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The cigs are called Dunhill Frosts. They're menthols, but they take that shit to the next level. It's ridiculously smooth and flavorful as fuck. I was in the Philippines in summer 2007 and these were the best cigs I've ever had the opportunity of having. Too bad I can't find these in California... shit.

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one before school

one on the way home from school

one at home while studying or whatev

one after dinner/late night

more if im bumming around

++many coffees everywhere

i only want to stop (again) cos it uses up monies.. oh well

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During the week One in the morning one at night

During the weekend depending who im with ranges from 2 to around a pack

Weapon of Choice

if im ballin Djarum Black

if i have $5

Marlboro Menthol Smooth

Camel No.9 MENTHE

if im broke

Bugler's although i cant roll for shit:(

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  PQRS7 said:
b u l l s h i t

the nicotine helps lower your blood pressure

and suppresses your appetite

also helps reduce stress

Someone really close to me died of lung cancer. He smoked for probably 25 years, and finally quit. He had already quit for a good 10 years or so, but still died of lung cancer after a 2 year fight.

Yeah, smoking is good for those above reason, but please use it as a short-term alternative to help relieve yourself of those emo issues you have with your body and mind.

Slitting wrists also helps lower blood pressure, and if you're squeemish about blood, it would suppress your appetite too. If you are into slitting wrists and shit, it can also help to reduce stress!

Look into it!

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  seraphim said:
american spirit when i have cash, golden virginia rolling tobacco when i'm broke.

though i've been officially quitting for the past two years

i smoked golden virginia rollies with seraphim once.. it was nice, until her neighbour yelled at us.

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  jcotteri said:


I've quit now (semi) and jsut have a smoke in parties and such.

I agree - Gudang is defo a nice smoke. I like the sweetness left on your lips, the flavor, and hearing the crackling noises as you puff is quite nice.

Dunhills are the smoothest menthols evar. i've tried those Capri Slims before and they are smooth as fuck as well.

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