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WAYWT shit talking thread


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Me understand you sufferings. Me feel pain of goon frame.
well if you goony then you can still go the hipster route, you just gotta do the poetic lumberjack steeze..


i could go the bonnie prince billy way

and wear severely small shirts

on my massive frame

accentuating my pointy goon nipples.


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But those nipples are one of your best features, my dear :cool:


you're kinky tonight.

maybe we can make your new neighbor complain about something else... :rolleyes:

oh e-erotic chat, how refreshing to the soul you are.

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i could go the bonnie prince billy way

and wear severely small shirts

on my massive frame

accentuating my pointy goon nipples.


jeeps nipples are at a height above my head.

which intimidates me.

that's because you have to worship what's higher than you, son!

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Guest hossoso
Ftb2- You ever read Bukowski novels? Interesting semi-autobiographical novels that are kind of like what you're talking about. Hank Chinaski goes from city to city, girl to girl, job to job, dogtrack to dogtrack. Some moments are pretty racy and almost read like porn but all good stuff. The bar/restaurants in boston named after him are pretty decent too. Giant beer selection and surprisingly good food. I'd assume yours would be a more stylish piece as bukowski was a grimey fucker.

"He's the type of guy that would sell a blind man a rat's asshole and tell him it was a wedding ring." That's for Bukowski, that's real shit talk, that's Tacoma, that's Richard Brautigan and no one gives a fuck. Writers may die in steaming pots of shit but Bukowski is at the bottom, miserable.limpdick.incompetent.rapist. He should have stuck to poetry and talking about his feelings, like an honest pussy with Daddy issues.

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did your mommy not educate you properly or are you just to young to behave appropriate? however, persons are only rude if they aren't able to express their emotions due to an lack of intelligence.

last week..



not feeling this. clunky upper pieces // mr. carrot top

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I'm probably gonna get as much as hate as Tom1986 for posting this, I've got no qualms about shinchrono's fit, but it's winq's fit that irks me.

I think it's either the RO sneaks that has to go, or the hat. It does turn winq from gorfneenja to madeline.jpg

No hate, really, always liked winq's fit, this one is just too much for me to take.

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I don't like the heart glasses because they remind me ov evan rachel wood in the marilyn manson vid. and I deeply, deeply, dislike her.

I don't like them because they're ugly.

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like i said, it's honestly either the hat or the shoes. without the hat, it might work. if it's dressier shoes, it might work with the hat.

Simple black or white laceups for the win! RO is too sporty...

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Guest winq

Yeah, I was feeling pretty iffy about the hat throughout the day. I didn't bring any other shoes besides the ROs though :(.

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