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Iron Heart Jeans

Guest Guy H

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X-post from self edge thread...

apologies for this being a semi pic-heavy post.

i know a lot of you have read about the weird incident that ended with me being stabbed and my jeans being cut off..

well, my friends (with a huge help from kiya) ended up buying me a pair of SExIH07 and i couldn't be happier with them. and to make things better, after sending an email thanking kiya, i was made aware that haraki from iron heart sent kiya a signed tee to give me. i can't tell you how awesome reading that email was. i got the shirt yesterday and was finally able to take pics.

many many thanks to kiya/self edge for being awesome. they definitely made me a very loyal customer. and also a huge thanks goes out to haraki/iron heart for making the best jeans anyone could wear and lots of gratitude for the thoughts, well-wishes, and the sign tee shirt...




thank you guys for the well-wishes also. IH for life.

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Well, under normal circumstances, I'd be extremely jealous of the free autographed tshirt, but if what you went through is what a person has to do to get one, then I think I'll settle for purchasing a normal one.;)

Extremely cool of Kiya, Haraki-san and the whole Iron Heart community. Once you've got the shirt and the bloody patch framed, be sure to post a few pics; I'm sure we'd all love to see it.

Oh yeah, I hope your recovery is going well, too.

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  Bespoke said:
Nice shirt, sorry you had to go through the pain to get it though....

PS Do I spy a Supreme hat on the counter guy?

you definitely do. he rocks that hat all the time.

i seriously couldn't be happier with kiya, haraki and the iron heart crew. i guess we all take care of our own, huh? it was an insanely touching gesture.

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