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shit you hate


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My goddam job at the moment. Been here since 9am, won't be leaving this shithole till 10 or 11 tonight, hr commute back home (plus look for parking on the street) only to come back tommorow @ 9am and do it all again. Might as well sleep over. Working on some wack ass movie. Who the hell is gonna watch "The Headless Horsemen" anyways on Sci-fi. Sorry for the rant.

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i really hate it when people use "clean" to mean "cool". even though the word for "clean" is the most commong slang word for "cool" over here so ive probably done it myself a few times :o

also using the word "fit" to mean outfit is just plain stupid

kleen fit brah.
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meeting with your girl friends family and parents for the first time. its a bitter sweet relationship actually.

shits tough man, you dont know if they gonna be hatin (inferior complex some proffesor at my university told me) a brother for packin a HUGE shangalong or luvin it (cause it significantly improves the pack of the next generation, prime specimen baby).

anyways, heres my gurls family pic:


from left to right:

Jermaine Monchichi

DeShawn Monchichi

Tyrone Monchichi

LaQuischa Monchichi

Kiko Monchichi (ma gurl, yeah shes hot aint it;))

Jamal Monchichi

Moesha Monchichi

J'Arionne Monchichi

Kareem Monchichi

Sidney Lo Monchichi

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for me seattle has been easier than any other cities to meet people

jesse, it's because you're going to lame metal shows :P

Noooooooooooooooooooo I go everywhere. People just invite me to lame shit all the time haha

I actually left after 2 songs of Saosin.

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from left to right:

Jermaine Monchichi

DeShawn Monchichi

Tyrone Monchichi

LaQuischa Monchichi

Kiko Monchichi (ma gurl, yeah shes hot aint it;))

Jamal Monchichi

Moesha Monchichi

J'Arionne Monchichi

Kareem Monchichi

Sidney Lo Monchichi

When I used to teach Korean middle school kids English, it was customary to 'christen the savages with English names' in order to improve their potential Engrish learnin skillzzz. I, being who I am, could not take this seriously, so my class roster looked exactly like the above, except surnames were the typical Kim, Lee, Park, Chung, etc. The sad part is that the kids eventually got to like me, and most never figured out I wasn't being serious and kept their names. There are still quite a few bespectacled 13 year old Korean Jamal Kims and Jamal Lees out there.

That picture was taken in Seoul too, btw. odd coincidence.

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75% of my classmates. They should all shut the fuck up, no one really cares...everything you think sucks.


one classmate (that i'd do btw) got famous by answering that to the teacher

*serious corny white girl on" ...you know...what really matters is quality and not quantity... *serious corny white girl off*

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i hate the association people have in their minds with "luxury brands" and shit like seven, lacoste, true religion, polo ralph lauren, von dutch, diesel, etc.

the other week i got an email from some group on campus having a "premium denim" sale. they sold all the shit i listed above, not to mention other brand clones like le tigre, 575 and blue cult...

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i hate the association people have in their minds with "luxury brands" and shit like seven, lacoste, true religion, polo ralph lauren, von dutch, diesel, etc.

the other week i got an email from some group on campus having a "premium denim" sale. they sold all the shit i listed above, not to mention other brand clones like le tigre, 575 and blue cult...

premum preimium premiuem prmeium premioum prmemium premium premium premoum prmeuiu meprmu premu mprem um pmreiu prmerium pmreuimp prmeiumpure mpyleripoiymypmypmtpemr pmrpemmreimiumi pmreimp mirepimrepimpreimp mipppreuimu premium premium premiump remiump reuijm
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