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shit you hate


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i really hate friends that always coincidently buy the same article of clothing/accessory/anal bleeding dildo as you do 15mins after they have seen it on you

tht really grinds my gears

i have a friend who for the past 3-4 years, copies everything that i do. Clothing, hair cut, etc. TOo bad he cant afford half the stuff but one time, i went to get a hair cut and he went with me cuz he was bored and after im done, he stands up and says "can you cut my hair like his?" nearly punched his noggin off.

on a side note... it really gets my panties in a bunch when someone says "why are you so asian?" I dont know why...but my answer is always "because i am asian you jackfuck" -_-

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the only thing worse than an azyn trying to be white are white dude who try and be azyn

that would be pretty bad, but i have never met a white guy who tried to be asian. just white guys who loves asian women/japanese animation/comics....or in their specific words "asian culture."

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canice i bet i'm older than you. take that take that.

i'm afraid to ask what happens if i lose this bet.

i like the canadian green party, elizabeth may is a highly agreeable hippie, media savvy, and very smart. kind of like nader, but not so skeletor.

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sorry to bumble into this tasty exchange you guys are having but i gotta say

i hate the stoopid basball hats with the flat peak and the shiny round sticker on it

and today went to my local tesco in manchester, and there was a massive fucking humvee, complete with search lights everywhere, shiny hub caps that rotate on top of the normal hub caps, and to top it all off like sprinkling scabs on a pile of poo, was a warehouse full of chrome, everywhere

ok, the rest of you can go back to your thing about 3somes now

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the only thing worse than an azyn trying to be white are white dude who try and be azyn

why is that any worse than twinkies?

that would be pretty bad, but i have never met a white guy who tried to be asian. just white guys who loves asian women/japanese animation/comics....or in their specific words "asian culture."


check out the guy who runs this shit. he is more asian than i am.

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Stuff I hate:

Rabid anime otaku fangirls who think they are Japanese- you know, the ones that pretend they speak the language like saying, "OMG THAT BISHOUNEN SOOO SUPA KAWAII DESU NE!!!11!1!", "BAKA BAKA BAKA", and "YAOI BUTTSECKUSU SOOO KAKKOI!!" It's annoying that they speak like this but it's such an insult to me as a Japanese major who think the language is so easy. It's not. These people should take advance Japanese language classes where everything is taught in Japanese.

I は fangirls が kick したい!

My cell phone automatically logging on to the internet, charging me- even when my phone is not in use it still does that.

School starting in a few days- I can anticipate the papers and presentations.

People who drive your car and giving you the car back with an almost empty tank with the "Empty" light on-I can think of one person who does this...

Winter itch- the skin around my knuckles are cracked and bleeding. Lotion doesn't help.

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full length down jackets. fucking full length down jackets.

well actually, just down jackets of any kind basically, but primarily the kind the goes down to knee, which is currently being worn by 50% of the female population here it seems.

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full length down jackets. fucking full length down jackets.

well actually, just down jackets of any kind basically, but primarily the kind the goes down to knee, which is currently being worn by 50% of the female population here it seems.

i really hate those jacket too, they look like shit.

regular down jacket are fine and quite necessary in my case since the temperature has been averaging about -20 this week.

ok, i love winter, but colder than -10, fuck it,

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My boss.

Myself for being in a job that requires having a boss like this.

Dammit makes me wanna go back to school for seven years.

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i've tried in the past to date asian dudes, but they all turn out to be overly-emotional, doting whiners who want their girls to be a typical asian girl that squeals every time their overly-emotional doting whiner of a boyfriend buys them an LV bag.

i hope one day i'm proven wrong. i'm starting to feel bad about passing the good ones (assuming they exist) over for manipulative white assholes - which, by the way, is my gripe. i hate dating white guys.

i'm an asian mix and i date an asian. in fact, i've had a history of dating asians. never had the LV problem. asians are 100x more interesting than white guys. better style, choice in everything. etc.

but i think this might just be my personal preference and not a growing trend. :[ sorry.

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anyways. shit i hate:

1. toothpaste falling off your toothbrush. and then having to put more on. and then having old crusty toothpaste in your sink, which brings me to my next point...

2. cleaning my bathroom.

3. when you have an obvious change in your image (hair, new clothes/shoes, etc.) and having to deal with people you see everyday. it always feels awkward for me. like "YES IT'S NEW"

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i'm an asian mix and i date an asian. in fact, i've had a history of dating asians. never had the LV problem. asians are 100x more interesting than white guys. better style, choice in everything. etc.

but i think this might just be my personal preference and not a growing trend. :[ sorry.

since you've had a history of dating asian guys, what asian ethnicity did you date?

if more then one, did you find an abundance of cultural differences? if so, what were they?

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