daily (6.2 mph) for 500 calories, approx. 4.3 miles

3 times a week core workout for 15 min

and a roughly 1500 daily calorie diet, high in protein; chicken breast, salmon, tilapia, lots of vegetables, with greek yogurt and granola as snacking food

so far, i haven't had a proper weigh-in (will tomorrow morning), but right now after dinner i am weighing in at 163, so i am assuming something like 160 in the morning. i have to admit i do FEEL skinnier looking in the mirror, and people have been saying my face has chiseled down a bit after two weeks into this.

i'm hoping to lose about...15 pounds by the end of my 10 weeks, mid-june. i think 15 pounds should get me some pretty decent definition, and hell, maybe even a six pack if i can carve away enough fat.

any advice, opinions, dangers, death threats would all be appreciated!

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  robgotsastaplerr said:
hmmm, been reading through a few pages here and there, and though this might be the wrong thread by a bit, i was hoping to get some good advice nonetheless:

i am trying to go through a massive fat burn diet over the span of about...10 weeks. i am starting my third week now, and my goal is to drop as much fat as i can from my body in order to get a lean, tone physique with some DEFINITION. I definitely am looking for defined muscles, which from my research and wanderings on the internet has shown, is mostly reliant on a low fat level, say under 13%. I'm 21 years old, 5'9" at 163 pounds at the start of my diet/exericse. I have done weight training before and have bulked up a little from that, but after resting for too long and gaining a lot of fat around my waist, I am just focusing on leaning out and not losing or gaining muscle mass. my basic regimen includes:

Moderate run daily (6.2 mph) for 500 calories, approx. 4.3 miles

3 times a week core workout for 15 min

and a roughly 1500 daily calorie diet, high in protein; chicken breast, salmon, tilapia, lots of vegetables, with greek yogurt and granola as snacking food

so far, i haven't had a proper weigh-in (will tomorrow morning), but right now after dinner i am weighing in at 163, so i am assuming something like 160 in the morning. i have to admit i do FEEL skinnier looking in the mirror, and people have been saying my face has chiseled down a bit after two weeks into this.

i'm hoping to lose about...15 pounds by the end of my 10 weeks, mid-june. i think 15 pounds should get me some pretty decent definition, and hell, maybe even a six pack if i can carve away enough fat.

any advice, opinions, dangers, death threats would all be appreciated!

based on your goals, one sliver of advice I would give you is stop doing so much cardio.

and you ain't eating enough imo.

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should i be eating more of...just a higher calorie intake? or specifically protein or good carbs? i always thought a calorie deficit is what caused weight loss. you know though, in truth, i'm probably ingesting more around 1600 calories a day with minor cheating :o

i think i might start mixing in some swimming with the running...might provide a little better muscle growth with maintained cardio/fat burn

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  robgotsastaplerr said:
should i be eating more of...just a higher calorie intake? or specifically protein or good carbs? i always thought a calorie deficit is what caused weight loss. you know though, in truth, i'm probably ingesting more around 1600 calories a day with minor cheating :o

i think i might start mixing in some swimming with the running...might provide a little better muscle growth with maintained cardio/fat burn

1.6k calories thats bout right... i am doing the same thing at the moment w/ HIIT cardio at least 4 times a week... bf% is at its lowest ever (will post my bf% after my bf% analyzer arrives) :D

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Obviously it does. BIG TIME. comparing HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) with LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) cardio. The difference is basically. When you do HIIT you don't burn much fat right after you are done with your cardio compare to LISS since you are using different source of energy when you are working intensively BUT, here comes the best part. Since your body has used up the energy that it needs to supply the intense cardio you have been doing. Your body burns fat THROUGH OUT the next 24-48 hrs AFTER your cardio session and this is why hockey players all have low BF% because they do interval style training on the ice. They go hard on the ice for 30 sec or so back on the bench then back out again. If you don't believe me, youj can google it up

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  robgotsastaplerr said:

Moderate run daily (6.2 mph) for 500 calories, approx. 4.3 miles

3 times a week core workout for 15 min

and a roughly 1500 daily calorie diet, high in protein; chicken breast, salmon, tilapia, lots of vegetables, with greek yogurt and granola as snacking food

damn is that about an hour of running a day? might benefit to switch up your cardio plan to benefit your knees and prevent other injuries. Im trying to hit about 30 mins of cardio a day and some of my old injuries from the running i had to do when i wrestled in high school started to creep up on me.

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Anyone read Lyle McDonald's books? Just tried out his PSMF diet and couldn't complete it. Fifth day drained the hell out of me and everyone said I looked sick and discoloured.

Here's what I pulled off with it. Had my carb refeed on the 6th day (supposed to be around 12 days). Pics are just in mornings after a little breakfast, no pump but tensing of course lol and the after pic was on the 7th day which is the morning after my carb refeed (had about 700grams of carbs the day before, so I should have accumulated back some original glycogen and water)



Frank Yang's a nice guy, I've had a few convos with him over fb and he keeps inviting me to party with him in taiwan.

Any other experimental dieters on sufu with experiences on unorthodox diets?

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  cure said:
damn is that about an hour of running a day? might benefit to switch up your cardio plan to benefit your knees and prevent other injuries. Im trying to hit about 30 mins of cardio a day and some of my old injuries from the running i had to do when i wrestled in high school started to creep up on me.

it's about 45 min of running everyday, not too bad. i'm still young so no joint pains yet :)

though HIIT does sound intriguing, i feel my diet might not suppport that kind of intense muscle usage. my diet actually almost feels like a psmf diet lol, but i let myself cheat about 2 meels a week in order to keep my body from crisis mode and freaking out when i reintroduce carbs, i.e. had fish and chips for dinner last night.

i'm keeping my jogging rate slow at 6.2 mph so that i keep my target heart rate in fat burn, slightly below cardio. i weighed myself this morning though, and i do indeed weigh 163, which means i have only lost 1 pound since the start of this diet (on week 3 now). it's leaving me a bit discouraged, but it might be due to a little muscle gain in my legs perhaps?

i'm thinking once the weather warms up here in chicago and my apartment gets the pool running again, i'll switch up running and swimming, maintaining a daily 500 calorie burn goal. swimming should help with some strength training to keep my muscle mass.

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I.F is great when busy and very convenient to track calories and macros but it's weird having lunch with people, "so what are you getting?" "errr some water and a diet coke maybe"

Which category are you in robgotsastaplerr for PSMF? I only tracked it with pics because it was a super short term diet for people in category 1. Also I suggest maybe look at the mirror and your performance in the gym in regards to progress instead of looking at the scales especially if you're doing some body recomposition type of regime.

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  poostain said:
Anyone read Lyle McDonald's books? Just tried out his PSMF diet and couldn't complete it. Fifth day drained the hell out of me and everyone said I looked sick and discoloured.

Here's what I pulled off with it. Had my carb refeed on the 6th day (supposed to be around 12 days). Pics are just in mornings after a little breakfast, no pump but tensing of course lol and the after pic was on the 7th day which is the morning after my carb refeed (had about 700grams of carbs the day before, so I should have accumulated back some original glycogen and water)



Frank Yang's a nice guy, I've had a few convos with him over fb and he keeps inviting me to party with him in taiwan.

Any other experimental dieters on sufu with experiences on unorthodox diets?

looks like we r starting to post pictures haha

heres mine:


no flex / 1 month dieting


new toy just came in today - made my day.... 4.1% BF%!


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  poostain said:
Anyone read Lyle McDonald's books? Just tried out his PSMF diet and couldn't complete it. Fifth day drained the hell out of me and everyone said I looked sick and discoloured.

Here's what I pulled off with it. Had my carb refeed on the 6th day (supposed to be around 12 days). Pics are just in mornings after a little breakfast, no pump but tensing of course lol and the after pic was on the 7th day which is the morning after my carb refeed (had about 700grams of carbs the day before, so I should have accumulated back some original glycogen and water)



Frank Yang's a nice guy, I've had a few convos with him over fb and he keeps inviting me to party with him in taiwan.

Any other experimental dieters on sufu with experiences on unorthodox diets?

looking slim and lean. sufu-approved, I'm sure.

but I don't care how nice that kid is on your fb chats.. if you act like how he does in a gym, you deserve to be shot. I understand ignorance to a point but I don't tolerate acting like a fucking twat.

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  poostain said:
I.F is great when busy and very convenient to track calories and macros but it's weird having lunch with people, "so what are you getting?" "errr some water and a diet coke maybe"

Which category are you in robgotsastaplerr for PSMF? I only tracked it with pics because it was a super short term diet for people in category 1. Also I suggest maybe look at the mirror and your performance in the gym in regards to progress instead of looking at the scales especially if you're doing some body recomposition type of regime.

i actually bought the rapid fat loss book by lyle mcdonald, and i think i'm game to try it for maybe a week or two. i'm about 60 pages in, thinking i may initiate tomorrow even.

looking at it, i say i'm almost category 1, but probably better suited for category 2 with my lifestyle. i don't know how i feel about the lack of exercise, but anaerobic training should do some good.

any tips for the starvation that i'm about to induce on my body lol

edit: overall, having read through most of this book, it seems like a terrible idea to induce this to the body, and even potentially ineffective. but, i can't say that i'm not curious. i think i'd be down to try this for the advised 2 week period and then just resume a significantly more moderate diet from there, something similar to what i'm currently on.

edit2: thinking about it some more though...i think i'll hold off on this. i think i'll maintain my regular and sane exercise+diet regimen, and, if i'm unhappy with my progress 2 weeks before going back home for summertime, then i might give this a kickstart. otherwise, all the prep work, hunger pangs, metabolic crashes, pills and all involved seem a bit....extreme.

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pm'ed you robgotsastaplerr

@ Frankie: I think you’ll look great if you put some lean mass on and broaden your upper a bit (of course even up whole body proportions by working legs too) but good luck with whatever your goals are.

In the gym I’m like opposite of Frank Yang. I’m in my own anti social, secluded world. Train by myself, never talk to anyone or even ask to use equipment when other people are using it, I just wait without making it obvious or go to something else. One time I accidentally caught eye contact with a girl and she said hi and smiled but I was too focused else where and just looked to the ground and walked off.

i got some pretty freaky (for your average person) delt separation/striations pumped pics if you guys want to see, don't want to post them up straight away because i feel a bit like an attention whore now. Anyway, it's amazing the type of progress you can make when you're more informed about nutrition and training methods complementing the nutrition.

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  poostain said:
pm'ed you robgotsastaplerr

@ Frankie: I think you’ll look great if you put some lean mass on and broaden your upper a bit (of course even up whole body proportions by working legs too) but good luck with whatever your goals are.

In the gym I’m like opposite of Frank Yang. I’m in my own anti social, secluded world. Train by myself, never talk to anyone or even ask to use equipment when other people are using it, I just wait without making it obvious or go to something else. One time I accidentally caught eye contact with a girl and she said hi and smiled but I was too focused else where and just looked to the ground and walked off.

i got some pretty freaky (for your average person) delt separation/striations pumped pics if you guys want to see, don't want to post them up straight away because i feel a bit like an attention whore now. Anyway, it's amazing the type of progress you can make when you're more informed about nutrition and training methods complementing the nutrition.

to all those that are sahying the device is inaccurate: there is a big part of low bf% comes from genetics.... not to mention the analyzer i grabbed is known for the best one in the market... and i wasn't flexing when i was taking those pictures.... smh @ you noobs

@poostain: i feel you and I'm on the same boat as you. Once I'm in my zone nothing can distract me... and i wanna c those pics:D o n regarding my legs hmm im 5'8 150lbs... i m decline leg pressing 8plates + 30lbs :P

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So, how does a machine that just tests electric current know your genetics? I think a pool immersion is probably the best way to really get a good guess.

5'8 150? You're pretty cut, but what are your core lifting numbers? I'm talking Powerlifting/Oly.

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