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The Evolution of Jeans: Pictures, Scones and Tea

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I kinda thought that it could have been caused by putting a bucket on my knee, but that's not possible because the only bucket i have is far larger than the fade and the fade is right where my knee bends (the smaller circle is pretty much right on the kneecap)

it's quite a bit larger than a cd, although the half circle on the whiskers is about cd size

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They're ducks, but whatever. Started wearing them in march. They were prewash (enzymed) black cone selvedge from left field.




Weld burn. It's a small hole, but it burned like hell!


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Awesome jacket Double! Im a sucker for a levis trucker jacket every time. Its amazing just how much punishment a denim jacket can take. Usually the button loops are the first to go on these vintage jackets, but this one is in awesome condition.

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Nice work on those wide-ass combs of the top pair!

*edit, they all look great. Those just jump out at me and I'm impressed you held em through the fades.

Edited by jyoni
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