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Today I am under 150 pounds!


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Hello all. Today is the first time in a while I have weighed under 150 pounds (I'm 149.8 to be exact :)) I'm 5'9, and weighed closer to 160 pounds only a couple months back. I'm not trying to brag or anything, but anyone who has tried knows losing weight is a long and hard road, and seeing results is an amazing feeling. This is basically a thread to help motivate myself, and anyone else trying to drop a few extra pounds.

I didn't use any fad diets, weightloss books, starvation tactics, supplement pills or anything of the like. All I did is make a few simple changes to my daily life, and it really improved the quality of my health greatly.

10 pounds in 2 months doesn't seem like much, but I was never badly overweight, so losing those 10 was difficult. I used what I would like to call a "logical diet". Simply put, I took into account foods that I incorporated into my usual diet, cut out the ones that were obviously not doing me any good, and added some that would be beneficial. I also started drinking a shit load of water...

I also did some simple substitutions that helped a bunch. Things like switching from regular milk to skim milk, white bread to whole wheat, sugary cereals to bran flakes. For some it may seem difficult at first, but if you are able to stay motivated and focused, making simple lifestyle changes like these is the easiest way to lose weight (in my opinion).

I didn't get a gym membership either. I'm a busy guy working 2 jobs (3 if you count having a girlfriend). I simply jog 3-4 times a week, and do workouts in the comfort of my room. Even if you start out small, it's better than what you may be currently doing, so it will equal weight loss. It's that simply really.

I don't mean to bore anyone with a long read or anything, but I'm just really happy right now. If anyone else has weightloss stories, or is looking for weightloss/fitness help, don't hesitate to post.

(I'm aware there is a "What do you weigh today" thread, but I felt there should be something bigger. Also, I did a search and didn't find anything similar.)

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I stated in my initial post that I'm completely aware of that thread and feel like this one is different. This thread is for people who are losing weight/lost weight/want advice/motivation, not for anyone and everyone to say what they weigh.

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yeah bananas have lots of sugar. although natural sugar it still will cause a insulin spike which makes you store fat instead of burning it. living in a big city has been good to me. ive dropped a couple pounds and have been eating pretty bad and not training at all. i do walk several miles a day including work though. im almost to 150...

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Thanks a lot. Also, thank you all for contributing :)

JungleJane, bananas contain very little fat (about 1g of fat per banana). They do however contain a lot of carbs, mainly from the naturally occuring sugars. The good thing is, a lot of those carbs come from dietary fiber that is in bananas ( about 6g per banana), which are extremely good for you and your digestive system. Bananas are also a good source of Vitamin C, Potassium and Manganese, and a very good source of Vitamin B6.

In short, the good greatly outweighs the bad, especially if it is a substituion for sweets which contain 0 health benefits. I chop up bananas and other fruits into my bran cereal in the morning. All the fiber keeps you full and jumpstarts your metabolism :)

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JungleJane, bananas contain very little fat (about 1g of fat per banana). They do however contain a lot of carbs, mainly from the naturally occuring sugars. The good thing is, a lot of those carbs come from dietary fiber that is in bananas ( about 6g per banana), which are extremely good for you and your digestive system. Bananas are also a good source of Vitamin C, Potassium and Manganese, and a very good source of Vitamin B6.

In short, the good greatly outweighs the bad, especially if it is a substituion for sweets which contain 0 health benefits. I chop up bananas and other fruits into my bran cereal in the morning. All the fiber keeps you full and jumpstarts your metabolism :)

^What he said.

I lost 50 pounds in a summer once. All I ate was turkey sandwiches and bananas. Also started running. Point is fruit is ALWAYS an improvement over sweets (less sugar, better sugar, more vitamins) and cardio activity will burn off the carbs.

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Fatty foods are good for you. Olive oil, almonds, meat, shit like that is all high in fat and helps you lose weight.

If you wanna shed your gut, cut out the high GI foods: http://www.becomehealthynow.com/article/carbs/8/

Manipulating your body's insulin sensitivity is the key to burning fat.

And no grown man should ever weigh 150 pounds. How the fuck are you gonna defend your girlfriend if some asshole starts shit?

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