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Recent Purchases. . .


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Recent purchases:

Pink Dior Homme Jeans

Navy/Grey Peter Jensen wool scarf

Cheap Monday White super slim fit jeans

Cheap Monday Black super slim fit jeans

Our Legacy Black with thin white stripes T-shirt

Bruuns Bazaar Bordeaux V-neck

Bruuns Bazaar Dark Grey Turtleneck

Jil Sander Black Dress Shirt

Jil Sander Black Casual Shirt

Jil Sander White Casual Shirt

Jil Sander Wool Dark grey coat

Zara (:D) Grey Silk scarf

Zara (:/) Check-pattern red/yellow scarf

Vintage Check-pattern Red/Blue/white casual shirt

This is probably for the last 14 days. Not counting anything from Japan, and I returned the 29th of July. Sure, I bought a lot, but this is not like anything extreme. Best deal was the Black Jil Sander Dress shirt, worst was probably the Peter Jensen scarf. Most loved item is tied between the overdyed Black C.M. jeans and the Jil Sander Coat.

EDIT: Forgot a few things.


Edited by skecr8r on Aug 15, 2005 at 07:26 AM

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Howe - Skinny Puppy's in Oil Wash...awesome jeans, and most comfortable i've ever owned.

2 Mishka shirts

2 fifty 24 sf shirts

3 levi 527's

modern amusement jacket

cheap urban outfitters gromet belt

1 arkive shirt

1 mark gonzalez shirt - "monkey poem"

next purchase, nixon - "kink" watch in black, and maybe brown if i splurge

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Guest Berget__

damn, those bondage jeans are nuts. you're pretty much limited to sitting down and a nice stroll in those joints.

picked up: Gimme 5 Raw Jap denim, Grey VansXSupreme chukkas

--- Original message by champagne_bubblebath on Oct 14, 2005 11:11 AM

haha yeah pretty much. I had to run to the bus one time though...man that was hard icon_smile_wink.gif

I will try to post some pics of me wearing them tomorrow.

I aint gotta get money man money get me

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