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shit you hate


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i went to the chinese takeaway and got some won tons.. they use dirty oil so they have lots of flavour

and my boy got me the biggest easter egg on earth so i got pudding too

and a multi vitamin for supper

is this supposed to be dirty?

Fucking colds. I just about manage to get a good fitness routine going and then I always get a cold, they always end up dragging on for a couple of weeks at least too.

fuck that shit! I'm only sick durring the swim season. then when there's a break I instantly heal

the chlorine not strong enough

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when you devise a plan of funfilled debauchery for the night and some of your boys decline only to text you at a later point in the night proclaiming their boredom.....wtf? delete contact*

The only thing worse than that is "I'm about to go to a party, I'll hit you up with directions later.". You'll call them a couple hours later and get no answer, and then the next day you ask them about it and they reply; "nigga, that shit was raw!".

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is this supposed to be dirty?

fuck that shit! I'm only sick durring the swim season. then when there's a break I instantly heal

the chlorine not strong enough

Been going gym 3 times a week and BJJ 4 times a week, was just about to add in Judo once a week too. Luckily everything is closed for a few days for easter but I just know I'm going to need to take decongestants so I don't miss too much.

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Waiting in line for the cash machine for half an hour outside a gig to buy tickets for the gig and getting to the cash machine to find that "there are no funds available".

Then trekking to Tesco's to get cashback and finding out solo's aren't fucking accepted and then running in a randomly-notknowingarea-direction to find another cash machine.

Then wondering why the fuck i didn't take out cash from the empty cash machine outside my house one and a half hours ago.

Shit i hate.

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"I could care less"

It's I couldn't care less, ie you don't care at all so you're unable to care any less... I had to make a bar chart to explain this to somone before.

yeah but it sounds iller.

i mean, like you could care more but you decided not to cause it's actually not that much of an issue to you y'know what i mean? i'm pretty sure sometimes (actually most times) people actually mean that they don't give a flying fuck but srsly who actually needs that extra syllable. it's like me going on a big rant when i actually could care less or more or maybe i couldn't care less but srsly i don't know why i am writing this.

so yeah. let this be a lesson.

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i wish my phone didnt have a mailbox

just text me to call you back urgently if i dont pick up

Yeah but if I leave you a message its cause I has something insightful to tell you about and how their is more to my story. Thus the point of you calling me back. What happens if this story is too long for a single text message?

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Also: research essays. I am fine with writing them; it's the research/building the essay I have so much trouble with. God damn I suck at organizing/narrowing that type of thing. I don't know why exactly. If anyone has a link to a guide to that part of the process, I'll +rep.

and procrastinating on shit like that...

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Strollers. When the fuck did strollers start needing infrastructure? Nothing pisses me off worse than seeing someone with a "Hummer" stroller that has cupholders, roll-tops, 18 inch wheels, a proximity alarm, and 14 cu ft of storage attempt to take it on the subway during rush hour.

I weighed 30 pounds at 15 months old. My mom used the same tiny little folding aluminum stroller that everyone else did. Small, compact, light, easy to carry. Why do people find it necessary to spend thousands of dollars on a stroller that's the size of a vespa?! Whatever - if you want to use it to tote your tots around the upper west side all day then have fun. But when that shit is keeping me trapped in the 181st street 1 station for an extra half hour because you take up half an elevator then my patience runs out.

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Microsoft Office Word 2007.

When you click the office icon to open your saved file, but since you are in a new document it just fucking closes because you held down your mouse click for one fucking microsecond too long.FUCK. I hate word and this always fucking happens to me at least once each time I use word. FUCK.

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kids i knew from high school who were never very cool/funny/talented and rightly, were not payed much attention to by girls especially.

then they join the army and make sure we all know about it. they update facebook statuses/pictures every couple of minutes with a bunch of army lingo, truly believing that they have done it now: the high fives and calls to hang out will fall upon them plentifully, a storm of pussy that had previously ignored them in high school lays ominously in their future.

and they end their messages to you like so:

your homie,

PFC George 1/221 Calvary, HHC, Mortar platoon, B section Gun six

INFANTRY FOLLOW ME enjoy it back in the rear my friend


am i an unpatriotic?

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