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The Evolution of Jeans: Pictures, Scones and Tea

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Totally agree. Pairs that go a long time without washes, without fail end up cooler than those that get washed every two weeks or whatever.

I dunno, the holy grail eternals look pretty amazing and those were washed every 4-5 weeks...

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But aren't Eternals really hard to fade? I don't think washing would have as much of an affect on denim that holds its indigo well.

I personally think that Nudie has propagated this idea that you have to wait a really long time before washing your jeans because THEIR OWN jeans lose indigo in water really easily and you don't tend to get good fades on Nudies if you wash them too early.

There are many other brands that do not exhibit this same level of indigo loss. Ryu (I think) also posted a bunch of photos of some 1947 sugarcanes which were also washed every 4-6 weeks and those also turned out sick. Plenty of other people on here have done frequent washings .

For example, 386's samurais which he didnt even keep track of washing:



Full pix here:

So, in conclusion although some jeans may require nasty 8 month stretches of non-washing in order to achieve good fades, as a general rule this is not usually necessary and in the end the quality of your fades is dependent less upon how much you WASH and more on how much you WEAR your jeans. If you go back and read through this thread, many of the more recent posters have waited like 3 months max between washings and still achieve results. Even my samurais (which you can see a few pages back) were washed every 2-6 weeks. I waited 6 weeks for the first wash and probably on average 4 weeks but I wasn't waiting 6 months to wash the things...

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But aren't Eternals really hard to fade? I don't think washing would have as much of an affect on denim that holds its indigo well.

i think so. i think it depends on how hard you wear your jeans, and what jeans you are wearing.

also, another thing people tend to miss is not just how often you wash them, but WHEN you wash them.

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I suppose it's a question of taste. Are you sufficiently interested in impressing strangers on the internet whom you've never met with the super-badassness of your fades even if it means you smell like a homeless man and scare away any possibility of sex you may come across? :)

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I don't understand the 1 year no wash "Grail" stuff. it's not good for the denim, it smells, it's not comfortable, and you get a pair of jeans that look like they belong on a TJ Maxx discount rack because they're totally unrealistic to anything anybody (without knowledge of denim) would create. I guess it is really personal pref, but I really don't get it.

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I personally think that Nudie has propagated this idea that you have to wait a really long time before washing your jeans because THEIR OWN jeans lose indigo in water really easily and you don't tend to get good fades on Nudies if you wash them too early.

There are many other brands that do not exhibit this same level of indigo loss. Ryu (I think) also posted a bunch of photos of some 1947 sugarcanes which were also washed every 4-6 weeks and those also turned out sick. Plenty of other people on here have done frequent washings .

So, in conclusion although some jeans may require nasty 8 month stretches of non-washing in order to achieve good fades, as a general rule this is not usually necessary and in the end the quality of your fades is dependent less upon how much you WASH and more on how much you WEAR your jeans. If you go back and read through this thread, many of the more recent posters have waited like 3 months max between washings and still achieve results. Even my samurais (which you can see a few pages back) were washed every 2-6 weeks. I waited 6 weeks for the first wash and probably on average 4 weeks but I wasn't waiting 6 months to wash the things...

Yes, nice post. I agree 100%, this no-washing business is over-hyped, and most people are just relaying things that were told to them. Wash your jeans when you want, I gaurentee you'll pull more girls with clean, nice smelling jeans as opposed to 1 yr no wash dirty ass holey nudies lol.

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i would say the pics exagerrate the contrast a wee bit but more or less accurate

5 months one wash after being mega drunk + getting pee on them at my roommates birthday

edit:btw theyre new standards

wow nice!

turned out nice props.

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I'll make one more statement and then shut up:

If you guys think anyone back in the day when denim was workwear, in the period that produced all the gorgeous jeans we all covet, waited 6 months before washing then you're all on crack.


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blm14 hit the nail on the head. If you are wearing shitty denimz, then you can't wash or they loose too much colour. That's why Nudie et al all look good with minimum washing, because they loose so much when you do.

If you are wearing good quality jeans, then there is nothing wrong with washing them when they are dirty. I'm not saying washing them after 3 months, if you have only worn the 3 times, but if you have put then hours into them, and it's good quality denim, then wash them nasty things for christ sakes!

That's why denim is so special, everyone gets different results from different types of wear/wash patterns/climates/etc. There is no formular, just do your own thing.

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wow nice!

turned out nice props.

I can wear my jeans forever and I don't stink them. And i have a girl friend and i get good beej

dude you can't smell yourself... just like you can't smell the alcohol when your drunk but you reek of it

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That's why denim is so special, everyone gets different results from different types of wear/wash patterns/climates/etc. There is no formular, just do your own thing.

Props on this statement, bro. What fun would it be if we all wore our jeans in the same way for the same periods!? BORING! Look at that japanese magazine everyone on here is all sweating... There's jeans in there that were worn after EACH WASH and still look dope.

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buy the pbj xx-008! ive been wearing mine for 3 months and they have yet to pick up any smells.. damn ns start to smell after 2 weeks

at the flagship store in harajuku, you could see a pair of 008s that was worn a year straight without a wash. and it does look very good.

i think there's pretty much no doubt that in the long run, less wash = more contrasty fade. but you're also risking weakening the fabric by allowing mold and stuff to grow in it. and as others are saying different people have different preferences. and as repeatedly mentioned, different denim fades at a different pace and washes indigo off at different volume.

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I've only had two pairs of raw denim so far, the first pair was some shitty band that was a present and I washed them whenever and they just bled like crazy and gave horrible fades. Second pair is nudides (-_- I know don't flame me) I'm assuming its the same with these so I'm going to wear them for as long as possible without washing. Also if your really keen on wearing your jeans for a year with no wash you can use febreeze or perfume/cologne or something to make them smell better. From past experience sometimes if you just air them out they smell better too.

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I've only had two pairs of raw denim so far, the first pair was some shitty band that was a present and I washed them whenever and they just bled like crazy and gave horrible fades. Second pair is nudides (-_- I know don't flame me) I'm assuming its the same with these so I'm going to wear them for as long as possible without washing. Also if your really keen on wearing your jeans for a year with no wash you can use febreeze or perfume/cologne or something to make them smell better. From past experience sometimes if you just air them out they smell better too.

Putting Febreeze and cologne on your jeans is link doing the same with a stinking pair of shoes, it never gets rid of the smell, just blends in with it, leaving your jeans smelling even more strange.

There are two ways to get rid of the dank. Hang them outside. If they are bad, make it over night or a few days. If they still smell nasty enough that even you can't stand them, then wash them. Easy.

P.S. Hold out on the Nudies, you will only get a few washes before they are washed out, so make them good ones!

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You CAN get great results and wash frequently, but I'm of the opinion that the results would be greater if washed infrequently. I like high contrast fades, but I know that's not everyone's bag.

Eternal 811, almost 7 months. Soaked about a month ago (Which totally contradicts the above statement).



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