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Weird/bad habits / SuperOCDtics

Charlie Delta

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have to check every email and pm I send, as soon as I've hit sent and I will go to the outbox and reread it.

Most of the time I've read it three times before sending already aswel...

Yeap, controlfreak, what you want to do about it?

I wish I did this. My bad habit is that I never proofread anything. Recently I sent an email to a woman whose last name ended with "fried" and typed "fired" instead and didn't catch it until it was too late.

I still got in at the college she works at though.

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i twirl my pen around my thumb.

if i close my eyes and one closes a bit before the other i have to open it and reclose it to catch them up with eachother for 'being closed time'

i clench my jaw

i bounce my jaw from side-to-side when i'm nervous or mad or listening to music (to the beat)

i never take the first couple straws that come outta the dispensers (i remember when i was a kid hearing that people would do stuff to them then put them back in)

when i'm in a car i blink when the solid part between the front windshield and windows are aligned from my angle with a telephone, or any other type of pole.

I also do this when that same part of the car is at the beginning and then end of a line on the road

I spin things around my middle finger (like people do with basketball's)(except i cant do it with bballs) i do it with plates, pillows, textbooks...

if i flex one calf, wrist, ankle i have to flex the other

If i crack or bend one finger i bend the other one in the same way.

thats it for now...

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i have to rub my feet together in order to fall asleep.

i always have a hand sanitizer with me whenever i'm out or else i wouldn't feel safe.

Was that the sanding sound I heard that one time? Fuck sake, why didn't you tell me?!?!

-I used to smoke in the shower, sticking my face out of the stream of water so as not to wet my cigarette.

-I am old and Asian so I still get excited when a place gives out matchbooks. I have like 5000 matchbooks from cafes and restaurants across Asia.

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When I use a bathroom outside of my house I always tear off a few inches of the toilet paper and dump it before getting more to wipe my bum.

I can't just get in bed and sleep. Sometimes I'd just lay there and read a book, listen to music or surf the internet before falling asleep.

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^ I do the same. It's a super old habit for me. I used to wake n bake in high school and I used to be late to 1st period a lot because I would take like hour long showers because of the gravitational contamination of soap, I had to go back and re-wash a lot.

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^ we remember that post still, it's one of Sufu's epics.

+++fndmybetterhalf's STF's never forget RIP

one of my many shits stories. fortunately thats hte only one that actually turned out worse than it shouldve been. i have a very sensitive stomach so anything triggers my stomach (ie taco bell...cheap chinese food...etc)

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Was that the sanding sound I heard that one time? Fuck sake, why didn't you tell me?!?!

-I used to smoke in the shower, sticking my face out of the stream of water so as not to wet my cigarette.

-I am old and Asian so I still get excited when a place gives out matchbooks. I have like 5000 matchbooks from cafes and restaurants across Asia.

I have a smoke in the shower after brushing my teeth then brush again after i get out.

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i do this everyday, it saves time plus it is much warmer then doing it in front of the sink

i used to do this at home, not now at the student house though.

i also used to turn the showerhead to one side and turn the heat on full so it gets all steamy and hot then dry off in there so i stay warm.

and since were on showers...

i take real long showers

but its mostly cause i rub out at least 2 ... most in one showers been 4 i think

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I can't bring open containers e.g. cup of tea with me to the restroom..

Yesterday I had just brought a cup of tea and taken a sip..a while later I really had to go to bathroom (I average maybe 3 venti size a day..) and I didn't want to throw it away so I found an empty classroom, set it down, dashed into the bathroom and back out again..

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