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  Music for the Masses said:
^^ what's the deal with those fish? i remember one of my friends had a big ass tank with one of those... and the damn fish was like over 2 feet long!

It's like lucky fish or something.

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  spazzz said:
hope you have a good lid. mine jumped and broke through the top part of my old aquarium and i found it when i got home from work. yeah, they're sweet fucking fish, but very active

Yeah I have a wire cover then the lid over it. This is my second aro I'm raising and it's still a juvi (4-5") and I'm weening it on dried shrimp. Really healthy and what not, only cost me $28 in chinatown lol. My last one I actually trained to eat from my hand (after getting bit a few times), it's definitely not a fish for beginners but its a great fish nonetheless and imo very rewarding in the later years when it recognizes you as its master. In case anyone is wondering my last one was a gold about 18-20" (this is really pretty small as they can grow up to about 4ft in the wild) and lived about 7 years.

demonito - how's it taste?

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  Casper said:
Yeah I have a wire cover then the lid over it. This is my second aro I'm raising and it's still a juvi (4-5") and I'm weening it on dried shrimp. Really healthy and what not, only cost me $28 in chinatown lol. My last one I actually trained to eat from my hand (after getting bit a few times), it's definitely not a fish for beginners but its a great fish nonetheless and imo very rewarding in the later years when it recognizes you as its master. In case anyone is wondering my last one was a gold about 18-20" (this is really pretty small as they can grow up to about 4ft in the wild) and lived about 7 years.

demonito - how's it taste?

what kind of fish is that?

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some common projects...


i figured i should set some goals in life, and i felt a pair of raw denim will give me a sense of accomplishment when they started to fade, & mold to my body. i do hope i'm right.


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looks dope. wish i still had it in me to skate often.. was going to go today but too lazy, just going to shoot instead...

haven't progressed in the past 2 years or so and it feels shitty

how's the shape? i've never skated krooked

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Guest jmatsu
  Cotton Duck said:
Pfahahaha, Matsu!

Info on that shirt?

Could be custom looking at the texture of the scythe, but the rest looks real good.

Reminds me of the early Westwood shirts, or possibly Noki for KTZ or something...


edit: followed the link, you trying to fool us...

i saw it on that blog. i am gonna make it...or you could make it for me. already got two ancient disney tees.

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