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^I need to open a bottle of that and try it, I've been hearing a lot about it.

Also, I thought Ichabod had wild yeast in it every year ren? I know the 07 and 09 both have it.

it usually does, when i was asking them if they were gong to release it this year they said it might not be sour this year. they do have a few other others in barrels that should be releasing the same time.

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either you're buying too much per day or not drinking enough per day...

definitely becomes a matter of hoarding for me from time to time. not that i have near as impressive of a collection (currently sitting on a bottle of curieux, 2 RR sanctification, 2 pliny the elders and a north coast old stock), but i try and reserve my drinking for weekends these days. even then, almost all of that drinking is done in bars/restaurants etc. because i don't have enough friends here in west LA



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definitely becomes a matter of hoarding for me from time to time. not that i have near as impressive of a collection (currently sitting on a bottle of curieux, 2 RR sanctification, 2 pliny the elders and a north coast old stock), but i try and reserve my drinking for weekends these days. even then, almost all of that drinking is done in bars/restaurants etc. because i don't have enough friends here in west LA



Sup West LA fam? Alcoholic meet up?

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Shufon that's quite a stash! Under what conditions have you been storing all that stuff?

To contribute... I had a Sam Adams Cherry Wheat a bit ago. It tasted and smelled like fake cherries. I would not purchase or ever recommend.

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I have two bottles of Stone Cherry Stout and Green tea colab chilling and I think I"ll try one or the other tonight...

I hear the Cherry Stout is very good... might try to pick up a bottle of that. I never have had good luck with Sam Adams for amazing beers...

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I never have had good luck with Sam Adams for amazing beers...

I agree with this completely. I just thought I'd try it, but definitely won't do so again.

On a better note, I'm enjoying this St. Arnold Elissa IPA with some Indian leftovers I cooked Sunday night. Not bad at all, especially for a local beer.


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The only good Sam Adams in my opinion is the Oktoberfest which If I had my way would be available year around because its absolutely delish.

Anyway I also felt like an IPA so i went with the Admiral


I've never had anything from these guys but this is really good. I've also got their Citrus IPA which I cant wait to get into tomorrow. Or after this depending on how the rest of the night goes...

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so I just cracked open the Stone Collaborations 2011 Japanese Green Tea IPA...

Very smooth IPA, just a hint of tea, but only a hint. but watch out 9.2%...

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I've heard Blushing Monk is overrated.. think it's only getting as much attention as it is because it's limited and from Founders.

@ren if you want the other 2 sisters (Madame Rose, Lolita) let me know. Those and Juliet are still all over the shelves in NY.

@Layne - Been storing the beers in ~60 degrees and no light. That won't be possible in my new apartment so I think I'm about to buy a 110 bottle wine cooler I found or rent space from a wine cellaring facility.

edit: the 110 bottle cooler won't be big enough so I'll be annoying my roommates with a shelf taken up in the fridge too, haha.

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@ren if you want the other 2 sisters (Madame Rose, Lolita) let me know. Those and Juliet are still all over the shelves in NY.

word! the madame rose interests me.. im waiting on 4 packages.. i think i got too involved in beer this month.. should be some cisco woods, 3 floyds, GI, and some upland. i still have some growlers of expo left and debating if i should trade them or now.

in other news... international IPA day tomorrow maybe ill drink my alpine stash.

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YO. my apartment is within walking distance of both library alehouse and west 4th and jane in santa monica, where you guys at?

I'm just down the street off of 8th and Western (or Wilshire, i still get the two confused) in Ktown.

Apparently today is IPA day. You celebratin', b?

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I'm just down the street off of 8th and Western (or Wilshire, i still get the two confused) in Ktown.

Apparently today is IPA day. You celebratin', b?

Hmm I'd consider it but keeping it indoors tonight with my lady, a home cooked meal and the below pictured brews. definitely all about a west LA beer meet up though, next week sound good to anyone?

I've never been a big IPA guy anyway, was always afraid of the (as i see it) nasty aftertaste of over-hopped beer. i'm only just now settling into the idea a bit more.

excited to break open these stone collabs. any'a'yall tried yet?


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I've tried the green tea last night. It's not bad, with a hint of tea. The scotch ale I don't think I was crazy about, and I've got the cherry still chilling but should try it tonight...

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I just opened the Stone Cherry Chocolate Stout... damn it's wonderful.

I don't like flavored beers at all.. at all... but this one is perfect. Nothing over powers the other. Not heavy, not light, it's unbelievable.

Get some if you see it, get a couple... it's fantastic.

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^word, just shared a highway 78 scotch ale and the chocolate cherry stout. i was pretty impressed by both. been a sucker for the whiskey barrel flavor since falling in love with cold allagash curieux on tap. the 78 had just enough of that without overwhelming me. cherry stout was nice n' rich, not too chocolatey, just enough bittersweet cherries.

wanted to dip into the green tea IPA but my squeeze wants to GO GET FROYO GOT DAMNIT WHAT IS IT WITH BITCHES AND THIS SHIT :mad:

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