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You know what I mean :P

I had a period of time when every imperial IPA or even regular IPA I bought just happened to be past their prime. It was very sad. Opening Hop-15 or Hop Stoopid and getting a bitter barleywine was very emotionally damaging.

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You know what I mean :P

I had a period of time when every imperial IPA or even regular IPA I bought just happened to be past their prime. It was very sad. Opening Hop-15 or Hop Stoopid and getting a bitter barleywine was very emotionally damaging.

Even out here, I haven't had a bad Hop Stoopid yet, although the Hop-15 I had was not great. It was basically flat with just gobs and gobs of sediment floating in it. It tasted pretty good, the hop flavor was right there, but it looked gross and the mouthfeel was not good.

As for coffee beers, I like Founders Breakfast Stout, Peche Mortel ($$), Long Trail Brewmaster Series Coffee Stout (<$5 bomber), I'm sure if you search beeradvocate.com or ratebeer.com you can find more.

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Any recs on available coffee beers? The Berkshire Brewing Co.'s Coffeehouse Porter is one of my faves; wondering if theres other stuff that's East Coast friendly I should try.

Great Divide Espresso Oak Aged Yeti

Hitachino Espresso Stout

Terrapin Wake n Bake Stout (coffee/oatmeal stout)

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Any recs on available coffee beers? The Berkshire Brewing Co.'s Coffeehouse Porter is one of my faves; wondering if theres other stuff that's East Coast friendly I should try.

Ballast Point: Victory At Sea Coffee Vanilla Imperial Porter

edit: i don't really drink coffee/porter/stout type beers though. so im not really a reliable source on it's quality as a "coffee beer". i liked it though. and that matters? ha.

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oh my god i love $3 draft night

Bockor- Cuvee des Jacobins

New Belgium- La Folie

Lost Abbey- Lost & Found

Chimay- Tripel

Huyghe- Delirium Tremens

Russian River- Beatification (bottle split with three others)

Alpine- Exponential Hoppiness



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Alright, finally got around to uploading pics from the past month.

Bells Third Coast Pale Ale


Not an impressing APA, probably won't get again

Two Brothers Hop Juice


Good stuff, another fine DIPA.

Goose Island Sofie


I'm not a fan of this style, but it was alright. It had a nice, tart aftertaste to it.

Southern Tier Creme Brulee


I liked this. Very sweet and stout. Couldn't drink more than 1 of these, but great for the end of the night.

DFH Old School Barleywine


Very strong at 15%, but lacked any refinement. I would get it again though, at less than $5 a bottle, but would tuck it away for another year.

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Tried that at the Self Edge party. Don't really remember it though, of course I don't remember much of anything that night.

De Struise Black Albert Belgian Royal Stout, not bad, but not worth the $12 or the hype.


Summer Yulesmith, good, but not the best DIPA I have had.


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I thought that it was pretty fucking good. I have had other bourbon barrel aged beers before, but none of them really captured the oaky, smoky flavor of whisky better than the Black Ops. I liked the pepperiness of the alcohol in the beer and the sweet chocolate malt.

Usually I don't like imperial stouts that are as sweet or boozy as this one is because they often lack bitterness or flavor to back it up and balance, but the Black Ops had the bourbon character to really balance it out.

I would definitely buy another if I could find it for a reasonable price. Well worth the $20+

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Just split two 750mL bottles of Baladin Nora over dinner tonight with my sister and her boyfriend. Wonderful herbed ale that went over better with my Italian dinner better than any wine could have. Heavy floral notes, but not weak or watery as you'd expect. Most pronounced flavors were myrrh (the main additive), ginger, and honey.

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  • 3 weeks later...

can't let this get to page 4 again. This is an old pic, but just got around to uploading it.

Great Divide's 15th Anniversary Barrel Aged DIPA. I'd say probably the best DIPA I've had. It had some subtle spicy-ness that put it over the top of most DIPAs. Although I do like Hopslam, but these are almost 2 different beers.


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I was also boutta make sure this thread didn't die. I am intrigued by the idea of a barrel aged DIPA. And renski, that's fucking terrible.



2005 North Coast Brandy Barrel Old Stock. Transcendentally good.


Batch 001 Consecration (drinking wonderfully, by the way), and Festina Peche at Monk's Kettle in the Mission.


Lucy does a vertical tasting of 2008/9 Cuvee de Tomme


The kettle just after my first hop addition to our 20th anniversary wheat wine at Mad River


Batch 001 Temptation, Russian River's very first bottled sour, the five years have treated her well, that Brett's been workin'


Oatmeal stout brewed with Kapi Luwak (civet shit) coffee. Not bad, but not too much coffee flavor


Port's surprisingly drinkable imperial pils. How do they hide 9.5% in a pilsner!?


Checking in on last years Our Special Ale. Christmas in September!


New Belgium La Folie flanders reddish brown. Super tart, and great with aged chevre and aged gouda


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Recently enjoyed Temptation (not batch 001 however) both on tap and in the bottle...it may have just been where and when I had them, but I think I ever so slightly preferred it from the bottle. Same thing goes for the La Folie, but I thought it was significantly more interesting from the bottle. Festina Peche was really doing it for me when I picked it up on a whim about a month ago, but I just picked up a 4-pack yesterday, and after having a couple amazing sours with lots going on, it isn't doing a whole lot for me besides being a tasty way to wash pizza down. I need to track down some Consecration to try for the first time and some Supplication to horde for a rainy day.

What do you call borderline alcoholism that doesn't have anything to do with alcohol, just how fucking much I love to drink beer?

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1. Sours are generally said to be better from the bottle (I have experienced either way being better on case by case basis)

2. Festina Peche indeed lacks complexity, but, as Berliner Weisses are, it's great on a hot day, or with some pizza :)

3. Definitely get some Consecration, I preferred batch 001, which I still see occasionally.

4. Supplication will be out on tap soon, at least at RR (they are keg conditioning a bit of it), but the next bottled batch won'e be out till next year.

5. Happiness.

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