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WAYWT shit talking thread


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New York Hat Company Hat

Levi's Gingham

Barbershop Quartet Bowtie

LVC '47


I try not to shit talk because I lack the necessary killer instinct, but I just had to post this. In general, it's not bad...a bit contrived, maybe. But can someone please explain to me why every idiot thinks that slight bent leg stance = sufu pose? In all seriousness though, since when was a twisted shin next level?

edit: jmatsu beats with me with the quickness.

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this would be so dope if you were black and were holding a banjo. anyway you aren't and i doubt you own a banjo, so lose the hat/bowtie and unbutton the top of that shirt.


Man, nothing here works. You remind me of deep south carnie version of The Music Man with a generic hip-hip glare and tiny feet.


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this would be so dope if you were black and were holding a banjo. anyway you aren't and i doubt you own a banjo, so lose the hat/bowtie and unbutton the top of that shirt.

it sorta vaguely looks like the type of outfit andre 3000 might wear, but there's neither the attention to detail or charisma here to pull it off.

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whats BILL doing there 2nd from right

having met bill a few times now, i can tell you that that man's beard is not worthy enough to be bill. that, and bill is 30lbs skinnier and half a foot taller haha


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Man, is this recession shit for reals? Bill taking up a second job? What's next, Kiya panhandling in the Tenderloin?

No, extreme yoyoing for change for tourists in Lake Tahoe.


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How hard is it to take a good picture? Seriously,

-flash that doesn't do shit but show off nasty dirty mirror/dust check

-lens flare w00t

-a towel in the picture

-you're wearing a hoodie? srsly? where?

Don't you have at least 5 more minutes to either

1. ask someone to take ur picture for you...

2. put your camera on a table and set up the timer

3. rethink about the meaning of "contributing" to a thread

to skate

thrift, 505s, cabs + hoodie



cock sucker's cramp anyone?

kubrick u forgot to say "nohomo"

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